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1、2019-2020年高中英语Module1DeepSouth单元加餐练一-二完形阅读组合练外研版.完形填空My daughter had signed an organ donor card, but my husband and I did not know it. We learned about our daughters decision after she was _1_ injured in a car crash. Doctors _2_ on her for 20 hours and couldnt save her life. Finally, the doctor _3_

2、told us our daughter was brain dead. Did we want to _4_ organ donation?I was already in shock. The _5_ of donating my daughters organs was another shock and I was _6_ about my 15yearold twin grandsons. They had just lost their mother and we had lost our daughter. The doctor _7_ the organ harvesting

3、procedure, but I did not want to hear it.We _8_ to organ donation and signed the legal papers. The twins said their last goodbye to their mother and the images of their sorrow are _9_ in my mind until now. Two days later we received a _10_ from the organ donor organization. Our daughters organs had

4、_11_ three lives. Thanks to her generosity, two strangers now see.Weeks later, we received a certificate from the organ donor organization in _12_ of our daughter. The twins received individual certificates and hardly _13_ at them. I fully understood their _14_. They did not want any certificates, t

5、hey wanted their mother _15_ and we wanted our daughter.The sadness associated with organ donation is a _16_ thing. First, it makes the ending of death all too clear. Secondly, I find a measure of fort in the _17_ that my daughter was an organ donor. My daughter cared about others and this caring _1

6、8_ after her death.Organ donation did not give me a sense of control, _19_ it did give me a sense of giving. _20_ is more caring than signing an organ donor card. I also know my family will find fort in my daughters generosity.1A.partlyBslightlyCseverely Dhardly解析:选C根据下句语境可知作者的女儿车祸时受了重伤。2A.insisted

7、BturnedCwaited Doperated解析:选D根据语境,医生为作者的女儿做手术达20小时之久,但未能挽救她的生命。3A.in need Bin chargeCin trouble Din danger解析:选B做完手术后,主治医生告诉作者她的女儿已经脑死亡。4A.go on with Bpare withCmix with Ddeal with解析:选A根据上文语境,既然作者的女儿在器官捐献卡上签过字,下一步就涉及是否继续进行器官捐献。5A.knock BdifficultyCresponse Dthought解析:选D女儿的去世已经让作者悲痛不已,再想到要把女儿的器官捐赠出去,这

8、无疑是雪上加霜。6A.certain BpleasedCworried Dexcited解析:选C 根据语境作者的女儿有两个未成年的双胞胎孩子,为此作者十分担忧。7A.described BlearnedCpraised Dregretted解析:选A 在医生描述器官移植的具体流程时,作者根本没有心思听。8A.stuck BagreedCreferred Dobjected解析:选B根据下文语境,作者同意捐献女儿的器官。9A.cloudy BunknownCdark Dclear解析:选D在向他们的母亲做最后的道别时,作者的两个外孙十分悲伤,至今作者仍对此情此景记忆犹新。10A.call Bp

9、assportChandbag Dgift解析:选A作者在两天后收到了来自器官移植机构的一个电话。11A.created BlostCsaved Dtaken解析:选C根据下文语境,由于作者女儿的慷慨,她拯救了三个人的生命,让两个陌生人重见光明。12A.danger BrecognitionCsearch Dcase解析:选B几周之后,作者收到了器官移植机构的一份证书,以表示对作者女儿捐献器官的认可和赞赏。13A.laughed BpointedCwondered Dglanced解析:选D作者的两个外孙也分别收到了器官移植机构的证书,但由于悲伤他们几乎没有心情去看上一眼。14A.reacti

10、on BtrickCdecision Dsuggestion解析:选A作者对孩子的这种反应非常理解。15A.away BoffCback Din解析:选C此时此刻,对孩子来说,他们不需要什么证书,他们想要他们的妈妈能够回到自己的身边。16A.clumsy BstrangeCpopular Ddifferent解析:选B在器官捐助时的那种悲痛是捉摸不定的。17A.place BreasonCcause Dfact解析:选D作者从女儿是一位捐赠者这一事实中获得一丝安慰。18A.continues BfinishesCdecreases Dbegins解析:选A作者的女儿生前关心他人,通过捐赠器官这

11、一方式,去世后这份关爱仍在继续。19A.so BandCbut Dbecause解析:选C这次器官捐助让作者没有支配感而是一种给予的感觉。20A.Anything BNothingCSomething DEverything解析:选B作者认为没有什么比在器官捐献卡上签字更能表达一个人的爱心。.阅读理解While encouraging children to do something with rewards of money, toys or even a special activity can be very effective, some experts believe this pr

12、events youngsters from developing their own sense of responsibility. Alfie Kohn, author of Punished by Rewards, believes that giving rewards even nonmaterial ones only serves to control youngsters.But not all experts agree. According to Dr Virginia Shiller, a psychologist and instructor at the Yale

13、Child Study Center and coauthor of the book Rewards for Kids, rewards can help parents teach their children new habits. Shiller says the key is in how the rewards are given. “I was inspired to write this book by my own parenting experience, and Im happy to say my sons now in their late 20s are very

14、responsible people,” says Shiller.Whether or not to offer rewards is a personal decision. Here are some tips to help your family.Make rewards fairly immediate. Younger kids may need more immediate goals, while older kids can understand working toward longerterm rewards. Rewards can be small, and the

15、y dont need to be money or a toy. Even a trip to the library or park can be a treat.Set realistic, specific goals. Dont try to convert too many things at once. If you try to work on getting to school on time, being nice to siblings (兄弟姐妹) and cleaning up toys all at once, thats too much. Its better to target just one or two actions in a particular time.Make sure theres not a hidden problem. For example, if your child refuses to go to



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