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1、人教版2020届中考英语押题卷(一)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空(共15小题,计30分) (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) How do you relax yourself in your free time?一 I like to listen to music. I think its a good way to _ stress.A . reduceB . produceC . describe2. (2分)Does Ted tell you if he _ next Sunday? No, he doest. But if he _, Ill give you

2、a ring.A . will come, will comeB . comes, will comeC . will come,comesD . comes, comes3. (2分)Please hold on to your dream _ one day it comes true. A . ifB . UntilC . unlessD . though4. (2分)What are you going to do tomorrow? Well go to the library tomorrow if it _.A . isnt rainB . rainC . doesnt rain

3、5. (2分)Learning _ time and effort.I agree with you. A . requiresB . remembersC . reduces6. (2分)How does Jane _with her mother? _making phone calls or chatting online?A . keep in touch; WithB . keeping touch; ByC . keep in touch; ByD . keeping touch; With7. (2分)What do you think of your junior high s

4、chool life?I think it is enjoyable, I sometimes have some trouble in study.A . ifB . thoughC . whileD . until8. (2分)He has much as an engineer. So he can build the bridge successfully. A . balanceB . experienceC . surface9. (2分)I havent seen my grandparents for long. Im too busy them these days. A .

5、 visitsB . to visitC . visiting10. (2分)Please give some candy _ the children _ a treat. A . to; forB . for; forC . for; asD . to; as11. (2分)With the help of Miss Wang, Li Ling has _ great progress in English. A . madeB . doneC . takenD . picked12. (2分)I want to know if Mr. Green _here tomorrow.If he

6、 _, Ill tell you.A . comes, comesB . will come, will come C . will come, comesD . comes, will come13. (2分)That is the cook _ came from London. A . thatB . whichC . /D . who14. (2分)Mike _sing but he can play the guitar. A . cantB . canC . couldD . couldnt15. (2分)(2015黑龙江牡丹江)The Chopsticks Brothers _

7、sings Little Apple won the International Song Award in 2014.A . whoB . whatC . which二、 阅读理解(共10小题,计10分) (共2题;共10分)16. (5分)阅读理解 Goal(射门)! Football, or soccer, is one of the worlds most popular sports. The game first came from old China, though the modern football game began on the streets of old Engl

8、and. The rule is simple: get the ball in the other teams goal, not using your hands or arms. With simple rules and easy equipment(设备), people can play football anywhere. But the game needs teamwork.The mens game came into the Olympics at the 1900 Paris Games in France. The womens game came into the

9、Olympics at the 1996 Atlanta Games in Georgia. At the Olympics, players play for two 45-minute halves, with 11 players on each team.At the Olympics, we make 16 mens and 12 womens teams into groups of four teams. Each team plays against every other team in their group. The best eight teams in the men

10、s and womens competitions move onto the quarterfinals. In the end the best one will become the winner of the game.(1)The football game first started in . A . FranceB . AmericaC . ChinaD . England(2)The underlined word teamwork means . A . 努力工作B . 协同工作C . 独立工作D . 体力劳动(3)How long is a football game at

11、 the Olympics? A . 40 minutes.B . 45 minutes.C . 80 minutes.D . 90 minutes.(4)When did the mens game begin at the Olympics? A . In 1900.B . In 1996.C . In 2004.D . In 2012.(5)How many mens teams play games at the Olympics? A . 11.B . 12.C . 16.D . 24.17. (5分)阅读下面材料,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。COne day,

12、 an American man Simon went to London to visit his friend, Rick. Rick told him that his flat(公寓) was on the first floor. When he arrived, Simon went straight to the first floor of the building. But a man told him that there was no Rick on that floor. Do you know why?In fact, the British (英国人) call t

13、he first floor of a building the ground floor. The floor above the ground floor is the first floor, but Americans would call it the second floor.The story shows that there are a few culture differences between Britain and America, though the British and Americans both speak English.The British dont like showing their feelings. They hardly start a small talk with strangers. For example, on the train the British often spend their time reading newspapers or books. But Americans are quite different. Theyre more active and easier to talk with.The British and Americans may use different


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