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1、. 毕业论文农村居民人均纯收入影响因素的实证研究 摘 要 中国是一个农业大国,农村人口占全国人口的比率较大,人口压力的加大与中国农村可利用土地资源特别是耕地资源的不断减少之间的矛盾将会继续存在。面临着经济全球化、信息化发展趋势,农产品的价格、质量的竞争必然更加激烈,因而农村居民的收入问题也成为我国经济社会发展面临的一大难题,这一问题是否能够得到根本性解决,农村居民是否能够增收,增收速度和质量怎样,不仅直接关系着全面建设小康社会的进程,而且也关系着大多数农村居民的情绪,关系着农村社会的稳定关系和党与政府在农村的威信以及执政党地位的问题。本文运用统计软件Eviews5.0对2003年至2012年近

2、10年的影响农村居民人均纯收入的因素进行多元线性回归分析,得出农村居民人均纯收入的函数模型,并在此基础上分析影响我省农村居民人均纯收入的因素。在研究影响我省农村居民人均纯收入的因素问题上利用数形结合的思想,得出要想发展农村经济必须控制农村人口数,提高农村居民综合素质,尤其是必须要提高农村劳动力素质,加大在科学知识教育方面的力度,保证农村劳动力数量,增强农民利用科学技术提高收入的意识。在本文研究的最后提出增加农村居民收入的建议和有效措施,为实现我国社会主义现代化宏伟目标贡献出微薄的力量。关键词 经济发展;农村居民人均收入;回归模型;最小二乘法. ABSTRACT China is an agri

3、cultural country,rural population accounts for the population ratio is larger, Population pressure increased with the use of land resources in rural China, especially the contradiction between the continuous decrease of cultivated land resources will continue to exist.Facing the development trend of

4、 economic globalization and informatization, the prices of agricultural products, the quality of the competition is more intense, and rural residents income has become a big problem facing Chinas economic and social development, this problem can be solve fundamentally, can rural residents income inc

5、rease and what about the speed and quality , not only directly related with the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way, but also the mood of most rural residents, relationship with the stability of rural social relations and the party and the government authority in the country a

6、nd the ruling status of the problem.This paper uses the statistical software of Eviews5.0 for 2003 to 2012, nearly 10 years of the influencing factors of rural residents per capital net income of multivariate linear regression analysis, then the function model of per capital net income of rural resi

7、dents, and based on the analysis of influencing factors of the per capita net income of rural residents in our province.In the study of factors affecting our province rural residents per capital net income of the problem using the number form combining ideas, it is concluded that control the number

8、of rural populationis must to develop the rural economy , and it is must to improve rural residents comprehensive quality, especially improve the quality of the rural labor force, intensify in the field of science education, guarantee the rural labor force, enhance the consciousness of the farmers u

9、se of science and technology to raise revenue.Finally, in the study of this paper puts forward suggestions and effective measures of increasing the income of rural residents, to realize the grand goal contribution to Chinas socialist modernization the meager strength.Keywords Economic development;Ru

10、ral residents per capital income;The regression model;Least squares.目 录一、河北省农村居民收入现状分析1二、河北省农村居民人均收入影响因素的分析3(一)农村人口数和受教育程度4(二)地方财政支农支出5(三)农村居民消费价格指数5(四)农村从业人员6三、河北省农村居民人均纯收入影响因素的实证分析7(一)数据来源7(二)多元线性回归法的运用81.模型参数的估计82.变量的多重共线性检验83.逐步回归法确定农民收入函数模型9 (三)自相关性和异方差性检验101.自相关性检验102.异方差性检验11四、对策和建议12(一)加强农村社


12、发展。但总体而言,改革开放三十多年来,我国农村居民收入在总量水平上有着非常显著的提高,农村居民生活水平也大幅度提升。1、 河北省农村居民收入现状分析20032012年期间,河北省农村居民人均纯收入有了较快的增长,由2003年的2685.16元/人增长到2012年的8081.4元/人,9年里河北省农村居民人均纯收入增加了4434.53元/人,平均增长率为12.3%;同期山东省农村居民人均纯收入增长了6292元/人,平均增长率为20.1%;山西省农村居民人均纯收入增长了4057.4元/人,平均增长率为8.1%;河南省农村居民人均纯收入增长了5289.2元/人,平均增长率为14.4%;辽宁省农村居民

13、人均纯收入增长了6449.3元/人,平均增长率为13.8%,数据见表1。表1 20032012年河北省和其他省份农村居民人均纯收入比较年份河北省农村居民人均纯收入(元/人)山东省农村居民人均纯收入(元/人)山西省农村居民人均纯收入(元/人)河南省农村居民人均纯收入(元/人)辽宁省农村居民人均纯收入(元/人)20032853.43150.52299.22235.72934.420043171.13507.42589.62553.23307.120053481.63930.52890.72870.63690.220063801.84368.33180.93261.04090.420074293.4

14、4985.33665.73851.64773.420084795.55641.44097.24454.25576.520095149.76118.84244.14807.05958.020105958.06990.34736.35523.76907.920117119.78342.15601.46604.08296.520128081.49446.56356.67524.99383.7资料来源:中国统计年鉴,2013年图1 人均纯收入比较图由图1可直观地看出,山西省农村居民人均纯收入增长曲线斜率最小,表明这九年山西省农村居民人均纯收入增长速度最小;山东和辽宁农村居民人均纯收入增长曲线斜率相当,说明这两个省份农村居民人均纯收入增长速度相当;河南省农村居民人均纯收入增长曲线斜率大于山西省农村居民人均纯收入



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