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1、硅湖职业技术学院教案授课周次3授课时间 2012年 9 月 18 日至 2012年 9月 22日课程章节 Unit 3 教学目的1.In Reading and Writing, students will be able to: identify the main idea of the text A and analyze some difficult sentences and some language points; understand and write registration form;2. In Grammar, students will be able to pract

2、ice Verb tenses (1);内容提要 及板书设计重点、难点 及解决方案1. Vocabularies of A and B level; Phrases and sentence structure;2. Verb tenses (1);教学内容 时间分配序号教 学 内 容学时分配1Text A and Related Exercises2 periods2Text B and Related Exercises2 periods345教学手段Task-based Approach ;Communicative Language Teaching;Activity Teaching

3、 Approach; Question-answer Teaching Approach教学形式(在右栏勾选)理实一体教学( ) 理论教学( )实验( ) 实训( ) 上机( )必读书目作业P45 Translation作业完成方式书面( )电子( )教学后记序号具 体 内 容备 注Unit 6 Celebrations of HolidayLeading In and Exploring the Topic1.What do holidays mean to you?2.How do you usually spend your holidays?3.Which holiday is mos

4、t important to you? Why?New Years Eve is the worlds oldest celebration. In fact, ancient people celebrated the New Year even before they had ways of measuring time. New Years Eve is celebrated in many countries all over the world. In some countries, it is the most important celebration of the year,

5、but this is not true of the United States or Europe. One reason may be that Christmas comes just one week before the New Year, and it is the Western Worlds biggest holiday. Many people give this celebration even more importance than people in East Asia give the Spring FestivalThe most popular way to

6、 bring in the New Year in the United States is with a big party. Some parties are at private homes. In recent years, though, it has become more and more common for Americans to go to a hotel or restaurant on the night of December 31st. There, they can eat, drink, and dance until the early hours. Mos

7、t New Years parties have some things in common: first of all, they are usually noisy; this tradition of noise-making is believed to be centuries old. People thought that loud sounds would drive away the evil spirits of the old year, before the New Year began. In the USA, the biggest and noisiest par

8、ty takes place in Times Square in New York City. Thousands of people gather there every year. Some of them ring bells or let off fireworks. At midnight, they begin to cheer as an electric sign in the shape of a red apple lights up on top of a tall building. For more than twenty years, millions of Am

9、ericans have been able to watch the New Years Eve celebrations in Times Square on television. It has become so popular that many American hotels and restaurants put up big screens so that their guests can watch it, too. At midnight, everyone stops talking and dancing to join in the television broadc

10、ast from New York.You can imagine that after all that celebrating, many Americans begin the first day of the New Year a little tired. They are usually quite happy to spend a quiet day at home, watching the most popular New Years Day activities on television. Last but not least, have you ever heard t

11、he term to make a New Years resolution? It is something that Americans and Europeans promise to do in the coming year, usually involving giving up bad habits (e.g. giving up smoking or sleeping too much). Experts say that the most common New Years resolution in America is to eat less! Sadly, experts

12、 have also found that fewer than ten percent of Americans carry out their New Years resolutions.Words and Expressions1. celebrate: vt. 庆祝 to do something to show that a day or event is important e.g. On October lst we celebrate our National Day. 十月一日我们庆祝国庆。 How did you celebrate May Day this year? 你

13、们今年是怎样庆祝五一节的? celebration: n. C; U the act of celebrating 庆祝e.g. We held a party in celebration of the National Day. 我们举行了一个晚会来庆祝国庆节。2. measure: v. 1) show or record (length, temperature, etc.) 量出或记录(长度、温度等)e.g. The inch measures length. 英寸是长度的测量单位。 A clock measures time. 钟是计时的。 2) find the size, le

14、ngth, amount, degree, etc. of (something) in standard units 度量(大小、长短、数额、程度等) e.g. Mother measured me to see what size dress I should have. 母亲给我量尺寸,好知道我该穿多大号的衣服。 3. importance:n. U the quality or state of being important 重要;重要性e.g. a person of (no) importance 一位重要(无足轻重的)人物 This revolution is a matter

15、 of national importance. 这次革命于国家意义重大。4. tradition: n. custom; what a group of people have always done 传统;习惯 e.g. In Britain it is a tradition to give children chocolate eggs at Easter. 在英国复活节给孩子们吃巧克力蛋是一个传统。 The stories of Robin Hood are based mainly on traditions. 罗宾汉的故事主要是根据传说写成的。5. cheer: v. shout in praise, approval, or support 欢呼;喝彩e.g. The crowd cheered because he saved the boy. 他救了这男孩的命,人群为之欢呼。 n. C a sh



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