牛津版八年级下学期英语Module 4 Units 7-8 综合检测B卷.doc

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1、牛津版八年级下学期英语Module 4 Units 7-8 综合检测B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共8分)1. (1分)Youll fall ill if you go on working so hard.Youre right. I think I need a holiday.A . stopB . continueC . enjoy2. (1分)Could we see each other at nine oclock tomorrow morning?Sorry, lets make it _ time

2、.A . the otherB . anotherC . otherD . else3. (1分)What happened that day? We may never know.A . arrivedB . took placeC . missed4. (1分)They have two _ ice-cream in their ice-cream house.A . kindB . kinds ofC . sizesD . size of5. (1分)They _ 20, 000 yuan for the Project Hope last year. A . roseB . raise

3、C . raisedD . risen6. (1分)My morning classes end at 11: 30 a. m. A . beginB . findC . stop7. (1分)If someone gets the first place in a game, we can say he _ the game. A . loseB . winsC . misses8. (1分) Do you ride a bike to school instead of taking a bus lately? Yes, the traffic jam drives me mad. I d

4、ont want to be late again.A . lets me downB . makes me crazyC . wakes me up二、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共7题;共7分)9. (1分)Whats your telephone ? Its 398-6149.A . numberB . colorC . mapD . pen10. (1分)Can you _ that in Chinese? No, I cant _ Chinese.A . speak, speakB . say, sayC . speak, sayD . say,

5、 speak11. (1分)The pizza smells . Let me have one piece first. A . goodB . badC . well12. (1分)We _ the blackboard, but we cant _ anything. A . look; seeB . see; look atC . look at; seeD . look; watch13. (1分)We cant our parents forever. Yes, we should learn to take care of ourselves.A . depend onB . m

6、ake jokes aboutC . keep in touch with14. (1分)What do you usually do at six in the morning? On weekdays, I get up and _ my school uniform quickly, _ on weekends I still sleep.A . wear; andB . dress; soC . put on; but15. (1分)The beautiful lady with glasses over there looks like our English teacher. It

7、 _ be her. She has gone abroad.A . cantB . may notC . mustntD . neednt三、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)选择最恰当的选项完成短文 Hi Mary,Thank you for writing to me and I will try to give you some ideas about improving your written English. The bad news, of course, is that there is no1way to do this. It takes work.Impro

8、ving your English, like getting better at anything else, means lots of practice. I think you already know enough words and grammar in English to make sentences and to understand English, and the problem you have is as the problem all Chinese students have when they learn English. You go to English c

9、lass a couple of times a week and2of the time you speak Chinese. If you come to Canada, your English would improve very quickly because you would use it all day, every day. Its just practice.To improve your writing in English, you should do3things. First, you should try to read English as much as po

10、ssible. It doesnt matter what you read, so you can pick something that interests you. Reading English will show you how English words are used together, how English speakers express themselves and so on, so you can learn a lot from that. Then you should practise writing. Ask your teacher if you can

11、get extra assignments and write things like short stories. Your teacher can show you where you make mistakes and how to4them. You can also write more letters to English speakers on the Internet. I will be happy to exchange letters with you if that will help. Dont worry if you make mistakes5that is h

12、ow you learn.You say you cannot obey your plans. In English we say, Plan the work, work the plan. You need a plan and then you need to follow your plan to improve.I hope these ideas are6. I wish you luck, and if you want to write to me, I will be happy to try to help you. We can talk about China, ab

13、out Canada or anything else you like.Best wishes!Brad(1)A . immediate B . difficult C . interesting D . easy (2)A . the rest B . the other C . another D . others (3)A . two B . three C . four D . five (4)A . improve B . correct C . memorize D . remember (5)A . if B . when C . because D . but (6)A .

14、essential B . colourful C . careful D . useful 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共20分)17. (4分)阅读理解 (1)We may get the advertisement above A . on televisionB . in kids cartoonsC . in the Go Wild newspaperD . in Primary times(2)In the material, Peckish on the bag most probably refers to _. A . a garden bird foodB . a kind of birdC . a bird pr


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