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1、人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Which is more useful, reading or writing?I think _ of them are useful.A . eitherB . bothC . allD . each2. (2分)The shoes with high heels are in the newest _. Many girls wear them. A . brandB . tradeC . styleD . product3. (2分)Its co

2、ld outside. _your sweater before you go out. A . Put onB . Turn onC . Put upD . Give up4. (2分)Lily is upset now. Lets cheer her _.A . inB . outC . onD . up5. (2分)Danny, thats my ruler under your desk. Please _ for me. A . pick it upB . picks it upC . pick up itD . picks up it6. (2分)You eat too much

3、sugar. Its bad for your teeth. A . shouldB . shouldntC . mustD . mustnt7. (2分)What were you doing when the earthquake happened in Jianhe ? I morning exercises.A . doB . am doingC . was doingD . did8. (2分)Sorry, I have broken the chair.It doesnt matter, _ you should be careful next time.A . andB . or

4、C . soD . but9. (2分)My sister likes cartoons best. So she often spends a lot of time _ TV in the evening.A . to watchB . watchC . watchedD . watching10. (2分) Does he _ wear a uniform at school? Yes, he does.A . mustB . have toC . canD . like11. (2分)We will have a picnic _ it doesnt rain tomorrow.A .

5、 thoughB . unless C . untilD . if12. (2分)We have an English lesson _ Monday. A . onB . inC . atD . of13. (2分)Dont wait for people to be friendly, show them a friendly person you are. A . whatB . howC . whenD . where14. (2分)The air is fresh in the park. You can go there. A . campB . to campC . campin

6、gD . to camping15. (2分) ? Its a book.A . Whats your phone numberB . Whats your nameC . Whats thisD . Where is it二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I work as a volunteer for an organization that helps the poor in Haiti. Recently I took my son Barrett there for a w

7、eek, hoping to1 him. Before setting out, I told Barrett this trip would be tiring and2 . For the first two days, he said almost nothing. I worried the trip was too muchfor a 17-year-old boy. Then on day three, as we were climbing3 high rocky mountains, he turned to me and grinned (咧嘴笑), Pretty hard.

8、After that there was no turning back. A five-year-old girl, wearing a dress several sizes4 large and broken shoes, followed Barrett around, mesmerized (着迷). He couldnt stop5 . Later he said regretfully . I 6 I could speak French. I was7this from a boy who hated and 8 French classes throughout school

9、.Usually silent, hemade friends with Gaby, our host, and kept asking questions about the country and its people. He came aliveHowever, the moment that really took9 breath away happened during my interview with a woman villager for an article at her house deep in the mountains. 135 centimeters tall,

10、she was small in figure but strong in10 . Through determination(决心), she had learned to read and write and11to become part of the leadership of thevillage. her story, Barrett was astouchedas I by this tiny womans achievements. His eyes were wet and 12 was amixture of love and respect on his face. He

11、 had finally understood the importance of my work. 13 When leaving for home, Barrett13offered to staybehind as a volunteer. My insides suddenly felt struck. This14 achieved all Id expected. Soon he will celebrate his 18th birthday. Hell be a man.(1)A . help B . please C . attract D . educate (2)A .

12、difficult B . unforgettable C . dangerous D . exciting (3)A . in B . to C . over D . above (4)A . too B . very C . even D . so (5)A . joking B . crying C . shouting D . smiling (6)A . expect B . wish C . think D . doubt (7)A . pleased B . disappointed C . surprised D . sad (8)A . came to B . put away C . fought against D . took up (9)A . my B . his C . our D . her (10)A . brain B . body C . will D . health (11)A . seemed B . struggled C . agreed D . liked (12)A . Reading B . Listening C . Learning D . Writing (13)A . it B . he C . that D . there (14)A . ever B . still C . hardly D .


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