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1、二一一 二一二 学年度第 二 学期 备 课 本单位 王口镇第二小学 年级 五年级 学科 英语 姓名 王玉霞 教 学 进 度 表 2011-2012 学年 第二 学期 英语 学科日期周次课时教 学 内 容备 注2012-2-1313 Unit 1 Do you like young animals?Lesson 1lesson 32-2023Lesson 4lesson 62-2733Unit 2 They are hens and chicks.Lesson 7lesson 93-0543Lesson 10lesson 123-1253Unit 3 Welcome to our school!

2、 Lesson 13lesson 153-1963Unit 5 How much is it? Lesson 16lesson 183-26 73Fun Time 14-0283Revision 14-0993Revision 24-16103Unit 4 Is there a library in your class?Lesson 19lesson 214-23113Lesson 22lesson 245-07123Unit 5 How much is it?Lesson 25lesson 275-14133Lesson 28lesson 305-21143Unit 6 Whats wro

3、ng with you?Lesson 31lesson 335-28153Lesson 34lesson 366-04163Fun Time 26-11173Revision 16-18183Revision 26-22193Revision 36-25203Revision 4学情分析表班 级五年级任课教师李明学科英语分析时间2012-2-14学生基本情况班级人数44男27女17优秀生数10男2女8潜能生数9男7女2目前学生学习本学科的基本情况及存在的主要问 题目前本班中两级分化现象较为严重,绝大部分女生基础好、学习习惯好,学习积极性较高。而很多男生学习习惯不好,经常不写作业,懒惰,学习兴趣

4、不高,基础差。特殊学生姓名及其表 现 张卫鑫 刘伟 刘红健 李成帅 梁永浩 这些学生经常不完成作业转入学生学习情况无转入生努力方向及措施本学期主要朝着使本班男生大批量的转化,提高学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯。帮助他们改掉自身的不足,提高学习成绩。严慈相济,耐心教导。人教新版小学五年级下册教案第1单元主备教师:王玉霞 备课时间:2012年1月12日星期四 使用教师:*Unit 1 Do you like young animals?单元教学目标与要求言语技能目标 1.能够询问他人一些有关动物的表达法。2.能够区分并用英语向被人介绍不同的动物,包括部分动物的成年和幼仔的名称。3.能够在适当的

5、情景中运用所学知识,获取未知信息传递新信息。 语言知识目标1.能够正确听,说,认读以下单词: foal , calf , kid , lamb, cub , joey 2. 能够正确的听,读,说以下单词: a , horse, cow, monkey, goat, sheep, rabbit, bird, lion, tiger, elephant, mouse 3.能够正确的听,读,写以下句子 What do you call it? We call it a foal. What can we call it? We can call it a cub. 4.能够正确听,读,写以下句子 W

6、hats this in English? Its a horse. Whats this in English? Its a goat. Is this a tiger? Yes, it is. Is that a lion? No, it isnt.5.能正确说唱3个chants,对/ai/,/i/,d三个因素的发音准确、清晰。情感态度目标:1.进一步提高学生对英语的学习热情,增强学习兴趣。2.培养学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模仿。3.通过本课的学习培养学生爱护小动物的良好品质。学习策略目标:1.能够在学习和课堂活动中集中注意力1520分钟。2.通过本课的学习培养学生良好的观

7、察力、对比能力并能区分不同动物的成年及幼崽。文化意识目标: 注意汉英两种语言中对幼小动物的不同称呼方式:英语中很多小动物有专有的名称作称呼,而不是在名称前加“小”(small). Lesson 1 教学目标: 知识目标: Master new sentences:What do you call it in English? Whats this in English? 能力目标:1. Recite this dialogue. 2. Use the new knowledge in real life. 情感目标:Educate them to be friendly to the anim

8、als. 教学重难点: 重点 New sentences.难点 The new dialogue. 课前准备:recorder cards pictures 课时安排:1课时 个 性 修 改教 学 过 程教学过程:Step one warming-up Sing English songs : AnimalsStep two Presentation 1 The students introduce they like the animals. 2 Show them a picture and introduce : There is a baby sheep over there. Wha

9、t do you call it in English? We call it a calf. 3 Do you like animals and listen to the tape. 4 Look at your books and listen to the recorder. 5 Read after it and then drill the new sentences: 6 Read it in groups.Step three practice 1 Act out this dialogue. 2 Make a new dialogue.Step four Homework1

10、Recite this dialogue.2 Copy the new words and sentences. 3 Do exercise-book.板书设计: Lesson 1 There is a baby sheep over there.What s this in English? It a cow.教学反思Practice安排为表演和编写新的对话,在实际操作中难度较大,学生还没能完全消化所学的知识,没有熟练运用的能力。 Lesson 2教学目标: 知识目标: Learn the pattern: 1 Whats this in English? 2 Lets read and c

11、hant to learn b . 能力目标:They can introduce the animals. Write new words and sentences. 情感目标:Love the animals. 教学重难点: 重点 The new words.难点 How to ask the animals?课前准备:Pictures recorder flags课时安排:1课时教 学 过 程Step one warming 1. Recite Lesson 1 2. Chain games: Say some animals names.Step two Presentation1

12、Listen to the tape- recorder; 2.Ask some questions and help them to answer.3 Its a horse. We call it a foal. (就划线提问)We can call it a foal.4 Look at the pictures and study the new words.Step three Practice 1 Play a game 2 Make the cards and show, then let them say the animals names.3 Do the exercises.4 Lets read and chantStep four Homework


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