2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 First aid期末知识梳理 新人教版必修5.doc

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1、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 5 First aid期末知识梳理 新人教版必修5一、训练导入I.考纲单词写出下列考纲词汇的词性和汉义(如果不止一个词性学生自行增补词性及相应汉义)1.injury 2.cupboard 3.skin 4.poison 5.liquid 6.mild 7.basin 8.symptom 9.pour 10.tight 11.throat 12.bravery 13.treat 14.apply 15.pressure II.核心短语1electric_触电,电休克2over and over_反复;多次3a_of 若干,许多4carry_进行;开展5pr

2、otect_保护以免受侵害6fall_生病7squeeze_榨出;挤出8_place 在适当的位子;适当9_ones hands on 找到10_the pressure of 在压力下二、知识精讲I.重点词汇 1. aid n.&vt.帮助;援助;资助典例 1) They aided flood victims.他们援助遭受水灾的灾民。2) They aided in solving the problem. 他们帮忙解决这个问题。3) A dictionary is an important aid for many language learners.字典对于许多语言学习者来说是个很重要

3、的工具。重点用法do/give/offer first aid进行急救aid sb. in (doing) sth.在方面帮助某人in aid of为了援助;作为援助之用with the aid of借助于, 通过.的帮助call in sbs aid请某人援助2. tissue n.U(生理)组织; C纸巾,手巾纸典例 the muscular tissue肌肉组织a box of tissues 一盒纸巾Her whole story was a tissue of lies.她的整个故事是一套谎言。3. squeeze vt.&vi. 榨;挤;压榨典例 squeeze juice fro

4、m an orange榨桔子汁squeeze oneself into a crowded bus挤入拥挤的公共汽车squeeze through the crowd挤过人群4. present 1) vt.给;介绍;赠送;呈现 2) n.赠品, 礼物, 现在 3) adj.现在的, 出席的, 当面的典例 1) A series of famous plays will be present during the Spring Festival.春节期间将上演一系列好戏。2) Thirty guests were present at the ceremony. 有三十位客人出席这次典礼3)

5、The guests present were very satisfied with the atmosphere of the party.到场的宾客都对晚会的气氛表示满意。4) Presents will be sent for customers along with the electrical appliance.买家电付送礼物。重点用法present sth. to sb.把送给present sb. with sth.为某人颁发at present/at the present time现在,此刻for the present目前,暂时represent vt.表现, 描绘,

6、声称, 象征, 扮演, 再赠送, 再上演representation n. 表示法, 表现, 陈述,扮演representative n. 代表adj.典型的, 有代表性的5. authentic adj.真实的;真正的;可信的典例 authentic news可靠的消息an authentic signature真实手迹签字authentic document真实的文件II.重点词组 1fall ill生病(get ill, bee ill)典例The rescue team worked day and night and many people fell ill at last.救援队伍

7、不分白天黑夜地工作,结果许多人病倒了。The giant panda became ill because of the strange climate.由于奇异的气候,这只大熊猫病了。短语归纳fall为系动词,构成系表结构fall asleep 入睡 fall silent安静下来Get injured受伤 get married结婚 get dressed 穿衣2. in place在适当的位置, 适当典例1) I like to have everything in place.我喜欢所有的东西都摆好。2) I thin its not quite in place to visit h

8、im at the moment.我觉得这个时候去看望他不妥当。短语归纳out of place不在适当的位置, 不合适in place of代替take the place of代替,取代3. put ones hands on找到,得到某物典例1)After days of searching, he finally put his hands on his dying wife under the stones.经过多天寻找,他终于在乱石下找到了他的奄奄一息的妻子。2)In the dark night, he eventually put his hands on his glasse

9、s.在黑暗中,他终于摸到了他的眼镜。短语归纳lay/get ones hand on找到,得到某物4. make a difference (1)有很大差别, 有很大 不同 (2) 有很大的关系影响典例1) Whether he could get the support from his parents made a great difference to the plan.他是否能得到父母的支持对这个计划的影响很大。2) Does it any difference whether hell attend the meeting?他出不出席会议有什么区别吗?短语归纳make a diffe

10、rence betweenand区别对待make some difference to对.有些关系make no difference to对.有些没有关系make all the difference关系重大, 大不相同III.重点句型 1. There is no doubt that Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms.Slades life. 毫无疑问,正是约翰快捷的动作和他在中学所学的急救知识救了斯莱德女士的命.解释 There is no doubt that毫无疑问

11、 There is some doubt whether是否,还有些疑问2) There is no doubt that the evidence available is favorable for us.2. Do not rub, as this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected.不要擦拭,因为这样会擦破水泡,伤口会感染。解释 “get+过去分词”表被动典例1) In China, most workers get paid by month.在中国,大部分工人按月领公司。2) So, as you can im

12、agine, if your skin gets burned, it can be very serious.因此,如你所想象的,如果你的皮肤被烧伤了,就会变得非常的严重。三、语法突破省略句1.省略是一种避免重复、保持简洁的语法手段2.凡是缺少一个或一个以上的必要语言成分,但在一定语境中能够独立存在,意义明确,并且能发挥交际功能的句子就是省略句.省略的分类1.语篇省略和情景省略 有的省略句可以从上下文找到被省略的成分,这种省略叫做语篇省略。如:Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world,if not the largest (city

13、).上海即使不是世界上最大的城市也堪称世界最大的城市之一。2.情景省略有的省略句虽然从上下文中找不到被省略的成分,但是可以从语言情景中推断出被省略的成分。如:(I am) Glad to see you.见到你真高兴。3. 简单句、并列句和复合句的省略分类说明举例简单句的省略不定式的省略A:Will you join us?你要同我们一道去吗?B:I should love to (join you).我愿意。介词的省略We have lived here (for) ten years.我们在这儿已经住了10年了.但是在否定句中,此类for不能省略.如:I havent seen you f

14、or three months.我已经三个月没有见到你了。Its no use (in) crying.哭也没用在并列句中一般说来,在后一并列句中,凡是与上文相同的成分通常都要省略。My room is on the fifth floor,and hers (is) on the eighth (floor).我的房间在五楼,而她的在八楼。I came at right but Henry (came) at nine.我在八点来,但是亨利在九点来复合句的省略状语从句当状语从的主语和主句的主语一致,且状语从句中含有be动词时,省略状语从句中的主语和be 动词。When (the novel is) published,the novel will bee one of the best sellers of the year.那本小说出版的时候就会成为当年的畅销书之一。Although (he was) hard-working,he couldnt earn enough to support himself.尽管努力工作,他的收入还是不够自己糊口。When (the grapes are) ripe,the grapes will be delicious.当葡萄成熟之后就会



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