Module 5 unit 3 短语整理(xue)

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《Module 5 unit 3 短语整理(xue)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 5 unit 3 短语整理(xue)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 5 unit 3 Welcome to the unit1. ence versus nature 科学对抗自然2. beyond ones imagination 超乎想象beyond ones description 难以形容无法形容beyond ones power 超出某人的能力beyond ones reachits beyond me。我无法理解3. advanced technology 先进的高级的技术advance world peace 促进和平Science has advanced greatly.(发展进步)in advance 提前,预先4. clon

2、e a dog (vt)a cloned dogreading5. make an announcement 宣布announce sth to sb 向某人宣布6. cause much debate 导致很多争议7. be shocked at/by 对某事感到震惊a shocking event 令人震惊的事件8. on the one hand, on the other handFor one thing, for another9. point to,意味着,指向,表明to the point 切题off the point 离题on the point of doing when

3、 正要做某事,这时there is no point(sense)in doing做某事没有意义from the point of view of sb 在某人看来point out 指出10. for fear of+sth/doing sth 唯恐He arrived at the station earlyfor fear of missing the bus.For fear that+clause 唯恐He arrived at the station early for fear that he might miss the train.with fear 因为害怕in fear

4、害怕地fear that/be afraid that11. interfere with 干涉,干扰12. on the way to doing 就要,正在做某事的过程中in the way/in ones way 阻碍,挡路in no way/case 绝不make ones way 走,行走,前进in a way 从某种程度上说13. in general/generally speaking 一般来说14. made a significant breakthrough 作出重大突破a breakthrough in medical treatment 在医疗方面的突破15. pra

5、ise sb for 因某事而表扬某人in praise of 表扬16. consider doing/ think of doing 考虑做.;17. concentrate on 集中精力在 respect for 对某人表示尊敬19. with the intention of doing sth以为目的或意图have the intention of doing有做某事的意图had intended to do 本打算be intended for(为.而准备)The books are intended for teenagers.20. be desperate f

6、or 渴望得到,不顾一切得到Be desperate to do 很想做某事Desperation21. adopt a child 收养An adopted childAdopt ones idea/suggestion采纳22. whileHe fell asleep while he was reading a book.(当.时候, 从句从为延续性动词)Boys share activities while girls share feelings.(而,然而)While I like the color of the hat, I do not like its shape.(尽管)

7、23. push ahead with 推进,义无反顾进行24. focus efforts on 把精力集中在25. success/succeed/successfulSth/sb be a success in doing sth.Succeed in doingBe successful in doing26. in consequence=as a result 结果In consequence of=because of 由于,因为 Take the consequence of 承担.后果27. end up doing/end up with sth 以告终28. for sa

8、le 待售29. Humans have used up resources.Resources have been used up.30. in complete agreement with 完全赞同与相一致(=agree with )31. on a personal note 在我个人看来,我认为Personally speaking/ as far as sb be concerned/from ones point of e across/run across 遇到 a whole 普遍说来, 一般地说整体来看34. with concern 关切地35.hear of

9、36.go against nature 违背自然 responsible for 对.负责Word power38. be worthy of sth 值得某事be worthy to be donebe worthy of being done39. in favor of 赞成支持,以.取代do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙 made up of=consist of 由 .构成41. be similar to 与.相似42. not all/every/both 不是所有都(部分否定) the field of 在.领域44.a ch

10、allenging profession45.figure out 计算出,解决,弄明白46.the other day 前几天47. sound thrilled 听起来很惊喜 is worth it.一切都值得49. The boy was more frightened than hurt.与其说是受伤了不如说是吓坏了50. burn sb out 耗尽精力, 精疲力竭 food 不是大规模生产的食物52.with reference to 关于I am writing in reference to your job application

11、关于申请工作一事给您回信。 reply to 对 .作出回应,回答What did you say in reply to his suggestion? 你如何答复他的建议?54.follow in ones footsteps 跟随某人的步伐plain to sb of./about sth 向某人抱怨某事56.conduct a survey 开展一次调查57.the majority of 大多数的58.advocate the scientific research 提倡科学研究 conclude/in conclusion 总之60.urge sb to do

12、催促某人做The teacher urged us to hand in our exercise劝说,极力请求某人做I urge you to seek others opinion。Urge+ object clause(虚拟,用 should do)I urged that he (should) do his advice from the teacher/seek wealth/seek happiness(征求意见,寻求财富,追求快乐)seek-sought-sought(+for 寻找追求探索)62.end this immoral practice i

13、mmediately立刻结束这种不道德的做法行为63.perform 做,执行,完成,履行,表演Perform experiments/operation/promise/test64.concerns over the safety of GM food are rising/growing/increasing 对于的担忧65.make crops resistant to pests and disease使庄稼能够抵抗害虫和疾病be resistant to 对.有抵抗力,耐药性66.Sofar,research has been limited to increasing produ

14、ction profits, rather than ensuring safety.到目前为止,研究被限制在增加产品利润而不是确保安全上。set a limit to sth/doing sth 限制控制limited adj limit n/v67.bring up 提出,使注意某物,培养教育bring up matters at the meetingbring up the the past few years 在过去几年中(用完成时中) 满足某人的要求需要ones need/requirement/demandspell disaster 招致灾难70. look around四处看(作出选择前)进行调查71. at a fast rate.以很快的速度72. turn out 结果是,证明是(成 P157 重点)73. profit frommake profits


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