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1、沪教版2020年中考英语语法专练(十):动词的时态A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)In the United States the Christmas season _ from Thanksgiving through the beginning of January. A . lastB . lastsC . lastedD . lasting2. (2分)- Could you go out for a walk with me after dinner?- I _ with you if it _ rain.A . will go; i

2、sntB . go; isntC . will go; doesntD . go; doesnt3. (2分)Who kept so many chickens? My aunt_. A . isB . wasC . doesD . did4. (2分)I drink a lot of coffee, I think I sleep tonight. A . will loseB . loseC . will be lostD . will am lose5. (2分)Be quiet! A bird something on the window. A . ateB . eatsC . is

3、 eating6. (2分) you ever Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge? Not yet. A . Did; visitB . Are; visitC . Have; visited7. (2分)It _ over ten days since the dog _ .A . is; has been deadB . has been; diedC . has been; has been deadD . was; has died8. (2分)The last time I _ Jane she _ cotton in the fields. A . had

4、 seen, was pickingB . saw, pickedC . had seen, pickedD . saw, was picking9. (2分) your father a newspaper when you got home? No, .A . Was; reading; he wasB . Did; read; he didC . Was; reading; he wasntD . Did; read; he didnt10. (2分)However, no one _ any life in space yet. A . has been discoveredB . h

5、as discoveredC . have discoveredD . discovered二、 句型转换 (共10题;共24分)11. (2分)There were some factories in the town in the past. (改为否定句)There_factories in the town in the past.12. (1分)We will have fun at the party.(改为否定句) We_fun at the party.13. (3分)Why not go shopping for some orange juice?(同义句转换) _ _ g

6、oing shopping for some orange juice?14. (2分)My father will go to Dalian by ship next week. (对画线部分提问) _ _ your father _ to Dalian next week? 15. (2分)I have sent an e-mail to Li Ming.(改为一般疑问句) _ you _ an e-mail to Li Ming?16. (2分)Are you Mike?(作否定回答) No, _.17. (2分)My friend is Han Dong.(改为一般疑问句)_ _fri

7、end Han Dong?18. (2分)Its a jacket.(对画线部分提问) 19. (2分)The two boys are swimming in the river. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ the two boys _ in the river? Yes,_ _. 20. (6分)My bicycle is old, but I dont have money to buy a new one._my bicycle is old I dont have money to buy a new one.三、 语法填空 (共25题;共27分)21. (1分)We _

8、(talk)about the problem last Saturday. 22. (1分)I _Alan. (be) 23. (1分)I _(oversleep) this morning because I stayed up too late to watch the football match. 24. (1分)Did you hear the loud noise around 10:30 last night?No, I_(watch) my favourite TV programme in the living room.25. (1分)She_(wait) ten min

9、utes for her bus at the bus station every day. 26. (1分)They are_(learn about) the Silk Road. 27. (1分)Look! The boy over there _(fly)a model plane. 28. (1分)I_(forget) to turn off the light when I left my room yesterday. 29. (1分)So far Cathy_(introduce)three ways of learning English to me 30. (1分)I ha

10、ve _(keep) the book for two weeks. 31. (1分)I called you at 9:00 this morning, but you didnt answer.Oh, sorry. We_(have) a meeting.32. (2分)It is reported that Taizhou Sports Park _ (complete) next year. 33. (1分)While they_(do) their homework, a bird flew into the classroom. 34. (1分)We_(see)Lilys brot

11、her before35. (1分)My father often_(go) fishing on Sunday. 36. (2分)We _TV when the terrorists (恐怖分子) killed the people in Kunming on the night of March 1, 2014. ( watch )37. (1分)What about going with us together? Thanks. Tom hasnt come yet, I _ (wait) for him.38. (1分)He_(call) you as soon as he arriv

12、es in Shanghai. 39. (1分)Susan _(be) in the music club when I_(call) her. Emma _(teach) her to play the piano then. 40. (1分)The Greens _(visit) the museum next Monday. 41. (1分)语法填空,用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。 (1)He _ (play) soccer on the playground now. (2)He _ (play) soccer on the playground yesterday. (3)He _

13、 (play) soccer on the playground when I saw him yesterday. (4)He _ (play) soccer on the playground every day. (5)He _ (play) soccer on the playground tomorrow afternoon. (6)He _ (play) soccer on the playground for a long time.42. (1分)Since you _ (graduate), you shouldnt depend on your parents any more.43. (1分)Where is your brother?He has gone to Beijing.He_(come) back in three days.44. (1分)I asked her if she wanted to come and she _ (nod). 45. (1分)People are wondering why the price of


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