管理学,罗宾斯,9版,教师手册 robbins fom9 im 01b

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1、History Module: A Brief History of Managements RootsHISTORY MODULEA BRIEF HISTORY OF MANAGEMENTS ROOTSSince the birth of modern management theory in the early 1900s, management experts have developed theories to help organizations and their managers coordinate and oversee work activities as effectiv

2、ely and efficiently as possible. In presenting the history of modern management, this supplement explores the evolution of management thought and practice during the twentieth century. EARLY MANAGEMENT3000-2500 B.C.E.Organizations and managers have existed for thousands of years. The Egyptian pyrami

3、ds and the Great Wall of China were projects of tremendous scope and magnitude, requiring the efforts of tens of thousands of people. How was it possible for these projects to be completed successfully? The answer is management. Regardless of the titles given to managers throughout history, someone

4、has always had to plan what needs to be accomplished, organize people and materials, lead and direct workers, and impose controls to ensure that goals were attained as planned.1400sExamples of early management practices can also be seen by studying the Arsenal of Venice. Assembly lines, accounting s

5、ystems, and personnel functions are only a few of the processes and activities used in business in the fifteenth century that are common to todays organizations as well. 1776 Adam Smith, author of the classical economics doctrine The Wealth of Nations, argued brilliantly for the economic advantages

6、that he believed division of labor (the breakdown of jobs into narrow, repetitive tasks) would bring to organizations and society.1700sThe Industrial Revolution is possibly the most important pre-twentieth-century influence on management. The introduction of machine powers combined with the division

7、 of labor made large, efficient factories possible. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling became necessary activities.CLASSICAL APPROACH1911 Scientific management is defined as the use of the scientific method to determine the “one best way” for a job to be done. Frederick W. Taylor is know

8、n as the “father” of scientific management. Taylors work at the Midvale and Bethlehem Steel companies stimulated his interest in improving efficiency. Taylor sought to create a mental revolution among both workers and managers by defining clear guidelines for improving production efficiency. Frank a

9、nd Lillian Gilbreth were inspired by Taylors work and proceeded to study and develop their own methods of scientific management. Frank Gilbreth is probably best known for his experiments in reducing the number of motions in bricklaying.1916-1947Henri Fayol, who was a contemporary of Frederick W. Tay

10、lor, was the managing director of a large French coal-mining firm. Fayol focused on activities common to all managers. He stated 14 principles of management (fundamental or universal truths of management that can be taught in schools; see Exhibit HM-1). Max Weber was a German sociologist who wrote i

11、n the early twentieth century. Weber developed a theory of authority structures and described organizational activity based on authority relations. He described the ideal form of organization as a bureaucracy marked by division of labor, a clearly defined hierarchy, detailed rules and regulations, a

12、nd impersonal relationshipsBEHAVIORAL APPROACH1700s-1900sRobert Owen, Hugo Munsterberg, Mary Parker Follett, and Chester Barnard were early advocates of the OB approach. Their ideas served as the foundation for employee selection procedures, motivation programs, work teams, and organization environm

13、ent management techniques. 1924-1930s The Hawthorne Studies were the most important contribution to the development of organizational behavior. This series of experiments conducted from 1924 to the early 1930s at the Western Electric Company Works in Cicero, Illinois, were initially devised as a sci

14、entific management experiment to assess the impact of changes in various physical environment variables on employee productivity. After Harvard professor Elton Mayo and his associates joined the study as consultants, other experiments were included to look at redesigning jobs, make changes in workda

15、y and workweek length, introduce rest periods, and introduce individual versus group wage plans. The researchers concluded that social norms or group standards were key determinants of individual work behavior. Although not without criticism (concerning procedures, analyses of findings, and the conc

16、lusions), the Hawthorne Studies stimulated interest in human behavior in organizational settings.1930s-1950aThe human relations movement assisted managers in designing jobs that motivate workers, in working with employee teams, and in facilitating the flow of communication within organizations. Included in this movement were Abraham Maslow, best known for his hierarchy of needs and Douglas McGregory and this conceptual



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