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1、2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习高考提能练六Module6TheInternetandTelemunications外研版必修.完形填空(xx安徽师大附中高三阶段性测试)This is a story about a student, who kept a diary filled with private memories. Some were _1_ memories from childhood when he felt hurt, confused, lonely and insecure. He had _2_ fragments (片段) of dreams and perso

2、nal _3_ of anger and hatred, as well as things he _4_ such as magic shops, coin dealers and Christmas reunion.Then a _5_ thing happened. After dinner one night he realized that he had _6_ his diary in the dining hall outside the campus. He was afraid that someone might _7_ it and find out the truth

3、about him, so he _8_ back from the campus, only to find that it was gone.Weeks passed, and eventually he gave up the_9_ of ever finding it again. A month later, he was hanging up his jacket in the same place _10_ he saw his old brown diary, just where he had left it. _11_ he flicked (快速浏览) through t

4、he pages and found that a stranger had written this entry:“God bless you. I am a lot like you, only I dont keep a diary. I am _12_ to know there are others like me. I hope things _13_ well for you.”Tears came to his eyes. He had never _14_ that someone could know his inner feelings and also feel thi

5、ngs just like the _15_ he did.So whether you are rich or poor, brilliant or _16_, attractive or plain, there are people like you. One of the most deadly _17_ we have is that we are not satisfying others. Perhaps you feel you wont impress others _18_ they are more confident, successful, intelligent o

6、r attractive than you. Such _19_ is misguided. Get rid of your fears of not measuring up, and _20_ yourself as you are.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了一个爱记日记的学生丢了日记本后又重新找回的故事,以启迪读者:接受自己,做好自己,抛开担心没有达到别人要求的想法。【核心词汇】insecure adj. 不安全的hatred n. 厌恶,憎恨eventually adv. 最后brilliant adj. 聪颖的,杰出的,很成功的1A.false BvaluableCpainful D

7、pleasant答案与解析:C根据空后的“felt hurt, confused, lonely and insecure”可推知,一些记忆是痛苦的(painful)。2A.described BcopiedCproved Dreported答案与解析:A根据上文的“who kept a diary filled with private memories”可知,主人公在日记里描述(described)了生活的种种片段。3A.secrets BfeelingsCbelongings Dexperiments答案与解析:B根据“anger”和“hatred”可知,这些都属于个人的情感(feeli

8、ngs)。4A.studied BenjoyedChated Dmisunderstood答案与解析:B根据“such as magic shops, coin dealers and Christmas reunion”可推知,这些都是主人公喜欢做的事情,与上文的“anger and hatred”形成对比。enjoy“享受的乐趣,喜爱”。5A.terrible BmonCmoving Dstrange答案与解析:A根据下文可知,主人公不小心丢了日记本,这是一件很可怕的(terrible)事,有泄露自己隐私的危险,与下文的“afraid”呼应。6A.left BbroughtCstored

9、Dopened答案与解析:A根据语境可知,主人公把日记本落在学校外的餐厅了。leave“忘了带,丢下”。7A.read BsellCsteal Ddestroy答案与解析:A主人公担心日记本被人捡到后可能会被翻阅。read“阅读”。8A.looked BjumpedCrushed Dwandered答案与解析:C主人公因为担心,所以急着回去找。rush“迅速移动,急促进行”。9A.belief BhopeClife Dhabit答案与解析:B根据“Weeks passed, and eventually he gave up”可知,过了好几周,并没有结果,因此主人公最终放弃了找到日记本的希望。

10、10A.which BwhileCwhere Dwhen答案与解析:D根据固定搭配“was/were doing. when.”可知,应选D。11A.Patiently BNervouslyCCalmly DUnwillingly答案与解析:B主人公意外发现了丢失的日记本,之前担心别人翻看的紧张再次袭来。nervously“紧张地”。12A.unaware BsorryCgrateful Ddisappointed答案与解析:C根据“I am a lot like you”可推知,陌生人了解到主人公和自己很像后,充满感激之情。13A.work out Btake offCturn over D

11、give up答案与解析:A结合语境可知,陌生人希望主人公一切都好。work out意为“(情况等的)发展,进行”。14A.expected BseenCpromised Dexplained答案与解析:A根据“someone could know his inner feelings”可推知,主人公从来没有期望(expected)有人能了解自己的内心情感。15A.theory BmeansCway Dmethod答案与解析:C此处指“感受事物的方式和他一样”,way意为“方式”。16A.humorous BaverageClazy Dgenerous答案与解析:B根据“rich or poo

12、r”“attractive or plain”可推知,此处表示与brilliant相反的概念,故选B。average“普通的”。17A.fears BweaknessesCdiseases Defforts答案与解析:A根据“we are not satisfying others”可推知,此处指每个人都有的担心。下文的“Get rid of your fears”是提示。18A.until BsoCalthough Dbecause答案与解析:D结合语境可知,上下句表示逻辑上的因果关系,故用连词because。19A.finding BpractiseCthinking Drule答案与解析

13、:C此处表示之前的想法(thinking)是不对的。20A.amuse BacceptCimprove Dtreat答案与解析:B根据语境可知,此处表示接受原本的自己,不必去担忧没有达到要求。.语法填空(xx湖北八校联考)I have recently returned from _1_ extended 26day trip to China. I made two earlier trips to China in xx. On my previous visits my travel _2_ (limit) to the three major cities of Beijing, Sh

14、anghai and Chongqing. This time I, together with my family, was able to visit some of the more remote cities and holiday destinations _3_ (miss) on the previous trips and revisit Beijing and Shanghai to observe the great changes there in just four short years.The many contradictions and _4_ (struggl

15、e) within China today are very impressive. No one can ignore the rich culture _5_ (date) back to ancient times changing into the modern age at a speed and scale that has never been witnessed. _6_ happens in China, the third _7_ (large) country in the world with 20 percent of the worlds population will _8_ (certain) shape the immediate and distant futures of _9_ (we) all.On this blog (客)



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