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1、1C5/6 人工颈椎间盘置换后 C3/4 椎间孔形态改变的生物力学研究作者:杨红波,李康华,李雄,李思鸿【摘要 】 目的 了解 C5/6 髓核摘除、人工颈椎间盘置换对 C3/4椎间孔形态改变的影响,探讨出现变化的机制,为颈椎退行性疾病治疗方法的选择提供理论依据。方法 取 11 具新鲜青壮年尸体颈椎标本,包括 C3T1 节段。将位移传感器置入 C3/4 椎间孔内,在颈椎标本上施加轴向(0160N ) 、同侧弯(0 1.5Nm ) 、对侧弯(01.5Nm) 、后伸(01.5Nm) 、前屈(01.5Nm)分级载荷,分别测量 C5/6 椎间盘完整组、C5/6 椎间盘髓核摘除组和 C5/6 人工颈椎间盘

2、置换组,C3/4 椎间孔高度、宽度和 ROV。比较各组高度、宽度和 ROV 的变化。实验数据采用 SPSS13 for windows 统计软件进行统计学分析,检验水准为 0.05。结果 (1)C5/6 椎间盘完整组、C5/6 椎间盘髓核摘除组和 C5/6 人工颈椎间盘置换组在轴向、同侧弯、后伸三种工况下 150N 或 1.5Nm 负载时的椎间孔高度和宽度都显著性减少,差异有显著性(P0.05); 在对侧弯、屈曲工况下 150N 或 1.5Nm 负载时椎间孔高度和宽度增大,差异有显著性(P0.05 ) 。 (2 )在轴向、后伸、同侧弯三种工况相同载荷下,椎间盘髓核摘除组 C3/4 椎间孔高度和

3、宽度负载前后 ROV大于椎间盘完整组和人工椎间盘置换组,差异有显著性2(P0.05) 。结论 (1)应用生物力学方法,研究 C5/6 人工颈椎间盘置换、椎间盘髓核摘除、对 C3/4 椎间孔孔径改变的影响:C5/6 人工颈椎间盘置换后其变化范围与完整组相近; 椎间盘髓核摘除后其变化范围增大。 (2)初步证明人工颈椎间盘置换能恢复置换节段椎间盘功能,对 C3/4 椎间孔孔径变化无不良影响。 (3)颈椎间孔高度和宽度:屈曲、对侧弯时增大,轴向、后伸、同侧弯时减小。 【关键词】 颈椎;椎间盘;椎间盘摘除;生物力学;人工椎间盘The biomechanical research on the chang

4、es of C3/4 morphologica after C5/6 cervical artificial disc replacemen【Abstract】 Objective To reveal the morphological changes of C3/4 intervertebral foramena after the extirpation of vertebral pulp and the replacement of artificial cervical intervertebral disc, and explore the mechanism in order to

5、 provide the academic evidence for choice of the therapy of cervical intervertebral disc degeneration.Methods There were 311 fresh examples obtained from mens cervical vertebra, including the segments of C3 to T1. The displacement pick-up was put into C3/4 intervertebral space and axis pressure (016

6、0N) homolateral-bending (01.5Nm), oppositeside-bending (01.5Nm), back-extending (01.5Nm) and anteflexion (01.5Nm) were respectively loaded. After having measured the morphological changes of C3/4 intervertebral foramena in C5/6 intergrity group, discectomy group and replaced group, the changes in di

7、fferent groups were compared. The experimental data was analyzed by SPSS13 for windows software and the size of test was a=0.05.Results The height and width of intervertebral foramena in C5/6 intergrity group, discectomy group and replaced group decreased under the loading of 75N or 0.75Nm than thos

8、e under the loading of 150N or 1.5Nm in the circumstances of axial-bending, homolateral-bending and back-extending. But in the opposite side-bending and inflexion, the height and width increased under the loading of 75N or 0.75Nm than those under the loading of 150N or 1.5Nm. The differences had sta

9、tistical significance (P0.05). It had statistical meaning that under the same loading of axial-bending, back-bending and homolateral-bending. The ROV in height and 4width of C3/4 intervertebral foramena before or after loading in the discectomy group having vertebral pulp removed were increased than

