2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Learning efficiently单元教案 新人教版选修10.doc

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1、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Learning efficiently单元教案 新人教版选修10(一)教材分析:本单元的中心话题是“语言学习策略,如何改进听、说、读、写的技能”,内容涉及“如何成为一名成功的阅读者”、 “你怎样才能学得更好”、 “适用各类人群的学习技巧”、 “讨论阅读训练的最佳方法”、 “介绍一种新的学习技巧”、 “提出建议,改进学习方法” 等。语言技能和语言知识都是围绕这一中心设计的。热身(Warming-up)部分由两个练习组成:练习1是一张图表, 显示某学生课外学习英语时间分配情况,即用于听、说、读、写、语法、词汇的时间比例。 要求学生参照图表分组讨论三个问

2、题:图表对该学生的学习习惯做了哪些介绍;对该学生课外英语学习的时间安排提出看法;如果对本班同学的调查是否会取得同样结果。教师应当结合这个表格引导学生反思自己学习英语学习观念是否有积极意义。练习2是两人小组活动,要求学生相互采访同伴的英语学习习惯,并将结果绘成图表。读前部分有两个练习,主要讨论阅读技巧。练习1是让学生先考虑一下自己阅读汉语的习惯、技巧,并列出六个方面的与此相关的问题帮助学生思考。练习2是让学生阅读“理解”部分的第一个练习 “阅读”部分的标题和图片,要求两人一组讨论课文对“阅读”这一话题会说些什么。目的是预测阅读内容,抓住阅读要点。阅读部分上一篇说明文,话题是“如何成为一名成功的阅

3、读者”。 内容涉及以下方面:1)多读、多练习、熟能生巧。 2)享受阅读练习中的乐趣。 3)学会良好的阅读方法,即预测阅读内容、主动阅读、依阅读目的确定阅读方式、学会依据上下文猜测词义。 4)结论是用适当的方法通过大量的练习,我们就能提高阅读能力。“语言学习”部分由词汇和语法两部分组成。词汇部分练习有三项练习。练习1要求学生能理解本课重要词语的意义,并运用到新的语境中去。练习2设置了九个句子,要求学生能够根据上下文的内容确定句中黑体词的意思。 这个练习用来训练学生判断和猜测词义的能力,进一步让学生消化课文中第三段 d小节的有关内容。练习3用做游戏的方法,让学生用英语解释本课中的一些生词。练习3设

4、置三个情景,让学生分组用虚拟语气展开讨论。语法部分的三项练习曾层层深入,帮助学生掌握虚拟语气的结构形式和意义入手,再引导他们在新的语境中进行运用。语言的运用部分包括三项内容, 对学生进行听、说、读、写的综合训练。第一项是“阅读与讨论”, 阅读内容是一份学习风格的测评。测评包括32条陈叙,分别归入三种学习风格类型:听觉型、视觉型、触觉型, 让学生能够阅读对照,看自己是属于哪种风格的学习者。阅读后设置两个练习,练习1是不是小组讨论三个问题:关于学习风格的评测结果,讨论对评测结果的看法。第二个问题讨论学习英语生词的最好活动,这些活动和学习风格是否有关。第三个问题要求学生分别对三种类型的学习者学习生词

5、活动列表说明。练习2设计了一个活动,让同类学习风格的学生组成一组,讨论学好词汇的有效方法,制成海报,与其它组进行比较。第二项是“听与讨论”。听力内容是三个学深讨论不同的学习风格者会如何进行阅读。另外, 在听力材料中还提供了若干垂询别人意见与提出建议的句子。听完录音,再让学生就这一话题展开讨论。第三项是“阅读和写作”。Donghua 在电子邮件里提出了有关词汇学习与阅读中遇到的困难,要求学生利用电子邮件回信,提出自己的看法与建议,给与帮助。同时,在电子邮件后,还列出了建议信的写作方法和步骤,让学生学习参考。本单元涉及要点:1)学习了解语言学习策略,包括如何改进听、说、读、写的技能,怎样才能学得更

6、好的内容。2)复习并掌握表示“劝告与建议”的用语。3)学习并掌握本单元词汇。4)复习并掌握好虚拟语气的用法。(三)教学安排 对课本内容进行优化组合,可将本单元分成5个课时 Period 1 Reading Period 2 Language points Period 3 Grammar Period 4 Listening Period 5 Integrating Skills Period 1 Reading. Teaching aims:1. Enable the students to realize that different language learning strategie

7、s are taken by individuals.2. Introduce to the students several aspects of being a successful and efficient reader. Teaching important points: Get the students to know how to be a successful and efficient reader and work out a program to improve their reading. Teaching difficult points: Enable the s

8、tudents to use the information mentioned in the reading part to evaluate their reading and work out an improvement strategic program. Teaching methods:Cooperative learning, task-based learning. Teaching aids: A puter, a blackboard, a tape-record. Teaching procedures: Step Lead-in1. Greetings2. Show

9、them a calculation question “ 1+2+3+100=?” The students surely will respond immediately with an answer 5050. Ask them who first worked out the problem in the world with a much easier solution. (A ten-year-old boy (高斯(C.F. Gauss ) worked out the problem assigned by the teacher in a few seconds.)3Get

10、a conclusion: From this example, we know the significance of method. Right methods can always help improve the efficiency of solving problems. As to our study, we can also apply certain methods or strategies to make ourselves an efficient learner.Step Warming-up1. Assign Exercise 1. Discuss Ss answe

11、rs.1. Set Exercise 2. 2. Ask Ss to help you make a list on the board of reason for learning English, for example: l to pass an examl to get into university for further study in English l to read books in Englishl for travel purposesl to get a better job3. Having written the list, go through the most

12、 popular reasons for learning English and ask what skills they will need in order to succeed.4. Assign Exercise 2.5. When Ss have pleted their graphs, asks them to discuss with a partner whether they consider they are giving the right amount of time to each language area according to their reasons f

13、or studying English.Step Reading1. Ask Ss to discuss the six groups of question in Exercise 1. Spend some time checking their answers and reinforcing the ideas outlined above.2. Set Exercise 2. Step Reading1. Ask the Ss to read the text on their own, keeping in mind that their reason for reading the

14、 text is to plete the first exercise in prehending. In order to discourage Ss from reading in more detail than they need at the end of the exercise, give them a set time for read the passage and plete Exercise 1. Advise them not to look up unknown words in their dictionary, but to underline any they

15、 cannot work out the meaning for.2. Ask Ss to finish Exercise 2. They may read the text again if necessary, but only once, before answering the question in Exercie2.3. Ask Ss to read the text once more in pairs or groups according to their ability. And do Exercise 3 & 4.Step Homework 1. Ask Ss to go over the text again and underline points they find difficult in the text.2. Ask Ss to evaluate their reading style and work out a program to improve their reading or giving others suggestions how to improve reading efficiency.Period 2 Language Points. Teaching a



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