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1、2019-2020年八年级上学期期中调研测试英语试卷 时间:80 分钟 满分:120 分 第一部分:听力一 听力理解。A. 听句子,根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的答案回答问题。并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题前的括号内。每小题听一遍。( ).1.What game di Peter win? A. tennis dame B. ping pong game C.soccer game( ).2. What does the speaker talk about? A. game show B. talk show C. talent show( ).3.Who has a lot

2、 of money ? A.the young man B. the tall man C.the old man( ).4.What did the boy do last Monday? A. had a math test B. had a party C.had an art test( ).5.Who is the tallest and thinnest in the class ? A. Jim B. Tim C.TomB. 听对话。根据所听对话内容,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号写在题前的括号内。每段对话听两遍。( )6What dose Mr. Gre

3、en think is the best in that restaurant? A . The music. B. The mesl. C The aet.( )7.When will they meet tomorrow? A AT 6:30. B. AT 7:20. C AT 7:30.( )8.Where are they going? A To the park. B. To the fruit shop. C To the mountain.( )9.What does David think of the soap opera yesterday evening? A He di

4、dnt mind it. B. It was very interesting. C 、He couldnt stand it.( )10.Why is the boy very happy? A Because he passed the math test. B. Because he got a good prize. C Because he had a good time.( )11.What does Susan think of the movie? A It was the exciting. B. She couldnstand it C It touched her hea

5、rt.( )12.Where is Tony going? A To the dentist. B. To the park . C To the library( )13.What did lisa do last Sunday aftertoon? A . She went shopping. B. She did her homework. C She went to the park.( )14.Who is Helen? A Lisas sister B. Lisas cousin C Lisas aunt.( )15.What does Lisa think Helens pict

6、ures? A They are very beautiful. B. They are very special. C They are very funny. C.听短文。请根据所听内容,在每个小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案。并将其字母编号写在提前的括号内。短文听两遍。( )16.Where does Grace e from? A Australia. B. Canada. C Singapore.( )17.How many restaurants are there in Graces town? A Two. B.There. Four.( )18.How ar

7、e the seats in Jacks Restaurant? A Smaller but more fortable. B. Cleaner but less fortable. C Smaller but more beautiful.( )19.How is the food in Toms Restaurant? A Most expensive . B. More delicious. Cheaper.( )20.What in Toms Restaurant is better than that in Jacks Restaurent? A The service. B.The

8、 drink. C The seats. 二、选择题(共25分)( )21、Did you go _ your parents?A、shopping with B.shopping to C.shop with D.shop to( )22._ you _ any photos last week? A. Do;make B.Did;take C.Did;took D.Did ;make( )23.-_ was your weekend? -It was great. A. What B.How C.When D.How about( )24.We dont have _ money to b

9、uy such a big house. A.enough B. some C. little D.any( )25.The girl is very lazy, so shes _ late for school. A. hardly ever B.sometimes C.never D. often( )26.-Whats your favorite _? -Animal World.A.vegetables B.food C.subject D.program( )27.Drinking milk _ your health. A.is good to B.is good for C.b

10、e good for D.be bad for( )28.A _ lifestyle helps you to keep in good _. A.health;healthy B.health;health C.healthy;health D.healthy;healthy( )29.That is Sally,_ -_.Its Sarah. A.does it;No,it doesnt B.isnt it ;No,it isnt C.doesnt it ;Yes,it does D.is it;Yes,it is( )30.Tom wants to join the club and l

11、earns _ about the guitar. A.new something B.anything new C.something new D.new anything( )31. Im different _ my brother.Im calm,but hes wild. A.to B. for C.from D.as( )32.-Why do you like Jim to be your friend? -Because he _ sports but I am not.A.is good in B.is good with C.is good at D.does well at

12、( )33.Jackie Chan is one of _ movie stars in China. A. the most popular B. popular C.more popular D.most popular( )34.What do you think of tall show_? A.yes B.I dont mind C.no problem D.no( )35.Everyone is good at something,but some people are _ talented. A. true B.truth C.more true D.truly( )36.Its

13、 not _ you to tell me how to do my job. A.up with B.up for C.up to D.up by( )37.I like _ sports shows .I _ them every day. A.towatch;watching B.to watch;watch C.watching,;watchingD. watching;watches( )38.-What do you think of sits? -_ I never watch them. A.Theyre great! B.I cant stand them .C.I dont mind them. D.I like watching them.( )39.I have to find someone to _.A.take place of Jennys B. take the places of JennysC.take Jennys place D. take J


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