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1、 葫市小学五年级英语Unit 3备课框架一、单元教材分析: 本单元的主题_生日,是谈论_月份、日期的话题,教材给出的情景是道具的形式呈现一年12个月的名称,在话题上和_第二单元季节 (学生学过的、即将学的知识)有联系。本阶段学生对该单元已有的知识架构有_会介绍四季。项目内容关联内容单词四会January(Jan.), February(Feb., March(Mar.), April(Apr.), May, June, July ,August (Aug.), September (Sept.) October (Oct.), November (Nov.), December(Dec.),

2、birthday, uncle, her ,date其他First,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth,Thirteenth,fourteenth,fifteenth,sixteenth,seventeenth,eighteent,hnineteenth,twentieth句子四会When is your birthday? My birthday is in May。 When is your birthday? Its October 1st 。Is your birthda

3、y in February? No,my birthday is in January. Is her birthday in June? Yes Whats the date? Its June 9th . Who has a birthday in October? Me.其他What are you doing?I am making a birthday chant for our family.When is Aunt Marys birthday?Her birthday is in November.语法掌握英语序数词1-20的基本变化规则,形式及读法。文化1、了解英语中十二个月

4、份的由来。2、了解十二生肖。其他能够掌握字母组合ear,eer,ch,sh发的音,并能读出例词。Unit3单元教学目标维 度目 标语言技能1) 能够说出12个月份的名称以及数字1到20的序数词形式。2) 能够询问并回答某人生日在哪一个月份,如:When is your birthday? My birthday is in June. 能够表述家人或朋友的生日在哪一天, 如:Uncle Bills birthday is in June.3) 能够询问并回答某天是几月几号,如:Whats the date? Its February 2nd.4) 能够询问并回答某人生日是否在某一月份,如: I

5、s her birthday in June? Yes.5) 能够听懂、会唱歌曲When Is Your Birthday?语言知识1) 能够掌握A、B部分Lets learn中生词的缩写形式,以及Read and write中的四会单词和四会句子。2) 能够听、说、认读A、B部分Lets talk中的句型和A、B部分Lets learn中的三会单词。3) 了解字母组合ear, eer, ch, sh的发音规律并能够读出例词。4) 能够了解Story time, Good to know 等部分的内容。情感态度引导学生热爱自然、关心环境与气候变化。学习策略引导学生注重合作,广泛阅读,扩大知识面

6、。文化意识引导学生了解中西方共有的或特有的节日和风俗。单元教学课时安排课时教学内容目标预定1A Lets learn Lets try C Lets sing2A Group work Lets talk Lets find out 3A Read and write C Pronunciation4B Lets learn Pair work C Task time5B Lets try Lets talk C Story time6B Read and write Lets play C Lets check第一课时教学内容A Lets learn Lets try C Lets sing

7、教学时间教学目标知识目标:a能听说认读:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.并能书写他们的缩写形式。b.能够正确使用句型:“When is your birthday? My birthday is in ” c.能够就12个月份进行四季划分。教学重点:12个月份的听、说、认读及其缩写形式的书写,以及句型:“When is your birthday? My birthday is in ”的运用。教学难点:January, Februa

8、ry的发音和正确书写12个月份的缩写形式。能力目标: a. 利用现代信息技术,培养学生自主学习的能力和利用信息技掌握新知识的能力;b. 发展学生的思维能力和培养学生的创新意识和相互协作意识。课前准备:录音机、录音带、 12个月份的单词卡片 情感态度目标:创设学习情境,激发学生学习的热情和兴趣,提高学生学习的积极性和主动性。教学方法:直观教学法、游戏法教学过程设计教学环节教学步骤设计意图二次备课Step1Warm-up 1、Sing a song: Happy birthday to you !2、FreetalkT:Howmanyseasonsarethereinayear?S:Four.T:

9、Howmanymonthsarethereinayear?S:Twelve.T:DoyoulikeSpring(SummerFallWinter)?S:Yes,Ido.T:WhatstheweatherlikeinSpring(SummerFallWinter)?S:Itswarm(hotcoolwinter)T:WhatcanyoudoinSpring(SummerFallWinter)?用歌曲的形式导入新课,既活跃了课堂气氛,又导入了本课的主题birthday.Step 2:PresentationLets learn:1、学习新单词教师指着12个月份的卡片,对学生说:Thereare12


11、回答把SeptemberOctoberNovember贴在秋季方框并进行板书简写形式,然后指导拼读拼写。D:在冬季方框内,教师贴上剩余的三个月份,板书简写形式,然后指导拼读拼写。2根据黑板上的板书,让学生总结12个月份单词的缩写的规律。3.学习主题句型A:When is your birthday?B:My birthday is June.4. Listen to the tape and repeat.5. Read these words in your group10.Lets chant:When is your birthday?When is your birthday?List

12、en and do. Listen and do.January or February, raise your hand.March or April, up you stand.May or June, touch your nose.July or August, touch your toes.September or October, touch your knees.November or December, clap 1 2 3用直观教学法学习个新词,学生容易掌握。利用歌谣巩固新词,朗朗上口,学生参与性较高。Step3: Practice1. before and after.教

13、师随便拿出一个单词,说before,学生说出前面月份词,老师说after,学生说出后面的单词。用游戏的方法灵活的练习了12个单词,又不让学生感到单词课的枯燥。Step 5: Consolidation and expansion生日大调查:make a survey1、教师问一名学生: When is your birthday? 该生回答:My birthday is in 连续问2-3名同学,最后汇报。2、小组内进行调查。通过调查,让学生小组讨论并展示,培养了学生的综合语言运用能力。Step 6. Summary (总结)说说你今天的收获?Step7. Homework1、Listen t

14、o the tape .2、Write the the words Jan. to Dec.3、Ask the questions with your parents. When is your birthday? My birthday is in 板书设计: Unit3 My birthday A. Lets learn春季图片 夏季图片 秋季图片 冬季图片 March Mar. June September Sept. December Dec. April Apr. July October Oct. January Jan. May August Aug. November Nov. February Feb.第二课时


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