上海版中学七年级下学期英语期中测试(II )卷.doc

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1、上海版中学七年级下学期英语期中测试(II )卷一、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Theres _800-metre-long road behind _hospital.A . an, anB . a, aC . an, theD . a, the2. (2分) What are you doing, Mike? Im waiting for the _ of the wallet that I found on the road. A . directorB . winnerC . authorD . owner3. (2分)The dish doesnt _ nice.

2、 I dont think it has a good _.A . taste; tasteB . look;lookC . taste; lookD . look; taste4. (2分)_ Yes, it is.A . What is this in English?B . Is it a computer?C . What is three and five?D . Are you nine?5. (2分) _ is your father? Hes 43. A . How oldB . WhereC . WhatD . Who6. (2分)Miss Read is good _ mu

3、sicShe can be good _ children in the music club. A . at, atB . with, withC . at, withD . with, at7. (2分)_ the game sound_ ? A . Is; interestingB . Is; interestedC . Does; interestingD . Does; interested8. (2分)Look! The boys _ football on the playground. A . playsB . are playingC . is playingD . play

4、9. (2分)Glad to meet you, Linda._A . Goodbye!B . Glad to meet you, too.C . Im fine.10. (2分)Taiwan Island is_ the southeast of China.A . inB . onC . to11. (2分)Does Mr. Green teach _ Chinese or English?A . theirB . youC . ourD . his12. (2分)The boy was _ clever that he can work out the problem in _ a sh

5、ort time. A . so; soB . such; soC . such; suchD . so; such13. (2分)What do you think of Cindy?_.A . She loves wearing sunglassesB . She likes reading EnglishC . Shes cute, I like her very muchD . She often goes to school on foot14. (2分)The sign of _ means “Recycle”.A . B . C . D . 15. (2分)His grandpa

6、rents live _ in a small house, but they dont feel _.A . lonely; aloneB . alone; lonelyC . lonely; lonelyD . alone; alone二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意。然后从各题所绘的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。AThis is Mikes classroom. There are thirty 1. There is a clock on the wall. 2clock is very old. There are thirty s

7、tudents: eighteen boys and twelve girls. Miss Wang is their teacher. She is a good teacher. Its about 4 oclock. Its time 3home. Look 4Mike! He is behind the 5. And the door is clean.(1)A . desk and chair B . desks and chairs C . desks and chair D . desk and chairs (2)A . A B . An C . The D . / (3)A

8、. going to B . will go C . to go D . goes (4)A . / B . in C . to D . at (5)A . door B . floor C . school D . flowers 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共22分)17. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。For years I wanted a garden. Id spend hours thinking of diferent things I could plant that would look nice together.But then we had Mathew, a

9、nd Marvin, and the twins - Alisa and Alan, and then Helen. I was too busy raising them to grow a garden.Money was not enough. Neither was time. Often when my children were little, one of them would want something that cost too much, Id have to say,Do you see a money tree outside? Money doesnt grow o

10、n trees, you know.Finally, all the children got through high school and college and were off on their own. I started thinking again about a garden.Then, one spring morning, on Mothers Day, I was working in my kitchen. Suddenly, I looked out of the window and there was a new tree, planted right in my

11、 yard. There were things blowing around on it. Then I put my glasses on and I couldnt believe what I saw. There was a money tree in my yard!I went out to look. It was true! There were dollar bills, one hundred of them, hanging all over that tree. There was also a note among them, Thank you for your

12、time, Mom. We love you!Later, my children bought me tools, ornaments(装饰品), a sunflower stepping stone and gardening books. A new page started in my life.That was three years ago. My garden is now very pretty, just like I wanted. When I go out and take care of my flowers, I dont seem to miss my child

13、ren as much as I once did. It feels like theyre right there with me. Now every year when winter comes, I look out of my window and think of the flowers Ill see next spring in my little garden. I think about what my children did for me, and I get tears in my eyes - every time.Im still not sure that money grows on trees. But I know love does!(1)How many children did the writer have? A . Three.B . Five.C . Four.D . Six.(2)What did the mother mean when she said “Money doesnt grow on trees”? A . She was too busy to plant a money tree at that time.B . It wasnt easy for her to make money to ra


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