沪教版七下Unit 9 What does he look like Section B同步测试(I)卷.doc

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1、沪教版七下Unit 9 What does he look like Section B同步测试(I)卷一、 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词。 (共6题;共23分)1. (1分)Yesterday he i_ his classmates to come to his home for dinner. 2. (5分)根据提示拼写单词。(1) Whats three and four? Its s_.(2)These w_ are new (新的). We can know the time (时间). (3) Is this your cup? No, its not m_. Its Li

2、lys.(4)Whats your telephone n_?Its 851-3397.(5)Are these rulers his?No, t_ arent.3. (1分)Adams father is a w_in a factory(工厂). 4. (4分)根据下列句子及所给首字母, 写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)。(1)Many local people like Hai Di Lao Hot Pot for its delicious food and excellent s_.(2)Hangzhou now is well-known as the h_ city f

3、or G20.(3)Its necessary to take actions to fight a_ more and more serious pollution.(4)Never try to cross the road u_ the traffic lights turn green.5. (11分)(2016襄阳)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在短文空白处填入一个恰当的词,使短文内容完整、通顺,并将所填单词填写在答题卡上相应的题号后。I packed, and was ready to leave for my two-day trip. I had been busy

4、 with my work. I had made p_for the trip for the last few days, and I expected to get r_for several days. As I got into the car to leave, my mind flew to my kids.How to keep in touch with your kids when youre busy or far away is a dilemma(两难的问题) many fathers have. Men like to focus special attention

5、 on one thing for a long p_, but this can lead to trouble. Moving from work to family isnt always an easy thing. And if you dont s_your kids that youre thinking about them, they may think that you dont care.As I started down the road, I suddenly stopped to t_back to my house and wrote a short messag

6、e on a c_of cards to each of my children. I put each in a “secret” place where I knew theyd find it. When I called the next night, they both said e_, “Daddy, I got your card. When did you do that?”I was moved when I heard these words. What I had never thought was that a small thing had a big influen

7、ce on my kids. It proved(证明) that they were in my heart. And distance (距离) couldnt s_them from their father. To my satisfaction, they feel “love” of their father. This v_experience encouraged me to continue to do the small things to be a responsible father.As fathers get much busier and have to work

8、 longer hours, they usually pay l_attention to the small things. Dont miss the good chances to let your kids see how important they are.Take a moment to do a small thing for your kids. It wont s_small to them.6. (1分)He rushed out _(立刻) when he heard the bad news. 二、 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共5分)7. (1分)

9、These young women all come from_(German)8. (1分)Who do you think is the best _(climb) among them? 9. (1分)People sometimes see things _(different). 10. (1分)What made you so _ (relax)? 11. (1分)It is such a(n)_(usual)work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it 三、 英汉互译。 (共1题;共1分)12. (1分)All the

10、school-age children must go to school to get an education.(_) 四、 单项选择。 (共8题;共16分)13. (2分)I dont have a lot of time _ sports.A . ofB . withC . toD . for14. (2分)In China, we are using the FAST to find stars . Now more and more people want to know about the largest radio telescope(望远镜) in the world. A

11、. in personB . in publicC . in space15. (2分)一Is that your ?Yes. I usually eat with it.A . bikeB . roomC . bowlD . pen16. (2分)The thunder was so loud that it _ me from a sound sleep.A . wokeB . awokeC . woke upD . awoke up17. (2分) What _ does Tina like? She likes dogs and tigers.A . subjectsB . color

12、sC . sportsD . animals18. (2分)All these jobs cant be done by a single machine. We should buy another one.A . aloneB . only oneC . just19. (2分)I planned _ in the park with my family last weekend. A . campB . campingC . to campD . camped20. (2分)I was late for school yesterday_the heavy rain. A . beaca

13、useB . because ofC . soD . and五、 根据提示选择合适的图片, 并完成对话。 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)从方框中选择正确的短语填空。get up, think of, come from, each other, look at(1)What do you _ this shirt?It is very nice.(2)We are good friends and we often help_.(3)_ the photo! It is a photo of my family.(4)Jim, it is 6:30 now. Its time to _.(

14、5)My name is Tony. I_ England.六、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Attention, Students! Beach Party Comes!We will hold an outdoor party in Fulong on July 10.Activities1). Bike riding or hiking from the Student Centre to the beach2). A cookout (野炊) on the beach3). Swimming and sailing competitionsYou should bringsun cream, sunglasses, hats, swimsuits, hiking shoes, and personal itemsDeadline(最后期限)for signing upFriday, June 28


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