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1、九年级英语二轮复习各语法项目分工任务模版九年级二轮专项复习材料语法项目 (例如:动词) 学校: (例如: 蒙阴三中) 负责人: 一、考点梳理在英语考试中动词应用考察较多,既是一个重要的知识点,又是一个难点。主要出现在单项选择、完型填空、用短文中所给动词的正确形式填空等题型中。 动词应用就是用正确的时态、语态、语气来表达所需要的句子,另外,还需掌握一些固定的搭配、句型。(结构如下,以learn为例) 类别 谓语动词结构 主动句 被动句 现在时态 一般现在时 Learn/learns Be+learned 现在进行时 Be+learning Be+being+learned 现在完成时 Have/

2、has+learned Have/has+been+learned 现在完成进行时 Have/has+been+learning 过去时态 一般过去时 learned Was/were+learned 过去进行时 Was/were+learning 过去将来时 Would+learn 过去完成时 Had+learned 将来时态 一般将来时 Will/shall+learn Be going to+learn Be+learning 一 一般现在时 一般现在时表示现阶段经常反复发生的动作。如:she often goes to school by bike.这类用法常与often,usuall

3、y,sometimes,every day.等连用。 一般现在时表示现阶段存在的状态。如:there are 45 students in Class.The books are on the desk. 一般现在时表示性格,能力,爱好,相貌等。如:He is tall, strong and naughty. She likes dancing. 二 现在进行时 表示现在或现阶段正在发生的动作。如:They are playing basketball on the playground now . 常与now, these days等连用。 也可根据句意或上下文确定,如:Look! Mr

4、Green is sweeping the floor. 三 现在完成时 1 已完成用法 过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。动词为瞬间动词。常与never,ever,already,just,yet,so far等连用。如: I have never seen this film before. Have you packed it yet? 注意:already 用于肯定句中,yet用于否定或疑问句中。在把含有already的肯定句变为否定句或疑问句时,同时要把already 改为yet.如: He has already finished his homework .(改为否定句)

5、 He hasnt finished his homework yet. 现在完成时虽然是过去的动作,但强调的是对现在造成的影响,所以现在完成时是现在的时态,不能与过去的状语连用。如: He has closed the windows last night.() ago 与before 作副词讲,都表示“以前”,但ago 用于一般过去式中,而before用于完成时中。如:I visited him three days ago, but his neighbor said he had gone to London two days before. 2 未完成用法 开始于过去的某一动作一直持

6、续到现在,还有可能继续持续下去。动词为延续性动词。常与since或for 连用。 We have learned 5,000 words since we came to this school. (注意since 前后的时态) They have known each other since 2,000. (=They have known each other for ten years.) 四 现在完成进行时态 现在完成进行时表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在的动作。强调动作的持续性。如:I have been sitting here for an hour. 五 一般过去式 表示过

7、去某一时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常与yesterday, last year, in 1976, a few months ago等连用。 I met him in the street yesterday. There was a small forest near our school in the past. 表示过去一段时间内经常反复发生的动作,常与often, usually等连用。如:Mr Green often went to work on foot last term. 六 过去进行时 表过去某一时刻正在发生的动作。(该过去时刻通常有一个短语或时间状语从句来表明,须认真理解

8、把握)如: My grandfather was reading a newspaper at 9:00 P.M. yesterday. My teacher was writing when I came into the teachers office. 七 过去将来时 过去将来时表示从过去的某一时间点看将要发生的动作或存在的状态。常用在宾语从句尤其是间接引语中。这里所说的过去的某一时间往往是指过去的某一动作。如:He said he would go for a walk with his family the next day. (指从他说话时的时间看将要发生的动作) 八 过去完成时

9、表过去发生的某一动作对之后的过去的某一时间造成的影响或结果,即“过去的过去”如:When I got to school, Amy had finished her homework. They had planted 3,800 trees by the end of last year. 九 一般将来时 指从目前看将要发生的动作或存在的状态。有三种表达方法,如: 1 He will visit his grandparents tomorrow. 2 He is going to visit his grandparents tomorrow. 3 He is visiting his g

10、randparents tomorrow. (考试时建议用第一种) 十 主将从现 主句用将来时,以when, as soon as, before, after等引导的时间状语从句或以if, unless等引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时(表将来)。如: I ll call you as soon as I get to Beijing. Hell give the backpack to you when he comes back. Dont get off the bus before it stops. Well have a picnic if we are free tomorrow

11、. I wont go out for a walk unless it is warm. 十一 主过从过 指在含有宾语从句的复合句中,主句若为过去式,从句应用过去的某种时态。(若从句描述的是自然现象、客观真理除外)如: He told me his teacher had taught English for 20 years. I asked him if there would be a concert the next day. My mother told me the earth goes around the moon when I was a little boy. 语态 语态

12、分为主动语态和被动语态。被动语态说明主语与谓语动词之间是被动关系。(不及物动词无被动语态)如: We grow rice in the south of China.(主动语态) Rice is grown in the south of China.(被动语态) 重点掌握形式的被动语态: 1 一般现在时被动语态(am/is/are+过去分词) This kind of watch is made in China. 2 一般过去式被动语态(was/were+过去分词) His father was sent to Shanghai for business yesterday. 3 一般将来

13、时被动语态(will be+过去分词) The meeting will be held tomorrow afternoon. 4 现在进行时被动语态(am/is/are+过去分词) The bananas are being cut up by my mother. 5 现在完成时被动语态(have/has+been+过去分词) My homework has already been handed in. 6 含有情态动词的被动语态(情态动词+be+过去分词) Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 主动句变被动句

14、的几种特殊情况: 1 主动句中感官动词see/hear/watch/feel+sb do sth. 役使动词make/let/have+sb+do sth. 不带to 的动词不定式作宾补,变为被动语态时要加上to.如: The boss made the children work for 12 hours a day. The children were made to work for 12 hours a day. We heard her sing in the next room. She was heard to sing in the next room. 2 含双宾语的主动句变

15、被动句时,有两种情况: 间接宾语作主语。 She gave me some flowers for my birthday. I was given some flowers by her for my birthday. 直接宾语也可以作主语,但要在间接宾语前加to或for.加to 的一般有give,pass,lend,show等。加for的动词有buy等。 Some flowers were given to me by her for my birthday. Amy brought me his family photos yesterday. Amy family photos we

16、re brought to me by him yesterday. My uncle bought me a new bike. A new bike was bought for me by my uncle. 虚拟语气 时态表示动作发生或状态存在的时间。语态表示主语与谓语动词之间的关系。而语气则是表示说话人说话时的口气。我们只学习与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。 If+过去式从句,主语+would+动词原形二、中考链接【2012 山东临沂】1. Traveling to space is no longer just a dream. Russia _the first hotel in space in the near future.A



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