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1、2019年牛津英语小学六年级上Unit1-Unit2练习笔试部分(认真审题,仔细答题是成功的法宝!)一、选出下列划线部分发音不同的单词( ) 1A. year B. bear C. near D hear( ) 2A.was B.cage C.date D race( ) 3A. pick B. public C.sign Dlitter( ) 4A. sweater B. breakfast C. head D mean( ) 5A. around B. ground C. brown D. yellow( ) 6. A. question B.collect C. present D. t

2、hese( ) 7. A. grass B.past C.ask D.wash( ) 8. A.note B.ago C.moment D.costume二、词组互译1. 禁止停车 _ 2一份生日礼物 _3. 刚才 _ 4三副眼镜_5. 十月二日 _ 6一个有趣的公共标志_7.一本令人激动的书_ 8. 寻找他们的老师_9.make noise _ 10. pick up the note_11. blow out the candles_12. in December_三、选择填空。( )1.Dont speak loudly . _, please.A. No smoking B. No p

3、arking C. Be quiet D. No littering( )2. The students are _ the race now.A . looking at . seeing . watching D look( )3. _ your sister at home two days ago?A. Was B. Were C. Are D Is( )4.It is cold._ your coat.A. Wash B. Take off C. Take on D. Put on( )5.No parking_ we shouldnt park our car here.A.mea

4、n B. means C.meaning D is meaning( )6.The books are on the ground.Please_for me .A.pick up them B.pick it up C. pick them up D.pick up it( )7.We must stay _the bus.A.at B.away C. away from D. here( )8.September is the _ month in a year.A.nine B. nineth C.ninth D.nineteenth( )9. Liu Tao has a new sto

5、rybook. He is very _ .A. exciting B. excited C. laughing D laugh( ) 10. The photos arent there_, but they were there _.A.a moment ago, now B. just now, a moment ago C. now, a moment ago D. a moment ago, just now四、用括号内的词的适当形式填空1. A: Where _ you just now? B: I _ in the teachers office. (be)2. Liu Tao

6、often _ (get) up at six . Its six oclock. But he _(sleep) now.3. My brothers _ (like) asking _ ( she ) some questions.4. _ (not walk) on the grass .5. What (do) this sign mean?6. You (should) walk on the grass,you _(should) keep off the grass.7.Would you like _ (have ) a rest?8. Thursdar is the _(fi

7、ve) day in a week.9.Im a primary school student.Im _,and my Dad is _ (four)10. It means “No ” . We shouldnt _(smoke).11、The cartoon is _.The children are very _.(excit)五、按实际情况回答问题1、What day is it today?_2、What date is it today?_3、When is your birthday?_4、Do you know a lot about public signs?_5、Are t

8、here any public signs in your school?_6、Where were your books just now ?_7、What would you like as your birthday present?_8、Would you like to go shopping ?_六、将下列句子排列成完整的对话。1. a. Id like a birds cage.b. Whens your birthday?c. What would you like as a birthday present?d. Its on the third of August.e. S

9、ure.f. Would you like a bird,too?_2. a. Is it in your school bag?b. It was on the desk just now.c. I cant find my crayon. Where is it?d. Not at all.e. Yes, it is. Thank you very much.f. But it isnt here now._七、读短文,选择填空.Mum: Get up, Jim! Youll be late for party.Jim: I cant find my new T-shirt, Mum. I

10、t was on my bed just now.Mum: Look! Its under the bed.Jim: Thanks! Oh, no! Where are my black trousers?Mum: They were on the sofa a moment ago. Let me see.Oh, they are on the bed.Jim: Now where are my white shoes? They were on the chair a moment ago.Mum: Theyre under your bed, Jim. Can you see them?

11、Jim: Yes. Oh, no!Mum: Whats the matter?Jim: Its a quarter to nine. Im late for party!( )1. Where was Jims newT-shirt?A. on his bed B. under my bed C. under his bed( )2. Whats the time?A. eight forty-five B.nine forty-five C.nine fifteen ( )3. Where are Jims trousers?A. on his bed B. on the sofa C. o

12、n the chair( )4. What colour are Jims shoes?A. white B. brown C. Sorry, I dont know.( )5. Where were Jims trouesrs?A. on the bed B on the sofa C on my bed( )6. Is Jim a careful boy?A. Yes. B. No. C. Sorry, I dont know.牛津小学英语6A Unit2课时练习一、判断下列每组单词画线部分的发音是否相同, 用“”或“”表示。1.January April ( ) 2.March partner ( ) 3. June July ( )4. September December ( ) 5.second October ( ) 6 .first third ( )7. October November ( ) 8.May say (


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