牛津深圳版七上英语Module 3 Travels unit6 travelling around Asia单元测试C卷.doc

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1、牛津深圳版七上英语Module 3 Travels unit6 travelling around Asia单元测试C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)Everyone is here. A . some peopleB . all peopleC . no people2. (2分)Every week they get mails from _ students A . thousandB . thousandsC . thousand ofD . thousands of3. (2分)Last week, o

2、ur sports meeting our parents and they thought of us.A . was open to; highB . was open to; highlyC . was open for; highD . was open for; highly4. (2分)We dont have enough books so you have to .OK. We three will use one book.A . findB . shareC . moveD . follow5. (2分)There we _ tents and made a fire to

3、 keep us warm and cook food on. A . put offB . put upC . get upD . pick up6. (2分)(2015云南曲靖)词语释义选出与句子中划线部分意义最接近的选项。In our school,some students always litter on the groundSo they do. Old habits die hard A . Its hard to throw away the bad habitsB . Its good to have some habitsC . Its easy to change the

4、 habitsD . Its fun to follow the rules7. (2分)There is a pen _ on the floor; whose is it? A . lieB . puttingC . lyingD . lieing8. (2分)Children should ask adults for advice before making an important decision. But nowadays children prefer to do things in their own way.A . teenagersB . peersC . grown-u

5、ps二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)Lin Tao is good at all the subjects at school, _ English. A . reallyB . mostlyC . especiallyD . exactly10. (2分)The song Benpao sang by Yu Quan is so popular among the young at the moment. A . nowB . beforeC . soon11. (2分)He was supposed _ here yesterday. A . comeB

6、. to comeC . comingD . comes12. (2分)一My grandfather is 70 years oldWhat?He looks very A . youngB . coldC . tidyD . strange13. (2分)We had a very good time at the evening party.A . felt sadB . were busyC . enjoyed ourselves14. (2分)My neighbor who was a nice writer used to and we often talked about som

7、ething we were both interested in.A . drop byB . drop downC . drop offD . drop on15. (2分)Its time to save our planet. .We are facing a lot of environmental problems.A . Youre welcomeB . Youre rightC . Lucky youD . Its up to you三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Each mornin

8、g a rich man found a poor man sitting on a park bench(凳)The poor man always 1there, looking at the big 2 in which the rich man lived. One day the rich man got out of his car and said to the poor man, “Excuse me, but I just want to know3 you sit here and look at my hotel 4 ”.“Sir ,” said the poor man

9、, “I am a failure. I have no money, no family, no home. I sleep on this bench, and every night I dream that one day Ill sleep in that hotel.”The rich man said, “Tonight your dream will 5 . I will pay for the6 room in that hotel for you 7 a whole month.”A few days later, the rich man 8 the poor mans

10、room to ask him if he was enjoying 9 .To his 10 , he found that the man had moved out of the hotel, back to his 11 .When the rich man asked why, the poor man said, “You see, 12 Im down here sleeping on my bench, I dream Im up there , in that big hotel. Its a 13 dream. But when I was 14 there, I drea

11、med I was back to this cold bench. It was a terrible dream , and I15 get any sleep at all.”(1)A . sat B . stood C . slept D . jumped (2)A . car B . room C . hotel D . house (3)A . when B . how C . what D . why (4)A . yesterday morning B . every morning C . last night D . every night (5)A . come back

12、 B . come out C . come over D . come true (6)A . good B . well C . better D . best (7)A . for B . to C . with D . in (8)A . went passed B . broke into C . went past D . ran through (9)A . it B . itself C . him D . himself (10)A . joke B . happiness C . sadness D . surprise (11)A . house B . corner C . bench D . work (12)A . if B . when C . after D . as soon as (13)A . sad B . wonderful C . quick D . slow (14)A . out B . even C . up D . down (15)A . would B . wouldnt C . could D . couldnt 四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共46分)17. (8分)阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。DThe government in


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