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1、2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习综合模拟练一第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1Its said that Mr Sun in our department got promoted. .Nobody works harder than him in our pany.(xx天津一中4月考,2)AIts a deal BGood luckCDont mention it DHe deserves it答案D解析Its a deal 一言为定,成交;Good luck 祝您好

2、运;Dont mention it 不用谢,不客气;He deserves it 他是当之无愧的,这是他应得的。答语表达了对孙先生的赞扬与肯定,可知此处的意思是:这是他应得的,故选D。2What was it that made the girl among the candidates?Her ability,determination and above all honesty.(xx河西区三模,8)Apick out Bstand outCgive out Drun out答案B解析pick out挑出;stand out突出,醒目;give out分发;run out耗尽。从后面的答语

3、“Her ability,determination and above all honesty.”可知,是这些品质让这个女孩脱颖而出。故选B。3The manager has not made up his mind yet who will be in charge of the project.Aas to Bnext toCowing to Daccording to答案A解析句意为:经理就关于谁将负责这个项目一事还没有下定决心。as to关于;next to紧挨着;owing to因为;according to根据。故选A。4I am sure I saw Brian in the

4、park this morning.You be imagining things.He left for America last night.(xx天津十二区县二模,10)Aneed BcanCmust Dshall答案C解析句意为:我确信今天早上在公园看见布莱恩了。你一定是出现幻觉了。他昨晚去了美国。must表示语气非常肯定的推测,用在肯定句中;can表示语气非常肯定的推测时,只用在否定句或疑问句中;need、shall不能表推测。5I think her opinion ,because she is an experienced teacher.(xx南开区四模,8)Anumbers

5、 BcalculatesCfigures Dcounts答案D解析句意为:我认为她的观点重要,因为她是个有经验的老师。number给标号,把算作;calculate计算,估计;figure计算在内,估计;count数,重要,要紧。故选D。6Who won the election for mayor?A man to represent every minority group in the city.Aclaiming BclaimsCis claimed Dhaving claimed答案A解析句意为:谁赢得了市长的选举?一个宣称代表这个城市每一个小团体(利益)的人。claim与A man

6、是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用其现在分词形式作后置定语。故选A。7No one can ignore the fact that his wife is independent her husband earns all or most of the family ine.Anow that Bin caseCeven if Donly if答案C解析句意为:没有人可以忽视这个事实,他的妻子是独立的,即使她的丈夫赚了全部或大部分的家庭收入。even if即使,符合语境,故选C。8How about plan to open a branch?I should say it was failure.(

7、xx和平区二模)Aa;a Ba;/Cthe;/ Dthe;a答案D解析第一空定冠词the用于名词前表示说话双方都知道的事情;第二空failure在此表示“失败的人,失败的事”,可以用不定冠词修饰,表示泛指。9Im sorry.I at you the other day.Forget it.I was a bit out of control myself.Ashouldnt shoutBshouldnt have shoutedCmustnt shoutDmustnt have shouted答案B解析句意为:很抱歉,那天我不该对你大喊。不必在意。我也有一点失控。shouldnt have

8、done表示“本不该做却做了”,故选B。10Since people would like to find an apartment near the university,there are very few apartments in this area.Afree BemptyChollow Dvacant答案D解析句意为:由于人们都想在大学附近找套公寓,所以这个区域几乎没有空置的公寓了。free自由的,免费的;empty空的,指某物中没有任何东西,也可指谈话等空洞没有内容;hollow指物体内部或中心是空的;vacant被用来指空缺的职位和位置。故选D。11A good adverti

9、sement, people attach positive meanings,can contribute to the sales of a product.(xx河西区三模,4)Afor which Bof whichCto which Don which答案C解析题干中空格后面是修饰和限制名词a good advertisement的定语从句,把先行词a good advertisement代入到定语从句中变为“people attach positive meanings to a good advertisement”,可知,从句中运用了短语attach.to.“把附在上”,故选C

10、。12Do you have any problem if you this job?Well,Im thinking about the salary.(xx和平区四模,11)Aoffer Bwill offerCare offered Dwill be offered答案C解析if条件句中用一般现在时表将来;再由句意可知,用被动语态。13Only when he apologized for his ignorance him.(xx南开区四模,14)AI forgave BI did forgiveCforgave I Ddid I forgive答案D解析“only状语/状语从句”位于

11、句首时,主句用部分倒装。故选D。14In my view,Londons not as expensive in price as Tokyo but Tokyo is in traffic.(xx南开区一模,12)Athe most organized Bmore organizedCso organized as Das organized as答案B解析句意为:在我看来,伦敦物价不如东京高,但是东京的交通比伦敦的交通更有秩序。由句意可知,选择比较级。but后分句补充完整为.Tokyo is more organized than London in traffic。15Pointing

12、to a small village at the foot of the mountain,he told us that was he was born and brought up.Awhat Bin whichChow Dwhere答案D解析句意为:他指向山脚下的小村庄,告诉我那就是他出生和被养育的地方。分析句子结构可知, he was born and brought up为表语从句,表语从句中缺少地点状语,用where。故选D。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(xx和平

13、区三模)When I became an amputee(被截肢者) at the age of 29,I was forced to rethink the idea of physical perfection.My life became 16 as I changed from an acceptably attractive woman to an object of pity and 17 .Too busy 18 physical pain and obvious limitation of movement,I was not aware of this 19 at first

14、.There were so many difficulties before me.But I was determined to manage my work and life as well as before,feeling inspired about the progress I had 20 . 21 ,as I made my first journey outside the hospital,society had already regarded me as a new status.Happy to be free of my 22 in the hospital,I rolled through the shopping mall as a 23 survivor,feeling like a war hero.Unfortunately,I got a rude 24 as I discovered that others did not view me in the way I had e to view myself.All eyes were upon


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