2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Fairness of all-词汇句型语法讲解 新人教版选修10.doc

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1、2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Fairness of all-词汇句型语法讲解 新人教版选修10一、核心单词用法例析1Register v. 登记,注册; 以挂号寄送Where can I register for the Arabic course?我选阿拉伯语一科到哪里注册?2Special adj. 特殊的;专门的,特别的 On holiday the railways run extra trains for special purpose.假日铁路增开加班火车。3Announce v t. 预示,显示; 宣布,告知The government announced its

2、new economic policies.政府发布了新的经济政策。The secretary announced Mr. and Mrs. White. 秘书同胞怀特夫妇驾临。4Support vt. n.支持,支撑;赞成, 拥护;赡养 支撑物, 支持,声援He supports The UNs effort to reduce poverty in the world.他支持联合国为减少贫困做的努力。She is his sole support in life.她是他生活上唯一支柱。5break down (指机器)出毛病, 坏掉;精神崩溃(break up是“打碎、解散”意思) The

3、 car broke down.汽车坏掉了。He is suffering from a nervous breakdown.他正患神经衰弱。They broke up the alliance.他们终止了联盟。6Prohibit vt. 禁止Smoking in the railway partment is prohibited.严禁在这节火车车厢内吸烟。Children are prohibited from buying cigarettes.禁止儿童购买香烟。Prohibit sb.from doing7. seize vt & vi. 常用被动,侵袭,发作(=attack, ove

4、re)扣押, 查封,没收He was seized with sudden chest pain.他的胸口疼突然发作。8. grip vt. 紧握,抓紧The brakes failed to grip and the car ran into a wall.煞车失灵, 汽车撞在一堵墙上。10remain vi. 剩下、余下;逗留、继续存在;保持You may have all those that remain.你可以把剩下的那些全部拿走。11submitvi. & vt. (使)服从、屈服;提交We shall submit ourselves to discipline.我们必须守纪律。

5、12punctuala. 准时的、正确的Every one in our class is punctual for class.我们班每个人都能做到上课不迟到。13Coincide vi. 同时发生,巧合 coincidental adj. 巧合性的, 巧合My religious beliefs and yours dont coincide.我的宗教信仰和你的不一致。14march n. vt. 军队进军、前进;进行曲;前进、齐步前进、三月(首字母大写)She was very angry and marched out of the shop.她很生气,快步走出去了。It was a

6、days march from the city to the camp.从城市到营地需要一天的行程。15abuse vt. 误用,滥用 Dont abuse your authority.不要滥用你的权利。16battle n./v. 战斗, 斗争Our pany is fighting a legal battle.我们公司正在打一场官司。Two armies battled for days.两军苦战了几天。17 happiness n. 幸福, 快乐My happiness is plete.我的幸福是完满的。18creed n. 宗教信条, 教条。In our country all

7、 men are treated equally ,without regard to race, social origin or creed.在我国,不论种族、出身和信仰,人人平等。19 seat vt. 使就坐, 使坐下 n. 座, 座位These ladies were conducted to seats of honor at the top of the room.注意:seat是及物动词,要接宾语;sit是不及物动词,后面不能接宾语。二、词组句型用法全解1seize on 抓住(机会),把握(良机)、利用Well seize on this chance.我们要抓住这个机会。2

8、regard. as 把看作,把认为Do you regard this issue as important?你认为这个问题重要吗?注意: regard as意思是:认为是; regard with是以某种心态看某事物。As regards “至于, 关于”。一般位于句首,作介词用。类似的表达还有as to, as for, with regard to等。on the basis of “在基础上”, “基于理论” His story is on the basis of his own life experience when he is young.他的小说是在他年轻时的生活经历基础上

9、写出来的。注意:base指有形的基础;basis指无形的基础。 如military base军事基地,the basis of philosophy哲学基础get on board 登上飞机/轮船等sweep the board 大获全胜 go by the board 落水,落空His plan went by the board. 他的计划落空。He is expected to sweep the board at tennis tournament.他被认为有望在网球锦标赛上获全胜。worry about / be worried about担心,发愁He doesnt worry a

10、bout me.他不会为我发愁的。6. Out/out ofout of 在。外、由于、缺乏、放弃Jack cant e this afternoon out of the work.今天下午杰克因为工作的原因不能来了。We are out of fresh water.我们的淡水用完了。Ill talk her out of marrying Green.我要说服她不要嫁给格林。as usual 像往常一样as planned 按计划 as follows 如下, as never before 从未有过, as expected 预料之中辨析:as it is/as it were用as

11、it is 陈述真实的情况,常译为“事实上”,“实际上”。比如:I thought things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse.我以为事情会越来越好。但事实上,事情越来越糟糕。as it were意义是:“可以说是”、“似乎是”、“仿佛”,并不那么肯定、确切。比如:He is my best friend, my second self, as it were. 他是我的好朋友,可以说是我的第二个自我。on the other hand “另一方面”,常和 on (the) one hand (一方面)成对出现。

12、offer a lift “让人搭乘自己的便车”,与give a lift相等,但后者还有别的意思。比如:The big increase in her salary gave her a tremendous lift.她的薪水大幅度增加使她极为振奋。注意:lift / raise/ rise三者都有“举起或升起”的意思。lift是用体力或机械力把某物举到一定的高度。raise是及物动词,强调“抬高”动作,还有“饲养,抚育”的意思。rise意为“升起, 站起来”,常指日、月、星辰升起。比如:This box is too heavy for me to lift.这个箱子太重,我搬不动Thi

13、s piece of good luck lifted his spirit.这次幸运使她非常高兴。10. after all 毕竟、终究。用在句子里加强语气,表示“让步”。I thought I was going to fail the exam, but I passed after all. 我原以为这次考试不及格了, 可毕竟还是及格了。用于句首或从句之首,意思则是“别忘记”,“须知”,“要知道”等。After all, Ive nothing to be ashamed of.要知道,我并没有什么可羞愧的。11. make up 编造 、弥补、构成Stop making things

14、 up!别编故事啦!What are the qualities that make up Hamlets character?哈姆莱特的性格特征是什么?Make up for the lost time。 努力补回失去的时间。12. Not onlybut also “不但而且”Shakespeare was not only a playwright but also an actor.莎士比亚不但是剧作家而且是演员。13. Instead of 代替,而不 (对其后的内容“否定”)She usually does some reading in the room instead of i

15、n the library.她通常在房间而不在图书馆里阅读。13. as I woke even earlier than usual.as 在此引导原因状语从句,从句中使用了比较级,“比平常早”。as usual, “像平常一样”I like to be punctual for work and no boycott is going to make me late.14. is going to既表示将来时间又表示“肯定、会”等情态动词的意思,在此句中可以和will互换。意思是:我一贯准时上班,联合抵制也不会不可能使我迟到的。15. What excitement! 感叹句,对名词感叹用what;对副词、形容词、或动词感叹用how。How well you look!How dirty the house is!What a good idea!What genius you have!16. Here you can take my copy now that Ive finished with it. now that 引导原因状语从句, 意思是“既然”Now


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