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1、人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期末检测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单词拼读 (共1题;共1分)1. (1分)be she say egg_ (找出元音发音相同的词) 二、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)2. (2分)The light in the office is still on.Oh, I forgot _.A . turning it offB . turn it offC . to turn it offD . having turned it off3. (2分)_ cups of water are there on the table?Fou

2、r.A . How muchB . How oftenC . How longD . How many4. (2分)Can you speak_?Of course. My mother is a_.A . Russia; RussiaB . Russia; RussianC . Russian; RussianD . Russian; Russia5. (2分)Could I swim here?_. Look at the sign NO SWIMMING.A . No, you couldntB . Certainly, you couldC . Sorry, please dontD

3、. Of course, you can6. (2分)Does my question sound enough?I dont think so. You can ask more _by using “could” instead of “can” .A . polite; politelyB . politely; politelyC . politely; politeD . polite; polite7. (2分)The rope is not _, so wed better use wire. A . enough strongB . strong enoughC . long

4、enoughD . enough long8. (2分)He swimming very much but his brother to go fishing. A . enjoys; enjoysB . enjoys; likesC . likes; likeD . likes; enjoys9. (2分) _? They are playing football.A . What are they doingB . What do they doC . How are theyD . Where are they playing10. (2分)The little boy is healt

5、hy, _ he is happy, too.A . andB . butC . or11. (2分)Judy, did you take your_? Yes, I have a fever. What should I do?A . troubleB . orderC . matterD . temperature三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)12. (10分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective?We all know that C

6、hinese students usually study very 1for a long time. This is very good, but it doesnt 2a lot, for an effective student must have enough sleep, enough food and enough exercise. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. Its 3for your study. When you return to y

7、our studies, your mind will be refreshed (清醒的) and youll 4more and study better.Psychologists (心理学家) have 5that learning takes place in this way. Here take English learning as a(n) 6. First you make a lot of progress and you feel happy. Then your language study seems to 7the same. So you will think

8、youre learning nothing and you may 8. This can last for days or even weeks. Yet you neednt give up. At some point your language study will again take another big 9. Youll see that you really have been learning all along.If you get enough sleep, food and exercise, studying can be very effective and 1

9、0. And dont give up along the way. Learn slowly and youre sure to get a good result.(1)A . easily B . hard C . difficultly (2)A . help B . give C . take (3)A . good B . healthy C . bad (4)A . eat B . learn C . sleep (5)A . found B . taught C . told (6)A . excuse B . reason C . example (7)A . become

10、B . make C . stay (8)A . set off B . take off C . give up (9)A . work B . jump C . walk (10)A . important B . common C . interesting 四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)13. (8分)阅读理解 On a small farm in Mexico(墨西哥), there is no school. A bus is a school! The driver of the bus is the teacher!It is a school bus, but it d

11、oes not take the children to school. It just goes around from place to place, and sometimes it comes to the farm. The bus always stays there for three months. The farmers call it a school on wheels. In the morning, the bus comes to the farm, and the teacher teaches the children aged from eight to te

12、n. In the afternoon, the children aged from eleven to fifteen come to have their lessons because they have to work in the morning. In the evening, the fathers and mothers come to have their lessons. They all like the school bus, but all the people on the farm hope they can have a real school some da

13、y. (1)How long does the bus always stay on the farm? A . For two months.B . For three months.C . For four months.D . For five months.(2)The underlined word “wheels” means “_” in Chinese. A . 轮船B . 房屋C . 车轮D . 田野(3)Who comes to have lessons in the evening? A . The children aged from 8 to 10.B . The c

14、hildren aged from 11 to 15.C . The fathers and mothers.D . The grandfathers and grandmothers.(4)Which is TRUE? A . The story happens on a farm in New York.B . The children on the farm dont like to study.C . People on the farm dont like the school bus.D . People on the farm hope they can have a real school.14. (10分)阅读理解Afternoo



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