冀教版2 This is my sister. 单元测试B卷.doc

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1、冀教版2 This is my sister. 单元测试B卷一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)(2015黑龙江龙东)Canada is one of the largest_ in the world.That is, it is larger than _ country in Asia.A . country; any otherB . countries; any otherC . countries; any2. (2分)Look at the twins. One is quiet, and is outgoing. A . anotherB . the otherC

2、 . other3. (2分) What would you like? Im thirsty. Id like_.A . two cups of teaB . two cup of teaC . two eggs.4. (2分)Will she have a picnic next week? And she is readyA . Yes,she doesB . No,she doesntC . Yes,she willD . No,she wont5. (2分)Are you good _ math? A . withB . toC . forD . at6. (2分) Now, com

3、puters _people, especially the young. Yes, I agree_you.A . is popular with; withB . are popular with; withC . are popular to; onD . is popular for; to7. (2分) What _ did you have for your hard work? A free trip to Taizhou zoo.A . messageB . ideaC . awardD . problem8. (2分)May I have a look at this box

4、, Kang?_.A . Sorry, Im afraid you can.B . Thank you all the same.C . Thank you very much.D . Sorry, Im afraid you cant.9. (2分)Look! There _ ten bags of milk on the _. A . is; shelfsB . are; shelvesC . is; shelvesD . are; shelfs10. (2分)There are some cakes on the table, but you can only take _. A . i

5、tB . oneC . anyD . those二、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分) Jennifer was sitting on the bench. After all she went through, it was just what she needed. Its getting 1 she thought. I should go home.She wanted to know her 2would react(反应) when she 3home after the three days she was missing.It was really dark w

6、hen she finally reached her front door. It seemed different to her. 4 took care of the outside garden for 5days. She was surprised as her father usually worked hard to keep everything 6and tidy. She couldnt understand what was going on.She entered the7. First, she went into the kitchen 8she saw a no

7、te written by her father.9said, Dear Ellen, here is some coffee. I am searching out. Ellen was her mother, but where is she?She went to her parents room. She found her there. Her 10was lying on the bed, fast asleep. Her face looked so 11, as if she wasnt asleep for days. Jennifer wanted to wake her

8、up 12she looked too tired. So Jennifer just fell asleep beside her.When Jennifer 13, something was different: She wasnt in her mothers room and she wasnt 14the old clothes she ran away. She was on her own bed.It felt so good being back home. Suddenly she heard a voice ask, Are you feeling better now

9、, dear? You know you 15us all very, very afraid.(1)A . early B . late C . warm D . angry (2)A . father B . mother C . parents D . teachers (3)A . got B . left C . wanted D . missed (4)A . Everybody B . Somebody C . Anybody D . Nobody (5)A . many B . lots of C . a few D . much (6)A . clean B . dirty

10、C . quiet D . busy (7)A . school B . room C . house D . library (8)A . what B . when C . who D . and (9)A . They B . It C . He D . She (10)A . mother B . father C . friend D . sister (11)A . happy B . tired C . afraid D . relaxed(放松的) (12)A . and B . so C . but D . though (13)A . got up B . woke up

11、C . put up D . cleaned up (14)A . putting on B . dressing C . wearing D . taking (15)A . had B . let C . made D . gave 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)12. (8分)阅读理解 Friends are important in our lives, but how to keep our friendship is more important. Here are some ways for you.Write lettersIf your best friend move

12、s to other cities, you could buy the same magazine, E-mail, phone or write each other about the articles(文章) in the magazine that make you laugh. This will make you have the same interest. Dont forget to visit each other as often as you can.Think of your friends firstWhat are your friends thoughts,

13、dreams, hopes and fears? What are her past experiences? From these, you could think of ways to help your friends. You put your friend first, she or he feels special, and you both grow closer to each other.Gifts from the heartTake photos of a whole day or weekend together. Write a short story about your time you enjoyed. Save the movie tickets, restaurant stubs(票根) or special gifts you find every place you travel. Put everything in a box youll keep all the time.Create your own fun ways to keep your friendship if you can.(1)_make


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