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1、英语三大从句对比复习 1 第一节 从句的基本认识 从句的概念 英语中的从句是指在主句中担任某个句子成分的句子 从句的分类从句的分类 一般按其功能分为三大类 名词性从句 形容词性从句 及 副词性从句 主语从句 名词性从句 表语从句 宾语从句 同位语从句 形容词性从句 定语从句 是用来修饰名词或代词的 句子 具有形容词性 副词性从句 状语从句 在句中作状语 2 从句的基本特点及用法 3 各个从句的共同特点 1 都有引导词 2 都有主谓结构 3 都在主句中担任一个句子成分 不能独 立存在 4 各种从句在主句中的位置及其作用 1 主语从句 谓语 或It 形式主语 谓语 主语从句 That he wil

2、l attend the meeting is certain It is unknown who did the work 2 主语 连系动词 表语从句 The question is whether he will come here tonight 5 3 主语 谓语 宾语从句 主语 谓语 间接宾语 宾语从句 主语 谓语 it 形式主语 宾语补足语 宾语 从句 eg I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country Can you tell me where Mary lives We think it neces

3、sary that we learn English well 6 注 宾语从句还可以在介词 不定式 V ing 及少数形容词后当它们的宾语 能带 宾语从句的形容词常见有 sure glad sorry certain worried aware etc eg We all agree with him on what he said I haven t found my book yet in fact I am not sure where I could have done with it I am aware that you have been exceptionally kind

4、to me 7 4 同位语词news idea fact hope promise etc 同位语从句 eg We heard the news that our team had won The fact that he hadn t said anything surprised everybody I have no idea when she will be back 8 5 先行词 名词或代词 限定性定语 从句 或 先行词 名词或代词 非限定性 定语从句 eg Gone are the days when Shanghai was a paradise for imperialist

5、 adventures Is this the restaurant in which you work My elder sister who is twenty is now studying in the university 9 6 主句 状语从句 或 状语从句 主句 注意逗号 eg Speak to him slowly so that he may understand you better No matter how difficult the work may be we must surely complete it 以上是从五个基本简单句型出发 根据各 种从句的特点 通过列

6、式显示各从句在主 句中的位置关系 从而可以看出什么样的 从句就在主句中担任什么样的句法功能 10 各种从句的引导词的选择 11 这个问题是学生学习从句这一内容的最大 障碍 要弄清属于什么从句 除了分清各 从句在主句中的位置外 关键在于弄懂各 个引导词在从句中的作用 12 Conjunctions of Noun Clauses 连词 连接代词 连接副词 what who whom whose which whoever whatever whichever that whether if as if as though 表语从句 when where how why 13 14 注意 1 表语

7、从句还可以用as if though 好 像 婉如 来引导 2 whoever whomever whosever whatever whichever主要引导主语从句和 宾语从句 3 同位语从句往往用连词that和连接副 词来引导 15 4 名词性从句的引导词除that外 都有词 义 除that if whether外 都在从句中担 任句子成分 5 连词that在宾语从句中往往省去 如 He told me that he had bought a new lamp 6 名词性从句的引导词根据其词义进行 选择 并参考其在从句中担任的成分 16 关系词关系词 关系代词关系代词 关系副词关系副词

8、 that that whichwhich who whom who whom whose as whose as 等等 when where when where whywhy等等 17 注意 1 定语从句的引导词在从句中都担任 句子 2 定语从句的引导词无具体词义 大都 可翻译成汉语的 的 字 3 定语从句的引导词和先行词是同一概 念的事物 18 4 引导词在定语从句中当宾语时可以省去 5 定语从句的引导词是根据先行词进行 选择 6 what不能当定语从句的引导词 19 九种状从 时间状语从句 地点状语从句 原因状语从句 条件状语从句 让步状语从句 结果状语从句 目的状语从句 方式状语从句

9、 比较状语从句 20 九种常用的状语从句及其常用的连接词 时间状语从 句 when while as before after since once by the time till until not until the first second last time as soon as the moment the minute the instant immediately directly instantly hardly when scarcely when no sooner than every time each time where wherever because sinc

10、e as for now that 既 然 in that 因为 if unless as so long as on condition that 要 等 如 地点状语从句 原因状语从句 条件状语从句 21 九种常用的状语从句及其常用的连接词 结果状语从句 so that so that such that so that in order that in case as as if as though than as as not so as as the 比较级 the 比较级 目的状语从句 方式状语从句 比较状语从句 让步状语从句 although though as even tho

11、ugh even if while 虽然 no matter which what when where who how whichever wherever whatever whoever whenever however whether or 22 23 注 1 状语从句的引导词都有具体词义 担在从句中不担任句子成分 2 状语从句的引导词的选择首先看是 属于哪一类从句 再根据引导词的词义适 当地进行选择 3 状语从句的引导词一般不省略 24 4 让步状语从句由as 尽管 引导时 从句的 表语或状语要放在as之前 如 Poor as he was he was honest Much as

12、 I admire him as a writer I do not like him as a man 5 however 无论怎样 no matter how 无论 怎样 引导的让步状语从句其后须紧跟形容 词或副词 如 No matter how hard I tried it was impossible to fill this beautiful pen with ink No matter how difficult the work may be we must surely complete it 25 26 27 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 供参考 感谢您的支持 我们努力做得更好 28



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