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1、沪教版2020届中考英语一模试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分) Once a young man was travelling by train. It was a long and boring journey.As the train was moving across a wilderness(荒野), the passengers looked out of the windows quietly. When the train reached a bend(转弯处),it1and a simple house appeared.

2、It was so easy to notice that everybody on the train turned to enjoy with eyes wide open. Some passengers began a discussion about it. The young man was also 2 by the scenery. On his return he3 the train at the nearest station and found his way to the house. Its owner said that he was troubled by th

3、e 4 of the train. He wanted to sell the house,but nobody would buy it.Soon the young man spent 30,000 dollars on the 5 . He thought it was a good place for6 because it was facing the railway bend. When the train moved slowly past, the7 passengers would be very interested in the house.He tried to con

4、nect with some big companies and told them that could be used for advertisements. 8 the Coca-Cola Company took it to put up their signs. To everyones surprise, the young man was 9 180,000dollars for a three-year rent.This is a true story. It tells us that discovery is very important to10(1)A . fell

5、behind B . dropped off C . slowed down D . rushed out (2)A . attracted B . frightened C . trapped D . attacked (3)A . got on B . looked for C . got off D . waited for (4)A . track B . conductor C . passenger D . noise (5)A . room B . place C . house D . land (6)A . advertisements B . Information C .

6、 relaxing D . travelling (7)A . excited B . tired C . surprised D . worried (8)A . Since then B . At last C . At least D . So far (9)A . shown B . allowed C . offered D . returned (10)A . success B . confidence C . activity D . invention 二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共23分)3. (10分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。A girl told her mom ev

7、erything was going wrong for her, and that she always failed her math exam so that she wouldnt like to study at allAfter hearing the daughters words, the nice and patient mother thought of a good way to make her daughter happy“I will make a delicious cake for you,” said the momShe walked into the ki

8、tchen, and the daughter followed with herWhen the mom prepared the cooking utensils (炊具) and ingredients(原料), the daughter sat against the kitchen door, watching herHer mom asked her, “My dear, would you like a piece of cake?” The daughter replied, “Sure, Mom! You know how I love cake!” “All right,”

9、 the mom said, “drink some of this cooking oil” The daughter was very surprised and said, “What? No way!” “How about some raw (生的) eggs?” asked the mom and the daughter answered, “No way!” “How about some flour (面粉)?” “No, Mom! I will be sick!”The mother explained, “All of these are uncooked and tas

10、te bad, but if you put them together, they will make a delicious cakeLife works the same wayWhen we ask ourselves why there are so many difficult times, we dont realize what a success these terrible events will lead us toHaving a great day also means having a great CAKE! Keep the hope and one day yo

11、ur day is A PIECE OF CAKE!”(1)What does the girl do?A . A cookB . An actressC . A student(2)The girl saw her mom_ in the kitchenA . do the dishesB . make a cakeC . have dinner(3)At first, the mother let the girl_A . eat some flourB . break some raw eggsC . drink some cooking oil(4)The mom thinks tha

12、t there will be a success at last after _A . someone has difficult timesB . someone enjoys himselfC . someone has a great cake(5)What do you think of the mom?A . She is kind of sillyB . She is nice and patientC . She is too strict with her daughter4. (5分)阅读理解Xiao Baiyou is a 47-year-old Chinese busi

13、nessman. He has four children. (1)He wrote a book on how he educated children. He controlled almost everything in his childrens livesfrom TV cartoons, pocket money to after-class activities. (2)They will be beaten if they fail in the tests. With the Wolf Dads educating method(方法), three of the child

14、ren were successful in entering famous universities.Not long ago, Amy Chua, a Chinese American, became famous as the Tiger Mother. She was very strict with her kids. She believed that her kids succeeded because of her strictness and even beating.Both the Tiger Mother and the Wolf Dad are popular among the Chinese parents. But not all the parents agree with their way of educating children. Some think they are so strict with the children(3)_ they will be afraid school life and family life. It is not good for their development or creativity(创造力).


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