2019-2020年高二下学期期末联考英语试题 含答案.doc

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1、2019-2020年高二下学期期末联考英语试题 含答案考试时间:120分钟;总分:150分一、单项选择(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Hetriedhisbesttosolvetheproblem,_difficultitwas. A.howeverB.nomatterC.whateverD.although 2.Atthistimetomorrow _overtheAtlantic. A.weregoingtoflyB.wellbeflying C.wellflyD.weretofly 3.Themanagersdis

2、cussedtheplanthattheywouldliketosee_thenextyear.A.carryoutB.carryingout C.carriedoutD.tocarryout4.Youknow,newsthathehadresignedsoon_.A.gotawayB.gotaroundC.gotoutD.gotthrough5.-IthinkyoushouldphoneJennyandsaysorrytoher.-_.Itwasherfault.A.NowayB.NotpossibleC.NochanceD.Notatall.6.Therewillbea(n)_footba


4、intheearthquake.A. Agreatmany B.ThenumberofC. AgreatmanyofD.Agreatdealof10.Tomalwaysdidwellatschoolinspiteofhavingtodopart-timejobs_.A.moreandmore B.byandbyC.stepbystepD.everynowandthen11._in1993,theEU,togetherwiththeUS,isoneofthetwolargest economiesintheworld.A.HavingfoundedB.FoundedC.Founding D.Be


6、stroyed15.-Isthisthefirsttimeyou_toKunming?-Yes,howexcitedIam!A.haveeB.willeC.came D.areing16_and well get everything ready for the taking off.AHave one more hour BOne more hourCGiven one more hour DIf I have one hour more17. Look! What a mistake! Why? Sorry, I_ on it.A. dont concentrate B. hadnt co

7、ncentrated C. havent been concentrating D. wasnt concentrating18. It is _ Tom often breaks the school rules _ makes his teacher unsatisfied with him.A. what; that B that; what C. that ; that D. which; that19. I would rather buy a house in the countryside than _ in the city.A. it B. one C. this D. th

8、at20. _, as long as Im withthe nature, I dont care.A. However tough the voyage is B. Whatever tough the journey isC. However the voyage is tough D. Whatever the journey is tough二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as, “Oh, Beckham is so handsom

9、e, so cool, that I cant help falling in love with him. I” or “What perfect skills he has?” Yeah, I 21 to some degree, though I sometimes do want to 22 them how much they know about Beckham, apart from his 23 and how much they know about football besides 24 goals. It seems funny that we are 25 about

10、things, with which we are unfamiliar or about which we are 26 but we all, my friends as well as I, consider this one of lifes 27 We need these pleasures to 28 our lives. But that doesnt amount to craziness or nonsense. As a saying 29 ; “Dont judge a book by its cover.” We 30 not judge anything from

11、its appearance. We should all know, it is ones good 31 and great contribution that make one a star and unforgettable. Therefore wed better say 32 about Beckhams good looks.If we close our eyes, falling in deep 33 , we can find that the things that move us to be really happy or sad have a 34 meaning.

12、 If we dont go deeper and are just satisfied with 35 things, sooner or later well find we have not really gained anything because our first 36 has blinded and misled us, and well remain ignorant(无知的) 37 we realizethat and make some changes.It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is a 38 of great progress. If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it pains us, we will 39 prove how much we have 40 up, how much more sensible, mature(成熟的), and intelligent we have bee.21. A. struggle B. agree C. expect


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