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1、 Exercises Exercises Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Structure of the Text Structure of the Text Unit 1 ExercisesExercises Vocabulary Vocabulary Cloze Cloze Translation Translation 1 Unit 1 Reading comprehensionReading comprehension 1 1 According According to to the the first first four

2、four paragraphs paragraphs what what has has made made people become members of certain communities people become members of certain communities People s People s jobs jobs or or professions professions have have made made them them become become members of certain communities members of certain com

3、munities ReferenceReferenceEx I Ex I p 5p 5 2 2 2 According According to to paragraph paragraph 6 6 how how has has the the sense sense of of community community changed in the past few years changed in the past few years In In the the past past few few years years people people have have transferre

4、d transferred the the major major portion portion of of their their lives lives from from home home to to office office Thus Thus the the sense sense of of community has shifted from neighborhood to munity has shifted from neighborhood to workplace ReferenceReference Unit 1 Reading comprehensionRead

5、ing comprehension 3 In In modern modern society society people people are are busy busy with with their their work work and and spend spend most most part part of of their their time time in in their their workplaces workplaces The The towns towns where where they they are are living living become b

6、ecome the the places places only only for for sleeping sleeping ReferenceReference Unit 1 Reading comprehensionReading comprehension 3 3 According According to to the the first first four four paragraphs paragraphs what what has has made made people become members of certain communities people becom

7、e members of certain communities 4 The The afternoon afternoon gathering gathering for for friends friends to to have have a a casual casual conversation conversation and and to to sip sip coffee coffee which which was was popular popular in in the the fifties fifties has has also also been been enj

8、oyed enjoyed by by people people in in the the eighties eighties during their break at work during their break at work ReferenceReference Unit 1 Reading comprehensionReading comprehension 4 4 What What does does the the author author mean mean when when she she says says The The kaffeklatsch kaffekl

9、atsch of of the the fifties fifties is is the the coffee coffee break break of of the the eighties eighties Para 9 Para 9 5 The The sense sense of of community community has has not not only only shifted shifted from from our our neighborhood neighborhood to to our our workplace workplace but but al

10、so also stretched stretched to to the the profession we enter profession we enter ReferenceReference Unit 1 Reading comprehensionReading comprehension 5 5 What does paragraph 11 imply What does paragraph 11 imply 6 The The immigrant immigrant grandparents grandparents came came to to America America

11、 with with their their original original ethnic ethnic identities identities They They assumed assumed they they had had something something in in common common with with people people from from their their native native countries countries and and they they tried tried to to seek seek out out their

12、 their connections connections with with their old countries their old countries ReferenceReference Unit 1 Reading comprehensionReading comprehension 6 6 According According to to the the author author what what kind kind of of experience experience did did the the immigrant grandparents have Para 1

13、2 immigrant grandparents have Para 12 7 When When people people move move from from place place to to place place to to have have different different professions professions they they seem seem to to identify identify themselves themselves with with their their professions professions ReferenceRefer

14、ence Unit 1 Reading comprehensionReading comprehension 7 7 Why Why is is the the realignment realignment of of community community most most obvious obvious among among the mobile professions Para 12 the mobile professions Para 12 8 The shifting identity makes the author uncomfortable The shifting i

15、dentity makes the author uncomfortable ReferenceReference Unit 1 Reading comprehensionReading comprehension 8 8 What makes the author feel uncomfortable Para 13 What makes the author feel uncomfortable Para 13 9 Ex II p 5Ex II p 5 1 1 Introduction Paras 1 4 Introduction Paras 1 4 2 2 Body Paras 5 12

16、 Body Paras 5 12 3 3 Conclusion Paras 13 14 Conclusion Paras 13 14 Text OutlineText Outline Unit 1 Structure of the textStructure of the text 10 1 1 Introduction Paras 1 4 Introduction Paras 1 4 Everyone Everyone of of us us belongs belongs to to a a certain certain community community owing owing to to Text OutlineText Outline our professions our professions Unit 1 Structure of the textStructure of the text 11 2 2 Body Paras 5 12 Body Paras 5 12 1 1 Our sense of community has changed from Our s



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