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1、2019-2020年高考英语总复习真题研练Week9Wednesday含解析Task 1:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(xx天津,B)Every man wants his son to be somewhat of a clone,not in features but in footsteps.As he grows you also age,and your ambitions bee more unachievable.You begin to realize that your boy,in your footsteps,could prob

2、ably acplish what you hoped for.But footsteps can be muddied and they can go off in different directions.My son Jody has hated school since day one in kindergarten.Science projects waited until the last moment.Book reports werent written until the final threat.Ive been a newspaperman all my adult li

3、fe.My daughter is a university graduate working toward her masters degree in English.But Jody? When he entered the tenth grade he became a “votech”student(技校学生)Theyre called “motorheads” by the rest of the student body.When a secretary in my office first called him “motorhead”,I was shocked.“Hey,hes

4、 a good kid,” I wanted to say.“And smart,really.”I learned later that motorheads are,indeed,different.They usually have dirty hands and wear dirty work clothes. And they dont often make school honor rolls(光荣榜)But being the parent of a motorhead is itself an experience in education.We who labor in cl

5、ean shirts in offices dont have the abilities that motorheads have.I began to learn this when I had my car crashed.The cost to repair it was estimated at $800.“Hey,I can fix it,”said Jody.I doubted it,but let him go ahead,for I had nothing to lose.My son, with other motorheads,fixed the car.They got

6、 parts(零件)from a junkyard,and ability from votech classes.The cost was $25 instead of $800.Since that first repair job,a broken airconditioner,a nonfunctioning washer and a nontoasting toaster have been fixed.Neighbors and coworkers trust their car repairs to him.These kids are happiest when doing r

7、epairs.They joke and laugh and are living in their own relaxed world.And their minds are bright despite their dirty hands and clothes.I have learned a lot from my motorhead: publishers need printers, engineers need mechanics, and architects need builders.Most important,I have learned that fathers do

8、nt need clones in footsteps or anywhere else.My son may never make the school honor roll.But he made mine.【语篇解读】天生我材必有用。就读于技校的儿子虽然没能实现父亲的愿望,但凭借娴熟的技艺让身为报社记者的父亲刮目相看,从而改变了作者的观点并登上了作者心中的光荣榜。1What used to be the authors hope for his son?ATo avoid being his clone.BTo resemble him in appearance.CTo develop

9、 in a different direction.DTo reach the authors unachieved goals.答案D细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句话“As he grows you also age.could probably acplish what you hoped for”可知,作者希望自己的儿子实现自己没有实现的目标。2What can we learn about the authors children?AHis daughter does better in school.BHis daughter has got a masters degree.CH

10、is son tried hard to finish homework.DHis son couldnt write his book reports.答案A推理判断题。根据第三段中的“My daughter is a university graduate.he became avotech student(技校学生)”可知,作者的女儿在学校里的表现要比儿子好。3The author let his son repair the car because he believed that _Ahis son had the ability to fix itBit would save hi

11、m much timeCit wouldnt cause him any more lossDother motorheads would e to help答案C细节理解题。根据第六段的最后一句可知,作者同意儿子修车是因为他认为这样做不会造成更大损失。4In the authors eyes,motorheads are _Atidy and hardworking Bcheerful and smartClazy but bright Drelaxed but rude答案B细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的“These kids are happiest when doing repairs

12、”“And their minds are bright”可知,在作者眼里这些修理工既快乐又聪明。5What did the author realize in the end?AIt is unwise to expect your child to follow your path.BIt is important for one to make the honor roll.CArchitects play a more important role than builders.DMotorheads have greater ability than office workers.答案

13、A推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Most important,I have learned that fathers dont need clones in footsteps or anywhere else”可推知,作者最终意识到希望孩子追随自己的脚步并实现自己实现不了的目标这种想法是不明智的。Task 2:词汇积累1somewhat of 有点2feature n容貌;特征3ambition n野心4estimate vt.估计5architect n建筑师Task 3:经典句式1I began to learn this when I had my car crashed.当我的车撞

14、了后我开始了解这一点。解读have sth done 结构,该结构有两种含义:(1)(主语)让别人做某事,相当于get sth done。(2)(主语)遭遇到某种不幸。仿写许多人的房子在地震中遭受损坏。Many people had_their_houses_damaged_in_the_earthquake2These kids are happiest when doing repairs. 这些孩子在进行维修时是最快乐的。解读状语从句的省略结构:连词分词。仿写看电视时, 我听到从厨房里传出一个可怕的声音。While_watching_TV,_I heard a terrible noise ing from the kitchen.


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