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1、2019-2020年中考英语阅读组合训练(1)含答案【完型填空】Billys favorite color was orange. But he couldnt see what orange looked like. A month after he was born, his mother noticed that his eyes werent as 1 as a normal babys. “Billy would 2 be able to see. He is blind.” The doctor said. Even so, with the hope to help Billy

2、learn 3 about the world around him, his mother kept describing everything she saw for him. Not just through his mothers words, Billy saw 4 his ears and hands, too. He had perfect hearing. “In fact, he 5 see many things that normal people dont notice.” 6 Billy lived in the dark, he always believed a

3、dream would light up his life. He found that he was 7 in puter science. So he began learning it at seven years old. As a young boy, he 8 going to Stanford University some day. And for years of efforts, he finally achieved his dream.Many people wanted to find out the secret of his 9 . Billy explained

4、, “Just move forward! Dont let any difficulty 10 your dream from ing true.”You cannot choose what you are given, but you can choose how you make use of it.1. A. bigB. biggerC. biggestD. the biggest2. A. noB. oftenC. never D. usually3. A. allB. noneC. neitherD. both4. A. betweenB. withoutC. amongD. w

5、ith5. A. needB. canC. mustD. should6. A. OrB. IfC. AlthoughD. Before7. A. boredB. worriedC. kind D. interested8. A. looked throughB. looked forC. looked forward toD. looked up9. A. successB. smileC. troubleD. eyes 10. A. wakeB. preventC. leaveD. throw【阅读理解】 Last summer, after 16 years in America, I

6、travelled to Moscow where I grew up. I was the first in my family to return. Mom gave me a hand-drawn map showing the location of my grandfathers grave(坟墓). She asked me to visit it. I promised her it would be the first thing Id do. But it wasnt until a day before I was leaving that I found time to

7、visit. By the entrance to the cemetery(公墓), a lady was selling flowers. She had only seven left. I bought them all, but it was then that I realized the map was lost and never found. I could call my mom. It was already morning in New York.But the problem was that I had already told her Id gone to the

8、 cemetery. What was I going to say? That I decided to go again but lost the map? Then I found the office. An old woman searched the records and found two Abraham Pikarskis with no further details. I set off to look for them, hoping that at least one would have a picture on the stone. I found the two

9、 graves. Both said Abraham Pikarski, no pictures, nothing else. Which grave was mine? I put three flowers on the grave in front of me and went back to the first one. I also put three flowers there. I stood there with the last flower. Which Abraham Pikarski should it go to? Should I just discard it s

10、o that each Abraham Pikarski got an equal number? Finally, I put the flower on the grave. If this is really my grandfathers, he got the most. If not, let this be a respect to the stranger. I flew home to New York the next day. When Mom saw me, she started crying. “Mom, its only been a week.” She sai

11、d, “Son, thank you for visiting Grandfathers grave. It really means so much to me. When you called and told me you went there, I thought you were just forting me. But this morning, my cousin called from Moscow, saying she saw your flowers on your grandpas grave.” Should I ask her how many flowers he

12、r cousin saw? Three or four? 1. Why didnt the writer call Mom for the location of his grandfathers grave? A. Because it was midnight in New York. B. Because he found the hand-drawn map. C. Because he didnt want Mom to know he broke his promise. D. Because his mom didnt know where Grandfathers grave

13、was.2. The writers mother cried because _. A. she missed her father so much B. she hadnt seen her son for a week C. the writer visited his grandfathers grave for her D. the writer put four flowers on his grandfathers grave3. In which situation does the writer have no difficulty making a decision? A.

14、 How to deal with the last flower. B. Whether to visit his grandfathers grave. C. Whether to phone Mom for the graves location. D. Whether to ask Mom how many flowers her cousin saw. 4. This passage shows the writers character mostly through the use of _. A. description of his thoughts and actions B

15、. his long dialogues with other people C. description of his looks and personality D. other peoples thoughts about him【阅读表达】 When people in Chinese cities go back home after school or work,they usually see guards(门卫)at the gates of their munitiesIts a gated munity,which is mon in ChinaOnly people who live there can go inside freely,and only their cars can pass through the gatesBu


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