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1、2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Module2TheRenaissanceAJobWorthDoing课时作业提升练外研版必修 (建议用时40分钟). 阅读理解AUsain Bolt confirmed in a press conference that he will be retiring from the Olympics after Rio xx. Usain Bolt, the pride of Jamaica, and the fastest man in the world, will be gone in a flash after the xx Olympic Game

2、s are over. Ever since he burst onto the sceneliterallyin the xx Olympics, everyone has been captivated by his every move. He won a Gold medal in the 100 meter, 200 meter, and 4100 meter relay in both Beijing and London and remains one of the most decorated athletes of all time. However, if you blin

3、k, you will miss him at Rio xx because he confirmed in a press conference that this will be his last Olympics. As such, every race that he petes in will e with even more attention than usual. Bolt stated, “Yes, this is the last Olympics for sure. I have done everything and have proven myself, ”which

4、 is a good time to call it quits since he will be 33 at the next Summer Olympics in Tokyo. But said that he really wanted to keep his world record at 200 meters, and as such, he set out a goal for himself to run under 19 seconds in that race. Even though he withdrew from Jamaicas Olympic trials with

5、 an injury, he still finds himself peting in Brazil, where he will be under more pressure than ever before. But he has coped with that pressure very well to this point, and anything he does at Rio will only serve to add to his impressive career. No matter how he finishes, hell still be regarded as o

6、ne of the best Olympic athletes of all time. 1. According to the passage, who is Usain Bolt? A. Usain Bolt won three medals in xx Beijing Olympics, xx London Olympics and xx Rio Olympics. B. He remains one of the most decorated athletes in Jamaica of all times. C. He took part in the xx Olympic Game

7、s at the age of 21. D. He ran under 19 seconds in the race in Rio xx. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第四段since he will be 33 at the next Summer Olympics in Tokyo. 可知博尔特是33-12= 21, 21岁参加北京奥运会的, 故C项正确, 根据第二段的He won a Gold medal in the 100 meter, 200 meter, and 4100 meter relay in both Beijing and London and remains on

8、e of the most decorated athletes of all time. 可知在北京和伦敦拿了3块金牌, 是全世界史上最伟大的运动员, 可知A、B两项错误; 根据But said that he really wanted to keep his world record at 200 meters, and as such, he set out a goal for himself to run under 19 seconds in that race. 可知是他定下的目标, 还没参加比赛。2. Why will Usain Bolt be under more pre

9、ssure in Brazil than ever before? A. Because he withdrew from Jamaicas Olympic trials with an injury. B. Because he thought himself to be the best athlete in the world. C. Because he wanted to take part in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic. D. Because he wanted to break the record at 100 meters. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根

10、据最后一段的Even though he withdrew from Jamaicas Olympic trials with an injury, he still finds himself peting in Brazil, where he will be under more pressure than ever before. 可知选A。3. It can be inferred that the passage es from_. A. a researchB. an ideaC. a newspaperD. a survey【解析】选C。文章来源题。本文讲的是牙买加短跑名将博尔

11、特宣布退役的事情, 是一则新闻报道, 应该是在报纸上被看到, 故选C。BIf you bump into a Briton in the street, chances are that he or she will apologize regardless of whether or not he or she was responsible. As the BBC noted, “It seems that Britain is developing a reputation as a nation of sorry-sayers. ”The average Briton says sor

12、ry around eight times per day and one in eight people apologize up to 20 times a day, according to an article released by the BBC on Feb 24. As you may have expected, the British apologize more frequently than members of other cultures. Last year a poll(调查)done by YouGov, a UK research firm revealed

13、 that in many cases, Britonslove of saying sorry goes a little further than it does for Americans. For example, approximately 15 British people would say“sorry”for every 10 people from the US if they sneezed, if they corrected someones mistake or if someone crashed(碰撞)into them. Yes, traditionally “

14、sorry” was used to express regret and grief(悲伤)for having done something wrong. But now Britons use the expression as a way of showing good manners. For example, they might say it as a substitute for“excuse me”, “pardon”, “what” or “whatever”. Britons also“use sorry to express empathy(同感)”so they mi

15、ght say“sorry about the rain”, Edwin Battistella, a linguistics expert from Southern Oregon University in the US, told the BBC. Why are Britons so sorry? Mark Tyrell, a famous psychology writer in the UK, thinks that their apologies e from the British class system. They say sorry because historicall

16、y the new middle classes in Britain had to apologize for not being working class, but also for not really being upper class. Another theory is that British society values its members showing respect without getting into someone elses personal space, and without drawing attention to oneself. British peoples use of“sorry”may make things very confusing and difficult for foreigners who are unaccustomed


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