2019-2020年高考英语 复习讲练测教案7.doc

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1、2019-2020年高考英语 复习讲练测教案71accuse vt. 控告,指责,谴责accuse sb.of(doing)sth.控告某人犯有罪;谴责某人(做)某事The man was accused of being greedy.此人被指责太贪婪。Ma Jiajue was accused of murder.马加爵被指控犯了谋杀罪。The police accused him of careless driving.警察指责他开车粗心。易混辨析accuse与chargeaccuse往往指当面指控,未必诉诸有关当局。指控对方的事可能是重大事件,也可能是小事,常构成accuse sb.o

2、f(doing)sth.结构。charge可用于因小过错而受责备,如违反规则;也可以用于法律上正式的控告,对严重的错误或罪行加以控诉、谴责,并向当局正式提出控告,常构成charge sb.with(doing)sth.。She accused him of being late.她指责他迟到。The police charged the prisoner with stealing the jewels.警方指控该囚犯偷窃珠宝。反馈1.1Both dry weather and poor irrigation _ for the crop failure.Aare accused Bare c

3、ondemnedCare blamed Dare charged反馈1.2 The soldier was _ of running away when the enemy attacked.AscoldedBchargedCaccused Dpunished反馈1.3(xx辽宁沈阳二中月考)Tom and Jerry are _ of selling $4700 worth of heroin to a number of drug users.AaccusedBaccustomedCadjustedDacpanied2manage v.管理;设法对付;处理;经营manage to do s

4、th.是“设法做成某事”,表示不定式动作一定成功。manager n.管理人;经理management n.经营;管理;处理I dont think its altogether her shop;I think she just manages it.我认为这不完全是她的商店,她只是负责管理而已。I havent been learning French for long,so I can only manage a few words.我学法语的时间不长,所以只懂几个单词。Do you suppose you can manage to get me a passport?你认为你能给我弄

5、到一个护照吗?The failure was caused by bad management.这次失败是经营不善所致。反馈2.1Your house is always so neathow do you _ it with three children?Amanage BserveCadapt Dconstruct反馈2.2 Though we left home very late,we _the last bus.Amanaged to catchBmanaged catchingCtried to catchDtried catching3impression n. 印象,感觉imp

6、ress sb.with sth./sth.impress(es)sb.某事给某人留下深刻印象impress on/upon 使铭记impress sth.on sth.把印于;盖印be impressed with/by/at 为所触动;对有印象impress vt. 使印象深刻;使意识到(重要性或严重性);印上,压上leave/have/make a(n).impression on sb.给某人留下印象impressive adj.令人赞叹的;给人深刻印象的The Chinese impressed the whole world with their hospitality at th

7、e xx Beijing Olympics.xx北京奥运会上中国人民的热情给全世界留下了很深的印象。He impressed on us the need of immediate action.他让我们意识到必须立刻采取行动。They impressed the words “Made in China” on a metal plate.他们在一块金属板上压印出“中国制造”的字样。My words made no impression on her.我的话丝毫没有对她起作用。Nothing in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visi

8、t to the Palace Museum.在我人生中没有什么比我第一次参观故宫博物院让我印象深刻了。反馈3.1_ by the beauty of the West Lake,I decide to visit it _ second time.AImpressing;theBHaving impressed;aCImpressed;theDImpressed;a反馈3.2 I wanted to _ on him that it was a very serious offence.Ahurt BimpressCchange Dbother反馈3.3 He left an impress

9、ion on me _ he didnt like visitors.Awhat BthatCwhich Dwhether反馈3.4 His name _ on the front cover of the book,he doesnt have to worry about getting it taken by mistake.Aimpressing BimpressedCimpress Dto impress4add v. 加,添加;增添,增加;补充说add.to. 把加到中去;往中加add to 增加;增添(其中to是介词,后接表示喜悦、悲伤、困难、麻烦、负担等的抽象名词或代词)add

10、 up 把加起来add up to. 加起来总和为(表示加起来的结果,无被动语态)Add some hot water if you think the coffee is much too strong.如果你觉得这咖啡太浓,就加点儿热水。 The soldiers were extremely tired and the heavy rain added to their difficulty.战士们累极了,而大雨更是增加了他们的困难。 Can you add these ten figures up?你能把这十个数字加起来吗? All these figures add up to 50

11、50.所有这些数字加起来总和为5050。“And I expect your little sister will e,too,” she added.“而且我希望你的小妹妹也能来,”她补充说。反馈4.1What we see in this plane accident is that a lot of people made a lot of little mistakes that _ an accident.Amade up toBadded up toCcame down toDgot down to反馈4.2 The engine of the ship was out of or

12、der and the bad weather _the helplessness of the crew at sea.Aadded to Badded up toCturned out Dmade up5as to 至于,关于用法拓展1)as to等同于concerning “关于”“有关”,多用于句中,但也可置于句首,以示强调。2)(较正式)开始谈论和刚才话题有关的新内容时,as to多用于句中,后接wh从句或带疑问词的不定式,表示“在问题上”“就问题而言”。3)引出做事的根据,意思是“按照”“根据”。As to the flood,I have heard nothing.至于那次水灾

13、,我什么也没听到。He is very uncertain as to whether its the right job for him.关于他究竟是否适合做这项工作,他实在拿不准。Nobody could decide(as to)what to do.谁也不能决定该做些什么。反馈5.1_ me,I dont feel pressured to study English.Instead,I enjoy it.AAs to BAsCAs with DAs if反馈5.2 There is no decision yet _ when the work might start.Adue to

14、Bas toCin addition toDowing to6wear out(把)穿破;(把)用坏;(使)疲乏;(使)耗尽易混辨析wear out,run outwear out一般表示“(使)筋疲力尽”。它的用法一般是wear sb. out“使某人筋疲力尽”。run out 一般表示时间、金钱等的耗尽。Im worn out by the hard work.那件辛苦的工作让我筋疲力尽。Hardship wore him out before his time.苦难使他未老先衰。Youd better go home before your money runs out.你最好别等钱花光再回家。Our food is about to run out.我们的食品快用完了。Weve run out of petrol.我们已经用完了汽油。易混辨析wear,put on,have on,be in,try on 及pull on(1)wear “穿着;戴;蓄须(发);磨损;(脸容)呈现,显出”(侧重状态)(2)put on “穿上;戴上”(侧重穿着的动作)(3)dress “给穿衣服”,宾语通常是人。dress oneself或get dressed表示“给自己穿衣服”。(4)have on 表示穿着的状态,注



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