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1、仁爱版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期末联考试卷A卷一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)When leaders of Chinese mainland(大陆)and Taiwan met in Singapore for _ first time since 1949, President Xi said, Today will be remembered in _ history.A . the; theB . the; /C . /; /D . /; the2. (2分)My friend Tina _ tennis on Sunday and so do I.A

2、. playB . dont playC . playsD . doesnt play3. (2分)This watch is Steves.Please_ . A . give it to himB . give him to itC . give to him itD . give it him4. (2分)Alice, we should be more careful to avoid _mistakes in paper. Yes, youve right. But it is too difficult.A . makingB . to makeC . madeD . make5.

3、 (2分)Whats the meaning ofOne Belt and One Road?Let me _ the words in the new dictionaryA . look atB . look forC . look afterD . look up6. (2分) Are you a soccer player in your school? Yes, I _ the team two years ago. I _ in the team for two years.A . joined; have beenB . was joined; amC . joined; was

4、D . joined; has been7. (2分)When youre _, you should listen to music that can make you happy. A . shyB . afraidC . strictD . down8. (2分)Compare this car that one,and youll see which is better A . forB . withC . atD . on9. (2分)Hes going to _ an engineer when he _ up. A . do; growsB . be; growC . be; g

5、rows10. (2分)My brother is_. He never _ his room.A . lazy; cleanB . lazy; cleansC . nice; cleanD . nice; cleans11. (2分)I saw two an apple when I came by. A . mice eatingB . mouses eatingC . mice ateD . mouses ate12. (2分)The teachers encourage their students to the problems by themselves, and in this

6、way students can enjoy success.A . give upB . work outC . look through13. (2分)What will you do during your vacation?We havent decided yet, but its really exciting to have so many days to have a rest.A . weekdayB . weekendC . holiday14. (2分)_ is the milk?15 yuan a bag.A . How manyB . How muchC . HowD

7、 . How old15. (2分) Can you help me?A . Yes, of course.B . Yes, thank you.C . No, please.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空Doing volunteer work is good for others,and its good for you, too.My friend Ben 1it “a winwin (双赢的) situation.” He says, “You feel good because youre helping others, and others feel

8、 good because theyre getting help.” Thats 2he does volunteer work every summer holiday.Of course that is not the only benefit(好处)you can get 3being a volunteer.Lets learn more about the reasons for volunteering.Get life experiences and skillsWhen doing the volunteer work, you can learn more about th

9、e real world, and you can practice your skills at the 4time.For example, as a new college student, Gregory 5his summer holiday volunteering at a hospital.He chose a hospital in Chinatown,6he could practice his language skills.He also found time to ask the7questions and learned a lot from them about

10、how to keep healthy.Meet interesting peopleBoth the people you are 8and the people you are working with can give you new ideas.They may give you interesting information and show you new9of looking at the world.Make a differenceDoing even 10things can make a big difference to others.So lets work toge

11、ther to make a better world!(1)A . learns B . sees C . calls D . tells (2)A . when B . where C . what D . why (3)A . with B . about C . from D . off (4)A . different B . same C . important D . comfortable (5)A . spent B . lost C . gave D . paid (6)A . but B . if C . when D . so (7)A . teachers B . e

12、ngineers C . doctors D . drivers (8)A . saving B . helping C . teaching D . calling (9)A . ways B . answers C . problems D . plans (10)A . important B . difficult C . creative D . small 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17. (10分)根据短文内容选择最佳答案。MSG(monosodium glutamate谷氨酸单钠) is a food additive(食品添加剂),which has been wi

13、dely used by many food factories all over the world since it appeared first in Japan in 1909.MSG is a substance that is added to some food to improve its taste and color. It is used in foods around the world such as cakes, bread, frozen meat, fish and vegetables. In the beginning, people thought MSG

14、 was safe just like salt and sugar. However, in 1968 some people reported they seemed to have bad reactions(反应) to MSG after having had a meal at a restaurant. They included headaches and quick heartbeat . It was also reported that MSG excited a persons brain and caused his death in Japan. Scientists think that MSG may lead to many neurological disorders(神经紊乱). In mice studies done by a university, the result s


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