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1、牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020年初中英语七年级上册期中考试模拟卷一C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 选出与划线部分意义相近的一项。 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)If you dont work hard enough, I dont think your dream will come _. A . trulyB . trueC . truthD . trues2. (2分)What you said brings pain to Jack.Its my fault. Ill apologize to him.A . peaceB . importanceC . unhappi

2、ness3. (2分)Jane usually goes to bed at a quarter to ten. A . a quarter past nineB . ten a quarterC . nine forty-fiveD . ten past fifteen4. (2分)Can we follow him?Wed better not. Even he himself doubts the things he has done.A . doesnt feel sure aboutB . is clear aboutC . makes sure of5. (2分)Ms Greens

3、 baby will walk in a few weeks A . canB . be able toC . couldD . able to6. (2分)Did you hear the good news?Yes. When we heard the news, we all shouted for joy.A . happinessB . angerC . sadness7. (2分)Would you like another bowl of noodles? Im I don t want to eat anything.A . hungryB . fullC . richD .

4、poor8. (2分)Do you know how old Miss Liu is?I dont know exactly how old she is, but I think she is around thirty.A . aboutB . overC . only二、 单选题 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)A means a holiday, and people can do whatever they like during the holiday.A . seatB . vacationC . festival10. (2分)Jack, the Maldives(马尔代夫)

5、 may because of the rising sea levels. God! Lets do something to stop that happening.A . riseB . moveC . growD . disappear11. (2分)Granny, you look so weak, whats wrong with you?Terrible. The factory made noise. It was noisy. I couldnt sleep well last night.A . too much; too muchB . too much; much to

6、oC . too many; much tooD . much too; much too12. (2分) Is that _ book? Yes, it is.A . EnglandB . JapanC . an EnglandD . an English13. (2分) How about_ English? Its great.A . learnB . learnsC . learningD . to learn14. (2分)When you dont know a word, you can _ in a dictionary. A . look it upB . give it u

7、pC . pick it up15. (2分)The New Years costume ball(化妆舞会) is coming. What will you _?A . dress atB . dress in asC . dress up D . dress up as三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空。Hello! My1is Mammon. I 2a girl. I wear (穿着) a nice jacket. Its color is3. I like it. I have a new classmate(新同学). He is a4. His na

8、me 5Jim Miller. His 6name is Jim. He wears a 7, too. It is white. I ask(问) him 8question, “Whats 9telephone number?” His 10is “2953374 ”. Mr. Huang is my English teacher. He is a good teacher.(1)A . number B . family C . card D . name (2)A . am B . is C . are D . be (3)A . fine B . yellow C . Englis

9、h D . nice (4)A . girl B . pen C . case D . boy (5)A . am B . is C . are D . be (6)A . last B . family C . first D . English (7)A . ruler B . quilt C . jacket D . watch (8)A . / B . an C . the D . a (9)A . my B . his C . your D . her (10)A . friend B . pen C . map D . number 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17. (8

10、分)阅读下面四篇短文,根据文章的内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。AIn class, Peter put up his hand and said to his teacher, I lost my baby tooth.Congratulations, Mrs. Gilbert said. Then she asked the class if anyone had any advice for Peter.Keiko, a Japanese girl, put up her hand first. If it is a lower tooth, you shoul

11、d throw it over the roof of your house; if it is an upper tooth, you should put it under the floor. Then your new adult tooth will grow properly.You shouldnt throw your baby tooth away, Peter. You should keep it and give it to your mother, said Jack, a French boy.Why should I do that? asked Peter.Sh

12、e will make it into a necklace(项链) for you to wear, said Jack.Jorge, who was from Mexico, had some different advice. You should take your tooth home and put it under your pillow(枕头) when you go to sleep, Jorge said.Why should I do that? asked Peter.Because the tooth fairy(牙仙) will come to keep your

13、tooth and give you good luck. Sometimes she even brings a small toy.Peter liked Jorges advice the best. Mrs. Gilbert said to him, Whatever you decide, you should show your mother your tooth when you et home.When Peter got home, he showed his mother his tooth and told her his plan. The next morning, Peter woke up and looked under his pillow. The tooth was gone. In its place, he found a dollar and a letter. This is what the letter said:Dear Peter,Congratulations! You lost your first tooth. I will keep it forever. You should buy so


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