酒店情景英语 高文知 试卷 课后答案 听力听力 第三部分听力

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《酒店情景英语 高文知 试卷 课后答案 听力听力 第三部分听力》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《酒店情景英语 高文知 试卷 课后答案 听力听力 第三部分听力(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chapter 3 Food & BeverageUnit 1 ReservationDialogue AA:Good morning. Rose restaurant.B:Hello. Id like to make a reservation.A:For when, sir?B: Tomorrow evening, say, around 6:00.A: How many in your party?B: There will be ten of us.A: Smoking or nonsmoking?B: Oh, I didnt think about that. Smoking, I

2、guess.A: May I have your name and contact number?B: Oh, its Smith. And my mobile phone number is 1397-147-3683.A: OK, Mr. Smith. Thats party of six for tomorrow evening at 6:00. Is that correct?B: Thats right. Thank you.Dialogue BA: Good morning, May I help you?B: Yes, Id like to reserve a table for

3、 dinner.A: What time would you like your table, sir?B: Im not sure, maybe around 7:00pm.A: Fine. How many people are there in your party?B: Well, just two of us.A: Ill reserve a table for two at 7:00pm. May I have your name please?B: Yes, Davis.A: Thank you, Mr. Davis. Anything else?B: Any chance of

4、 a table by the window? My friend loves the birds eye view.A: I see. But I am afraid there are no tables by the window available tonight. You see, we have already received many bookings and I hope you will understand.B: Oh, what a pity.A: Im sorry for that. But we will contact you if anyone who canc

5、eled the reservation.B: You are so kind, thank you.Unit 2 Seating GuestsDialogue A. A:Good evening, madam. Welcome to Rose Restaurant!B: Thanks.A: May I ask if anyone is joining you?B: No one. I have come alone.A: Do you have a reservation?B: Im afraid not.A: Ok, where would you prefer to sit? What

6、about a seat by the window?B: I prefer to sit close to the air-conditioner.A: Sure, come this way, please. Dialogue BA: Good evening, Mr. Smith! Glad to meet you again! Your table is already. We have been holding it for you. Could you follow me, please?B: Fine. Thank you.A: The floor is wet, please

7、mind your steps. This is your table. Please be seated. Heres the menu. The waiter will be with you in a moment.B: Thank you. A: Is anyone joining you, sir?B: Yes, my wife will come here later. By the way, is thatseatoccupied?A: Im afraid that table is reserved.B: Well, Letssitover here by this windo

8、w.Unit 3 Taking Orders for the Western FoodDialogue AA: Good evening,sir. Here is the menu.B: Thank you. What is the“Supreme”like?A: It is a pizza with pepperoni, Beef,pork,onion,green pepper and mushroom.B: That sounds good,Ill take one. What salads do you have?A: Chefs salad,Waldorf salad and shri

9、mp salad.B: What is the shrimp salad?Does it contain carrot?A: It is a salad with fresh shrimps,cucumber slices,eggs,and diced potato. It doesnt contain any carrot.B: Thatll be fine. Im not very fond of carrot.Dialogue BA: May I take your order, sir? B: Yes. What do you have for todays special? A: W

10、e have filet steak and lamb chop. B: Good. I will take filet steak. A: How would you like your steak, rare, medium or well-done? B: Medium, please. A: Would you like your steak with a baked potato or French fries? B: A baked potato, please. A: Would you care for a salad, sir? B: Yes. What kind of sa

11、lad do you have? A: How about a mixed salads or a tomato salad? B: A mixed salad is fine. A: And what would you like to drink with your meal? B: Id like to order wine.A: The wine list is on the last page of the menu, sir. B: A Marseilles, please. A: Let me repeat your order. You would like to have f

12、ilet steak, a baked potato, a mixed salad, and a Marseilles. Is it correct? B: Exactly.A: Enjoy your meal. Unit 4 Taking Orders for the Chinese FoodDialogue A A:Are you ready to order now, sir?B:No, Im still looking at the menu. You see, this is my first trip to China. I dont know much about Chinese

13、 food.A:Chinese food is divided into eight big cuisines, and Chinesecuisineis very different from European. Our restaurant is noted for its excellentSichuan style.B:I have heard Sichuan food is spicy and hot.A: Yes. Cantonese food is lighter.B: But I really like hot food. Could you recommend somethi

14、ng?A: What about the boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili sauce, and the spicy Sichuan bean curd? They are our specialties.B: OK. I will have them.A: Would you like some vegetables for your lunch? How about spicy cabbage of Sichuan style? Its our chefs dish.B: That fine. I will have a try.Dial

15、ogue BA: Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Jones, are you ready to order?B: Yes, we are. But there are so many things on the menu and they all look good. Could you recommend something?A: My pleasure, let me introduce Chinese food in general. Chinese food is divided into eight styles of cuisine. Some are light, like Cantonese style; some are spicy and hot, like Sichuan style.B: Then what hot food would you like to recommend?A: I think Kongpao chicken is quite special. Besides, our chef recommends broccoli with crabmeat sa


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