现代大学英语精读 Lesson Professions for Womenppt课件.ppt

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《现代大学英语精读 Lesson Professions for Womenppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《现代大学英语精读 Lesson Professions for Womenppt课件.ppt(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、单击此处编辑 母版副标题样 式 单击单击 此处编辑处编辑 母版标题标题 样样式 vProfessions for Women Virginia Woolf LOGOLOGO Your company sloganYour company slogan The Victorian ideology of Femininity v The French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau whose demands for human liberty had been influential upon a number of movements for politi

2、cal reform forcefully articulated some of the most restrictive tenets of what can be called the nineteenth century s ideology of femininity v The whole education of women ought to be relative to men To please them to console them and to make life sweet and agreeable to them these are the duties of w

3、omen at all times and what should be taught them from their infancy Your company sloganYour company slogan The Victorian ideology of Femininity v The ideal women he thus envisioned a pure decorous and even angelic creature was only one particularly notable representative of a standard against which

4、every middle and upper class woman s conduct was measured and other writers female as well as male elaborated upon the virtues of such an ideal v In 1854 in a long and very popular poem The Angle in the House Coventry Patmore described such selflessness more extravagantly Man must be pleased but him

5、 to please Is woman s pleasure down the gulf Of his condoled necessities She casts her best she flings herself Your company sloganYour company slogan The model woman was an angel or a queen v She must appear delicate frail ethereal She must look and act like a fragile creature v A good woman was ess

6、entially passionless if men were beasts ruled by sexual desire their pure wives and daughters knew nothing of such matters It was generally agreed that on her wedding night the angelic virgin should in one way or another behave as Queen Victoria was said to have close her eyes and think of England v

7、 Otherwise a woman was in danger of becoming a fallen woman Your company sloganYour company slogan v At 15 burned early writing because her stepmother felt that a reputation for scribbling would harm the girl s marriage prospects and because she herself was early impressed with ideas that fastened d

8、egradation to this class of composition then as now called the novel vEvelina 1778 Explored the social development of a heroine who proves herself worthy of her well born suitor vCecilia or Memoirs of an Heiress 1782 Analysized the social and economic problems of women v Tried to raise the status of

9、 the novel by combining verisimilitude with instructions Fanny Burney 1752 1840 Your company sloganYour company slogan Aphra Behn 1640 1689 v Spy and playwright traveler and wit Aphra Behn was England s first professional woman writer In a age when many women of letters were intellectual aristocrats

10、 who claimed to write only for pleasure and fame among their friends Behn was a middle class widow who frankly wrote for money and public acclaim v In 1666 she entered the intelligence service of King Charles II when such public toils of state affairs were unusual with her sex She carried out her mi

11、ssion remarkably well but was never paid properly So she ended up spending some time in 1668 in a London debtors prison which decided her upon what was for a woman an unprecedented step writing for money She became a professional and highly productive playwright Your company sloganYour company sloga

12、n Harriet Martineau 1802 1876 v She was more rigorously and formally educated than most women of her time She was precociously and independently interested in economic topics v Her father s death in 1826 forced her to support her mother and herself by needlework and writing for the Globe on economic

13、 topics such as machinery and labor vIllustrations of Political Economy 1832 34 Illustrations of Taxation 1834 Society in America 1837 Retrospect of Western Travel Deerbrook 1839 Your company sloganYour company slogan Jane Austen 1775 1817 v She defined herself as a writer by self consciously satiri

14、zing not only the female tradition in literature but also its effects on the growth and development of the female imagination She comically criticized the overvaluation of love the miseducation of women the subterfuges of the marriage market the rivalry among women for male approval the female cult

15、of weakness and dependency the discrepancy between women s private sphere and public male history Your company sloganYour company slogan George Eliot 1819 1880 v Eliot was aware that her identification with masculine achievement threatened to undermine her consciousness of herself as a woman You may

16、 try but you cannot imagine what it is to have a man s force of genius in you yet to suffer the slavery of being a girl said a heroin in her novel Your company sloganYour company slogan Questions v What problems does the author discuss through her two experiences What figurative devices were employed v What are the advantages for using metaphors v What would left literally without the metaphors Your company sloganYour company slogan v And while I was writing this review I discovered that if I we


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