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1、新标准英语(外研版)二年级(第三册)Module 3 模块整组教学案例 一、 教材分析教学内容新标准英语(外研版)二年级(第三册) 第三模块第二单元I like PE.教学对象青岛市嘉峪关学校 二年级(6)班,学生人数53人教学项目语词new , please; we , have , English , Maths , Music , play , PE , Science , Chinese , Art , morning (Book 1 M 2) , afternoon (Book 1 M2) , yes (Book 1 M 3) subject, favorite (Book2 M 8

2、)结构主要句型是: We have Do we have ? Yes, we do./No ,we dont.课文Daming 谈论自己的课程表。教学方法TPR教学法,任务教学法,学生中心教学法,多媒体教学。教学目标语言知识能理解We/I have在情境中的用法和相关语词的语义。语言技能能听懂并和他人有关课程和对课程的喜好进行英语交际。语言运用会用We have和Do we have ?Yes,we do./No,we dont.描述课程。文化意识 学会礼貌的询问课程。情感态度培养学生的英语学习兴趣,并乐于同他人交流,能进一步形成开放的文化态度。学习策略关注学生的认读和阅读策略的培养,能通过活

3、动,培养学生的主动提问意识,知识的灵活运用,加强自主学习。运用任务听录音讨论,弄懂Daming是怎样描述课程的。小组调查,运用新结构,了解同学们最喜欢的科目。根据图片复述课文。阅读短文,选择答案。学习技能学习层次教学媒体听说读写知道理解运用黑板录音录像幻灯课件语词教学结构教学课文教学二、课堂教学过程The First Class1. Warm up: (1). Song: I like the ABC song.(2). Free talk: T: Look! Whats this/ that? S: Its a book. T: Its an English book/ a Maths bo

4、ok/ a Music book. Ss: Its an English book/ a Maths book/ a Music book.(启动教学,激活学生已有知识。)2. Presentation(1). Story TimeT: You all did a great job. Ill show you a very interesting story.教师出示Fangfang的头饰出问题,。T: Today, this is a new student in Ma Smarts class. Whats her name?教师出示Fangfang和Ms Smart的头饰,提出问题:

5、What are they talking about?教师播放课文课件,提问。(培养学生整体感知课文和听录音捕捉信息的能力。)(2). Listen and point (P10)Listen, point and repeatFind out the word “have”.T: Look! (With Sams) I am MS Smart now! Who wants to be Fangfang?Find an individual student to be Fangfang.(3). Act it out3. Practise Activity Book, P10. Match

6、and say. ( CAI. ) 4. Sum UpT: We have Maths /English /Music in the morning. Yes?S: Yes.T: Do we have .Maths /English/Music at school?S: Yes we do.5. Homework assignmentListen to the tape of P10.Tell the story to your parents. Reflection: 本节课较好地体现了全语言的理念,始终将教学的重点放在真实的言语及语篇的意义上,而不是放在语句和单词的操练上。通过看故事、讲故

7、事、演故事、读故事等活动引导学生感知和学习语篇及语用,学生能够讲出故事要点并在语境中简单运用We havein the morning/ afternoon. 本课中,学生情绪饱满,能积极发言,与教师互动良好,当堂反馈也发现学生对句子和单词理解得比较好。本课的不足之处在于对学生“放手”不够,在学生已经能够理解和运用的基础上,教师可以创设情境放手让学生来演一演,老师不用再做过多的引领了。另外,本节课上教师的过渡语言不够自然。The Second Class1Warm-up1). Sing a song.2) Read the words quickly. Then Arrange the wor

8、ds according the first letters. T: Boys and girls, here are some cards, read them please. (Flash cards.) Could you arrange them?2. Review 1) Listen and repeat.T: Do you remember Fangfang? Now lets watch the video. Please watch.2) T asks and Ss answer.Q1: Who is new in Ms Smarts class?Q2: Do they hav

9、e Maths in the afternoon?Q3: Do they have English and Music at school?T: Please watch and think. Ok, lets watch the video again and try to find the answers. T: Who is new in Ms Smarts class? S1:Fangfang.T: Fangfang is new.(鼓励学生说完整的句子。)T: Do they have Maths in the afternoon? S2:No.T: No,they arent. T

10、: Do they have English and Music at school?S3:Yes, they do.3. Presentation1)Lead in:T: Today lets talk about our school subject. (Print the Chart of School Subject for Ss.)T says, Ss listen and point to the cards ,then repeat.T: We have Maths/ English in the mornig/ afternoon. (Bb)T: Do we have musi

11、c at school? Ss: Yes, we do. (Bb)2) Look, listen and repeat, (P11) T: Lets play a game, if I say in high voice, you say in low voice; if I say in low voice, you say in high voice.3).ChantT: Now,lets relax. Heres a chant for you.a. T makes a model.b.Ss clap your hands and try to say. c. Finally, Ss s

12、tand up, clap hands and chant together.4.Practice1)Talk about our curriculum schedule in 4-Ss groupT: Would you like to have a free talk?T and S1 make a modle.Then Ss talk about it in 4-Ss group.Finally, Ss of 2 groups report.2)Listen and choose/Read and chooseDescribe your picture in your big group

13、.Finally invite some Ss come to the front and describe their pictures.4)Activity book P11 T:Now please open your activity book, turn to Page 11, look at Activity 2, please.First, listen, Tick.Then, Point and say. Show me your pencil.Finally, listen and check.Ss say together.5 SummaryT: Boys and girl

14、s, What have you learnt today?Ss: We have learnt how to talk about subject at school.6. Homework: 1) Listen and read the base sentences (P11).2) Mime the dialog(P10).V. Reflection: 本节课环节紧凑,从复习旧课文入手,引出新授句型,通过孩子们非常喜欢的游戏、歌谣进行机械操练;各个环节的设计由浅入深,层层递进; 教师通过小组活动、听音认读选择、活动手册书面练习等形式进一步巩固拓展新授句型,让学生在真实语言活动中运用语言。 本课小结时,仅仅进行黑板句型的重复总结,如果在内容和形式上能有所延伸,会更有利于教学目标的达成。The Third Class 时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的预备铃响之后热身准备Sing a chant!We like s


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