10、 those in the intergrity group and the replaced group (P0.05). Conclusion There is no difference between C5/6 ADR and integrity groups, but there is significant difference between the integrity group and discectomy group. The artificial disc has the function of disc functional reconstruction. and ha

11、s no bad effect on the C3/4 intervertebral foraminal pore size. The intervertebral foramina change greatly under different positions: enlarged in flexion and opposite side-bending, diminished in axis, back-bending and homolateral-bending.【Key words】 Cervical vertebra; intervertebral disk; excision o

12、f intervertebral disk; vitodynamics; artificial intervertebral disk颈椎间孔是颈椎重要解剖结构。除第一椎间孔外,颈 27 椎间5孔是由上下以及前后四壁构成。上下壁分别为上一椎骨的椎下切迹和上一椎骨的椎上切迹;前壁为椎体后面侧部的下半、椎间盘后外侧面和钩椎关节;后壁为椎间关节囊。椎间孔是椎管侧方的窗口,神经根从硬膜囊发出,通过椎间孔离开椎管。神经根与椎间孔及其周围软组织的解剖关系十分密切,椎间孔狭窄可导致神经根的卡压,椎间盘蜕变,高度丢失是引起椎间孔形态改变的主要原因。颈椎退行性疾病的外科治疗包括非手术治疗和手术治疗,经严格的保守

13、治疗无效后可以采用手术治疗,传统的手术方式有:前路椎间盘摘除减压术、颈椎前路减压融合术等。前路椎间盘摘除减压术摘除突出的椎间盘,解除因突出而出现的神经定位症状。但是,椎间盘手术后改变了颈椎生物力学环境,并且术后髓核纤维环等无法再生容易出现椎间隙的高度丢失,颈椎的曲度改变、椎间孔的高度变小,小关节突的压力增大而蜕变,形成恶性循环使临床症状复发。而颈椎前路减压融合术牺牲了病变节段的活动度,导致邻近节段的代偿活动增加,发生融合节段上下运动节段的蜕变加速。因此,传统手术的远期疗效一直不尽如人意。近年来,用人工椎间盘替代蜕变的颈椎间盘成为脊柱外科的研究热点。国内外研究发现 Bryan 人工椎间盘植入后能

14、恢复椎间高度、保留置换节段的活动。但尚未见运用人工椎间盘置换后对邻近椎间孔形态改变的生物力学实验研究。本实验研究拟通过测量轴向、前6屈、侧弯、后伸分级载荷下,C5/6 椎间盘完整时、椎间盘髓核摘除后及人工椎间盘置换后 C3/4 椎间孔形态改变,了解人工椎间盘置换对 C3/4 椎间孔形态的影响和作用,为人工椎间盘置换进一步提供生物力学方面的理论依据。1 材料与方法1.1 实验材料 急性脑死亡青壮年尸体颈段标本 11 具。取材时间均在死后 1h 内,其中男 9 例,女 2 例,标本节段包括 C3T1 椎体及其椎间盘。肉眼及 X 线观察以排除标本无畸形、退行性病变及骨折、肿瘤、结核、炎症和明显骨质疏

15、松等结构性破坏。双层塑料袋密封包裹标本妥当后置-70深低温冰箱冷冻保存。标本冷冻保存时间6 个月,实验前 48h 取出置 4冰箱中解冻 24h,然后在室温下解冻 24h。标本剔除椎旁肌肉及其筋膜组织,处理过程中保留所有的韧带、椎间盘及关节囊的完整。1.2 实验标本分组 实验标本按照测试的先后顺序分为 C5/6 椎间盘完整组、C5/6 椎间盘摘除模型组和 C5/6 Bryan 颈人工椎间盘置换模型组,共三组,以下分别简称完整组、摘除组和置换组。1.3 生物力学测试方案 测试原理及信号传递流程见图 1。71.4 实验步骤 实验技术路线流程见图 2。1.5 统计学方法 采用 SPSS 13 for windows 统计软件进行统计学分析。检验水准 =0.05。相邻上位椎间孔高度和宽度以及变化范围(ROV)为数值型变量,按上述 C5/6 颈椎间盘完整、椎间盘摘除和 Bryan 颈人工椎间盘置换 3 种状态分为三组。轴向、同侧弯及对



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