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1、2019-2020年高中英语Unit15Learning-WarmupLesson1自我小测北师大版必修5.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1This increases your heart rate and encourages more o_ into the body as you breathe more quickly.2If your password gets known by anyone else,your data may not be s_.3When she asked Karen a question,even though Karen knew the answer

2、 her mind immediately went b_.4Make sure you go to see your doctor as soon as you s_ you are being sick.5Many mothers feel that they have very low s_ in todays society.6CEO stands for C_ Executive Officer.7Anderson carefully i_ us on how to make first aid when in emergency.8After the divorce,she b_

3、herself in her work.用所给词的适当形式填空。1I just need to make a few _(correct),and then we can send it to the printer.2The whole university admissions procedure has been _(simple)3Applicants should have an EFL _(qualify)and a years teaching experience.4You cant judge a book by its cover,as the old _(say)goes

4、.5All prices include _(post)and packing.6There is a growing concern about the spread of AIDS among drug _(use)7The wordgames help develop _(spell)and reading skills,and encourage accuracy.8The river was _(swell)with melted snow.阅读下面这段神探福尔摩斯与Waston先生的对话,回答对话后的问题。Holmes(H):But why buy Turkish?And ther

5、e was the Turkish bath.Why the expensive Turkish bath rather than a good old English bath?Waston(W):Im sure,Holmes,there is some perfectly selfevidence connection,in your logical mind,between Turkish baths and my boots.I would be obliged if you would indicate it.H:Waston,perhaps this might clarify t

6、hings.It is strange that you should have taken the cab so early this morning.Should I also ask who you shared your cab with?W:How do you know I shared a cab?H:Splashes(溅洒的污渍)on your sleeve.Obviously you had a panion,as you must have been sitting next to the open window.W:But I still dont see the con

7、nection between the boots and the bath.H:You have a habit of doing up your boots in a certain way,dont you?They are not tied in the usual fashion.You had a Turkish bath?You also need to take your boots off to take a bath.Yes or No?But someone else tied them,didnt they?Perhaps your panion in the cab?

8、1What would have happened if Waston hadnt taken the cab so early that morning?_2What would have happened if Waston hadnt shared his cab with somebody?_3What would have happened if Waston hadnt had a Turkish bath?_4What would have happened if Waston hadnt taken off his boots?_.用课文中的句型翻译下列句子。1在被公司解雇后,

9、他决定自己创业。_.1答案:oxygen2答案:secure3答案:blank4答案:suspect5答案:status6答案:Chief7答案:instructed/instructs8答案:buried.1答案:corrections2答案:simplified3答案:qualification4答案:saying5答案:postage6答案:users7答案:spelling8答案:swelled.1答案:He wouldnt have shared a cab with somebody.2答案:He wouldnt have been sitting next to the open

10、 window.3答案:He wouldnt have taken off his boots.4答案:Someone else wouldnt have tied his boots.2当被告知考试不及格时,我的脑子一片空白。_3她怀疑有人故意要让她难堪。_4我叫他教我如何用Photoshop处理图片。_5在炎热的夏日到海边度假是件很有趣的事情。_6被交通堵塞所困的时候,你能做的只有等待。_.阅读理解In todays society,a college degree tells little about what you know in parison to what it tells a

11、bout what you can learn.For instance,the IT world is constantly changing.Anything you learn today will probably be useless in a few short years.The point is to learn how to learn.Blogging works exactly the same way.And I believe this to be true regardless of your end goal.If youre trying to make mon

12、ey,this is enough clear.Theres always more money to be made.If youre teaching on a subject,you are constantly looking for new information to share.Even if youre just sharing your words with others for pleasure,youre continuously improving your writing and storytelling,so people dont get bored of you

13、.This is one of the reasons that bloggers burn out.They forget this.They think they have an unlimited amount of content just waiting to burst from their brain.They get fortable.Then they start to run out of juice.Sure,at_times_it_seems_that_some_bloggers_just_have_it.They are experts in their fields and will simply feed us with invaluable content forever.But this is not true.Pay attention.Even famous bloggers would run o



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