2019年六年级英语下册 Unit 8 Review Lesson 1重难点讲解 教科版.doc

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1、2019年六年级英语下册 Unit 8 Review Lesson 1重难点讲解 教科版一. 教学内容:Unit 8 Review二. 重点、难点: Words, Phrases and Sentences 三. 详细内容:Lesson 1(一)大声读单词1. cow n. 奶牛2. check v. 检查,核对,检测3. juice n. 汁,果汁,饮料4. jam n. 果酱5. rabbit n. 兔子6. tiger n. 虎7. weight n. 重量,重8. hour n. 小时(二)重点词汇1. cow 要点:1)the mature female of cattle of t

2、he genus 母牛:母牛属于成年雌性牛2)the mature female of other large animals, such as whales, elephants or moose.大型雌性动物:其他的大型动物(如鲸鱼、大象或麋鹿等)的母兽 知识拓展: cow, bull, calf与cattle的区别cattle, bull, cow, calf, ox都可表示“牛”cattle指的是牛的总称;bull是未阉过的公牛;cow特指母牛或者乳牛,calf 指小牛(A young cow or bull.), ox是指阉过的公牛,或特指拉车的公牛。2. checkn. 1)the

3、 act or an instance of inspecting or testing, as for accuracy or quality; examination 检查:为准确性或质量而做的调查或检验;检查:the careful check of each unit before sale在出售之前对每一部分所做的仔细检查; gave the car an oil check. 检查一下汽车的汽油2)An action or influence that stops motion or expression; a restraint:阻碍: 使运动或表达中断的动作或影响;阻碍Heav

4、y rains were a check on the armys advance.大雨阻挡了军队的前进固定搭配: check in( to register, as at a hotel.)(旅馆、飞机等)登记;报到 Passengers must check in at the airport an hour before the plane leaves.旅客们必须在飞机起飞前一小时到机场办理登机手续。check out: to settle ones bill and leave a hotel or other place of lodging. 付账离开旅馆3. juice 要点:

5、n. (水果、蔬菜、肉等的)液、汁、浆a glass of orange juice 一杯橘子汁4. jam 要点:n. 1)果酱a jar of jam 一瓶果酱2)拥挤的人群;阻塞之物a traffic jam 交通堵塞 in a jam陷入困境Im in a bit of a jam I havent got enough money to pay for this meal. 我有点儿小麻烦,我的钱不够付餐费的了。v. jammed1)(常与into连用)挤进;塞入to jam various things into a suitcase 把很多东西塞进衣箱“The crowds ja

6、mmed the streets, and no cars could pass.”“街上挤满了人群,汽车都无法通行。”The bus was jammed full. 公共汽车挤得满满的。2)夹住;夹伤to jam ones finger in a door 手指在门缝里夹伤3)使(机器)卡住;使阻塞The door has jammed. 门卡住了。The road is jammed up with motorcars. 路上汽车挤得水泄不通。5. rabbit n. pl. rabbits; or rabbit1)兔, 野兔 to run like a rabbit 像兔子一样跑 as

7、 frightened as a rabbit 胆小如兔2)兔肉Have another piece of rabbit. 再来一块兔肉。3)a runner who intentionally sets a fast pace for a teammate during a long-distance race.带跑队员: 在长距离竞赛中故意为某一队友设定较快速度的选手知识拓展:harehare pl. hares 或 haren. 野兔vi. 快跑;飞跑He hared off down the road. 他往大路上飞跑。“He hared off down the road, hopi

8、ng to get to the bus station before his wife left.”“他沿着大路飞奔,希望在他妻子离开之前到达汽车站。”6. tiger 要点:n. tigers 或 tiger:1)虎(雌性: tigress)work like a tiger 生龙活虎地工作How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tigers lair?不入虎穴, 焉得虎子?2)凶汉,暴徒; 凶残成性的人7. weight 要点:n. 1)重量,重What is your weight? 你体重多少?The babys weigh

9、t was four kilos. 这个婴儿体重4千克。2)砝码;秤锤a one-pound weight 一磅重的秤锤 a clock weight钟摆3)压东西的重物a paper-weight 镇纸4)价值;重要性5)(拳击摔跤等)运动员的体重级别vt. 1)加重量于, 使负重荷weight a plane too heavily 把飞机装得过重重压; 压迫be weighted with care 心事重重8. hour 要点:n. 1)小时He went away for half an hour. 他离开半个小时了。 An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.(谚) 一日之计在于晨。2)时间,时刻the lunch hour 午饭时间Our business hours are 9:30 to 20:30. 我们的营业时间是九点半到二十点半。 Seize the day, seize the hour! 要只争朝夕。Whats the hour? 现在几点钟了?The darkest hour is that before the dawn.(谚) 黎明之前天最黑。3)重要的时刻, 重要的时间 No one helped me in my hour of need. 在我困难的时候没有人帮助我。



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