五年级英语下册 Module8 unit 2 i made a kite教案2 外研版.doc

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1、Module 8 Unit 2 I made a kite教案1教学目标 1. 能够听、说、读、写词语:drew(draw的过去式), piece, paper stick string painted(paint的过去式) tied(tie的过去式) 和 scissors.2. Target Language: I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper.I painted it.2学情分析 五年级英语在小学英语教学中起着承上启下的作用,既是四年级的衍生又是六年级的铺垫。我们的学生虽然已有英语学习经验,但还有一些问题需要解决。3重点难点 1. 重点:

2、重点掌握8个单词。用英语描述大明制作风筝的过程。2. 难点:几个动词的过去式,了解词语:sticks 和 strings 的意思。4教学过程 活动1【导入】新课导入 1. Greetings:2. Warm up:Enjoy a chant and do the actions:Black, black. Stand up.Pink, pink. Sit down.Brown, brown. Touch the ground.Orange, orange. Touch the head.White, white. Turn around.活动2【讲授】新词呈现进入文本 1T: Boys and

3、 girls, I have so much colorful paper. Look, a piece of red paper, a piece of yellow paper, and 引导学生回答a piece of green paper 接着板书a piece of 并学习,然后让学生利用自己手中的彩纸来练习a piece of yellow/red/green paper等等。然后老师拿起准备好的图画(在一张黄色纸上画着一条龙)进行如下对话: T: Look, whats this?S: a dragonT: I drew a dragon on a piece of yello

4、w paper. (板书句子并领读)T: What did you draw?S: I drew a on a piece of paper. (学生快速在自己的彩纸上画一些简单的图画并根据自己的画操练重点句型)I drew an apple on a piece of yellow paper, I drew a book on a piece of red paper.2. 进入文本:T: Well children, I drew a dragon on a piece of paper. Daming drew a dragon, too.Now, lets watch the vid

5、eo and then finish the exercise.(1)看课文动画,判断对错1 Daming drew a dragon on a piece of red paper. ( )2 Daming cut the paper with knife. ( )(2) 打开课本,听录音,完成句子。(3) 听录音跟读。(4)自由读,个别读。活动3【活动】主题升华,渗透情感教育 1T: Damings kite is very beautiful. Do you like kite?S: Yes.T: So we should love Chinese traditional art, lo

6、ve our country.2. Listen and say, then sing.T: Damings kite is very beautiful. Now lets fly the kite together.(师生同欣赏同唱)活动4【练习】练习 What did lingling do? 连线活动5【测试】测试 1.填空I ( ) a kite.I ( ) a dragon on a piece of yellow paper. I ( ) it.I ( ) the paper with scissors. I sticks on it. I ( ) strings to it. Then I ( ) fly my kite.2.选择1. We are going to _ and _.A. dance; sing B.singing; dancing C.sings; dances2. Im going to _ a book.A. reads B.read C.reading3. Hes going to _.A.going to home B.see a film C.goes home



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