2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 tutorial centres-listening,speaking and writing学案 上海牛津版S2A.doc

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1、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 tutorial centres-listening,speaking and writing学案 上海牛津版S2A一、章节分析 (Section Analysis ) (一) 综述 此三部分是培养学生的语言运用能力,不论是听力部分中方向和位置的辨认还是议论文的写作都旨在提高学生运用语言能力,加强他们使用语言知识来表达思想观点的能力。(二)目标Listening 帮助学生学会在地图上找到特定的方向和位置,并能够运用到实际生活中去。Speaking “oo”的发音规则。Writing 在理解议论文的定义与基本结构的基础上,明确此篇议论文的命题与要求,从”

2、For”与”Against”列表中各选一个观点,学习范文的格式,运用课文中所学到的词汇,句型完成两段短文的写作。根据学生的情况,教师可进一步要求学生将这两段文章中的观点整合,写出一篇完整的作文。(三)重点和难点Listening 确保学生掌握如下词汇在方向与位置上的含义:Page 81: a crossroad, behind, opposite, diagonally opposite, near, next to, between, is located, take the second right turning, etc.Speaking “oo”不同发音的归类。Writing 议论文

3、的基本结构应在本章打下坚实的基础。学生在写作中的语言表达要基本做到完整,连贯。二、快捷识记Listening:pass directions and prepositions of places:North, south, east, west, at, on, near, next to, a crossroad, behind, opposite, diagonally opposite, between, is located, take the second right turning, turn left/right, on your left/right, go downRoads

4、/Street, its the second place/the third building, take the first road/the second street/the third right/the fourth turningSpeaking1. a type of shoes(boot)2. a robber or thief(crook)3. twelve oclock(noon)4. an Australian animal(kangaroo)5. the noise a cow makes(moo)6. a big fat water-bird(goose)7. a

5、part of a tree(root)8. too much water(flood)9. a tall, useful plant with hollow stems(bamboo)10. a silly person(fool)11. Its under your foot.(floor)12. the hair of a sheep(wool)13. the past form of shake(shook)14. a feeling or emotion(mood)15. a liquid we need for life(blood)16. a big round ring, a

6、toy(hoop)17. black particles, made by fires(soot)18. the noise of a car horn(hoot)19. sad, unhappy(gloomy)20. the opposite of tight (loose)Writing 说明:教材提供的话题:穿校服,是受到普遍关注的话题。通过这一部分的学习,使学生基本掌握议论文的框架与结构,语言表达要求完整,连贯,为高中阶段议论文的写作打下坚实的基础。Pre-writing Definition: An argumentative letter is one in which the w

7、riter puts forward a clear point of view. These letters are usually more effective if the writer can support the general argument with special facts or examples.Structure: Start your main argumentGive a definite example (which can be real or invented, but try to make it interesting.State your conclu

8、sionTopic:What do you think of school uniforms? Have you ever been to a school which do not offer school uniforms? Write and tell us about your experiences and opinions. The given example is based on the first argument “Students look neat and tidy”. Now select just one other argument from the For li

9、st, and one from the Against list, and write two short letters.While-writing l Students should follow the structure and style which the given example is arranged in.l Students should try to use some connective words and phrases that have been learned in the reading part.l Students should also pay at

10、tention to the correctness of spelling and grammar, especially the tense .Post-writingFor: Point 2Dear “Chatback”I think school uniforms are a good thing because they tell everyone which school you e form. We should all be proud of our school.One day last month, I was walking home with some friends

11、after school, when an old woman fell down onto the pavement. We went to help her. We looked after her and picked her up her shopping. Later we helped her to get home safely.A few days later, she wrote to a newspaper about us. She didnt know our names but she recognized our school uniforms. There was

12、 a story in the newspaper, and our headmistress was very proud of us.We should wear our school uniforms proudly, and help to increase the reputation of our school.Patience Wang(about 120 words)Against: Point 1Dear “Chatback”I saw your article about school uniforms, and I am writing as a mother to sa

13、y that I think school uniforms are much too expensive.For I have two sons at a government school. Every year the school sends me a long list of all the clothes I have to buy. If you add up to the total cost, it is more than $1000 for each boy. And this is on top of the school fees, books, transport, etc. I have also noticed that the clothes for school uniforms seem more expensive than normal clothes.For these reasons, I think that school uniforms are an unnecessary expense for many poor parents like me.Ms S W Li(about 115 words)


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