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1、沪教版中考英语专题复习单词拼写(真题)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共19题;共114分)1. (10分)A nurses job is to take good care of every _(a person who is ill) in hospital. 2. (5分)When we went to the t_(顶端) of the Mount Tai, we were all happy. 3. (1分)Do you think it _ (必要的) to have a friend who has cool clothes? 4. (1分)If t

2、hat is not what you want, you can refuse it _ (完全地). 5. (1分)Helens parents went to a meeting yesterday. She had to go to the zoo a_. 6. (1分)Ma Yun is a r_(富有的) businessman in China. 7. (1分)根据所给中文提示填写单词的正确形式 How do students around the world go to school? In North America, most students go to school _

3、(乘坐公交车). Some students also _(步行) or _(骑自行车) to school. In Japan, most students go to school _(乘火车), although others also walk or ride their bikes. In China, students have more choices. Most students like going to school _(骑自行车). Some students get to school _(步行) if they live close to school. Its _(

4、最便宜的) way. Some students take the underground if they live _(最远地) from school. Most students like taxis because theyre _(更安全) and faster. _(乘出租车) is the _(最舒服的) way but the _(最贵的). Buses are not popular, because they are _(比较慢) and _(比较拥挤). There are so many road accidents these days. We should be _

5、(小心) all the time.8. (6分)根据短文内容及所给中文提示拼写单词,补全短文。 During the past one hundred years, there have been many inventions. Most of them make our life much _(容易) and more interesting. TV is one of them. Many people enjoy watching TV for _(乐趣). Some even believe that TV has _(使得) their children smarter beca

6、use there are all kinds of information on it such as news, _(科学),sports, music and language. Children can learn a lot from TV in a short time without going out. Many parents are happy to know this because they _(自己) are too busy to spend time with their children.But we have found that more and more

7、children today have problems _(阅读), thinking and concentrating even though they have watched a lot of TV. In fact, getting much information doesnt _(意味着) real learning. Children who watch too much TV dont have _(足够) time to think or communicate with people. _(除此之外), it takes time and love for childr

8、en to grow up. What children need _(最多) is their parents. Parents give children love, help them solve problems and teach children what real life is.9. (5分)He doesnt eat much, so he is _(健康). 10. (5分)Miss Li is a nice teacher. E_ in our class likes her. 11. (5分) Is he a _ (经理)? Yes, he is. 12. (8分)Wh

9、atever Lilly says, n_of her parents agrees with her ideas. 13. (10分)上星期四是教师节,请根据提示将短文内容补充完整,每空一词。(5分) Last Thursday was _Day. Students _the festival in many ways for their teachers. Some of them bought flowers and small gifts _teachers, while others gave teachers some cards with their best wishes. S

10、ome students even gave performances, like singing and dancing. But no matter _they did, it was their love for their teachers. All the teachers felt _on that day.14. (10分)根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处单词的正确形式(每空一词)。 Life is short, so you have to make the most of it. Did anybody tell you that? _(或许) they just

11、 said YOLO to you. It stands for You Only Live Once, and is a very popular phrase on the _(互联网).Having a YOLO attitude(态度) means that you make the _(大多数) of every day. It means you enjoy your life, because you only get one. Someone who has a YOLO attitude is always open to doing new and fun activiti

12、es.Now, thanks 10 a US study, YOLO might be more _(比) just a popular saying. A study found it might be _(更健康的) to have a YOLO attitude!A research team did an experiment (实验) with two _(组) of students from different US universities. One group pretended(假装) they _. (只有) had 30 days left before moving

13、to a new city. They did lots of activities and _(度过) time with people they loved. In other words, they had a YOLO lifestyle. Another group went on living _(他们的) normal lives.At the end of the experiment, the students did a survey to find out how happy they were. It _(显示) that the first group were mu

14、ch happier.The study shows that being active and making close friendships are important for us to enjoy our lives.15. (10分)写出下列动词的第三人称单数和现在分词形式。 (1)set _(2)sit _(3)play _(4)have _(5)laugh _(6)cook _(7)make _(8)go _16. (5分)根据句意和所给汉语,完成句子每空一词(1)Her ways of solving problems are different from_(我的)(2)The hotel is_(在的后面) the police station(3)People in some countries eat many_(土豆) as their main food(4)The exam is very important to us,so we must t


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