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1、Module 9 A trip to the zoo Unit 2 Is it an African elephant? “教学中的互联网搜索下”的教学设计育贤实验学校初中部 詹宇2012/03/06授课教材版本 (中英文)外研社版(新标准)英语教科书 New Standard English (七年级上册)模块名Module 9 A trip to the zoo 标题Unit 2 Is it an African elephant? (第二课时)年级七年级课型读写课话题动物及其生存习惯(animals and their living habits)【教案背景】1.面向学生:初中一年级 ;

2、学科:英语 2.课时:第九模块第二单元第二课时 3.学生课前准备:(1)复习地理上各大洲及主要动物的表达;(2)熟读课文(3)利用常用搜索引擎查阅喜好的动物生存概况,并搜索提炼英语网站中介绍有关世界七大洲及主要动物生存的信息。【教材分析】1.本课课题源于外研社版 七年级上册 Module 9 Unit 2 Is it an African elephant? 2.本单元承接了动物这一模块主题,并在深度和广度上做了进一步的延伸和扩充。 3.侧重一般现在时态中主语为第三人称单数的运用4.教育学生要热爱动物,热爱自然。 【学生背景】七年级学生对自然科学充满着好奇,对地球上与人类共同生存的动植物充满着

3、热爱。据了解:近阶段,学生对地理现象及初级知识有了初步的轮廓,刚学习了世界的人口与语言,深刻挖掘到英语这门语言在世界的地位。他们很善于用英语沟通,充分表达自己的英语功底。这节课正是一堂让学生们用英语建构知识的趣味盎然的地理课。学生们通过对课文中分布世界各州的骆驼、大象、蛇、猴子、袋鼠及狼的基本生存知识的学习,以及在互联网上查阅的有关信息的学习,感受着世界各种生物的千奇百怪,并萌发了对动物的热爱及对环境的保护。【教学目标】1、 语言目标:掌握并灵活运用阅读材料中的新单词。2、能力目标:会描述动物的饮食起居,完成对动物的写作;学会针对具体问题对关键字进行简单的选择和提炼加深对搜索引擎的理解,积极利

4、用信息技术整合到英语学科中。3、 情感目标:发自心底充满对大自然中共存的动物的爱,形成保护动物的意识。【教学重点及难点】1、 重要语言点:Africa-African, Asia-Asian, America-American, Europe-European, Oceania- Oceanian, jungle. desert, forest, grassland;2、 语法点:运用一般现在时,描述动物的生存环境及主要食物。【教学方法】任务型教学,小组自主合作型教学,游戏型教学【教学设计思路】复-读-议-说-写复习本单元重点词汇表达读透文章,即在理解的基础上读准并复述课文思考议论语言点的规律

5、描述动物居住区域由句到段,发挥想象,描绘自己喜爱的动物。【教学过程设计】教学程序教学内容教师活动学生活动设计意图Learning aims & Revision(定标导学)1. Pay attention to main points of the aim. 2. Revise the description of animals living place according to the map of the world.Warm-up: 1. Welcome the duty reporter. Show the pictures and videos of animals to lead

6、 to the title. 2. Show the learning aims and explain the aims.3. Show the map of the world.1. Have a report of everyday English, including the students favourite animal. 2. Pay attention to the words in red of learning aims.3. Say the animals and the living place of the animals according to the pict

7、ures and the map. 课前的自我介绍及视频引出一个重点:我喜爱的动物是。接着复习前一节课中的主要动物,并回忆地图上介绍的世界各大洲中动物的居住地。Reading & Retelling(自主互助)1、Read loudly to check the understanding and the pronunciation of the passage.2. Retell the passage.1. Make clear of the reading and retelling activities. 2. Ask students to follow the rule of th

8、e showing games.1. Listen and read the passage loudly in groups and choose one picture to read. Then each group reads together about the animal of the passage that they choose. 2. Retell the passage in groups and choose one paragraph to retell. Then each group chooses one student to retell.根据录音,各小组模

9、仿发音,齐读课文有利于理解及读准。之后的课文复述,小组互助后派代表展示,以此帮助学生自我重建语言表达能力,渗透文本学习。Language Points(释疑深化)Make sentences according to the map, and have a talk about the language points, then write down.1. Set an example sentence to describe one animal. 2. Ask students to describe other animals. 3. Show the sentences and let

10、 students fill in the blanks. 4. Have a summary of rules of the expression. 1. Work in groups to describe other animals in the map. 2. Each team makes sentences about one animal and have a show.3. Fill in the blanks and think of the rules of the expression. Some students talk about it freely. 让学生从模仿

11、造句,到自我口头练习,并展示造句,再到动笔写出重难语言点,到最后寻找规律,找到技巧,以达到深刻记忆。Exercises(主体提升)Exercise one is to complete the sentences. Exercise two is to fill in the blanks.1. Ask students to complete the exercise and work in groups. 2. Call some students to show the answer to the whole class. 3. Ask students to pay attention

12、 to how to organize a passage about animals.1. Complete the sentence and check the answer in groups. 2. Fill in the blanks and check the answers in groups. 3. Check the answer in class.4. Answer the questions about writing animals.学生完成练习这一环节包含对句子的练习,考察了学生对本课重难语言知识点的把握及对一般现在时的巩固。还包括根据短文上下文的理解选用适当形式填词

13、练习,考察了学生综合运用语言的能力,在此引出作文的写作方法,承上启下。Writing & Homework(评估小结)Write a short passage about ones favourite animal. (Summary) Some necessary information from the Internet can be referred in your writing. 1. Show some tips of writing about ones favourite animal.2. Ask students to change their writings if t

14、hey are quick enough.3. Check the writing in class.4. Show the homework.1. One student writes the passage on the blackboard. Other students write in the exercise books. 2. Students who finish it quickly change the books in pairs to check the writing. 3. Correct the writing mistakes they often make a

15、ccording to the reference on the blackboard. 根据前部分的范文及本环节设计的作文素材,让学生自主选择心目中最喜爱的动物,并将互联网中查阅的有效信息加以选择性的运用到文章中,以作文的形式提升学生的综合运用语言能力,以达到发展思维,升华情感的目标。【教学反思】首先在教学活动中发挥学生的主体地位,让学生自己去发现、分析并解决问题。例如让学生在大声朗读中找易错点,在完成练习中找规律,以生生互动的方式加强重难点的掌握。而且在教学活动中,运用超链接设计灵活的游戏方式开展教学活动。例如在朗读和复述课文时随机自主选择内容。学生反应积极,讨论热烈,思维活跃,竞争激烈,达到令人满意的教学效果。同时,设计不同的活动,培养学生的读说写作,从而形成一定的语言综合运用能力。接着,教师在适当的时候充分使用鼓励性语言及动作,让学生互相欣赏且能够肯定自我成就。最后在教学过程中,注意设计合适的衔接语言,使整个环节之间过渡自然,给学生以明确的导向性。例如练习二部分由考试中的相似题型过渡到最后的作文部分,不仅训练了学生对题型技巧的把握,而且为后面的作文部分做



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