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1、仁爱版2020届九年级下学期英语期中测试D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共25题;共50分)1. (2分)There was a wooden horse in the square. _ horse was very huge. A . AB . AnC . TheD . /2. (2分)I can play _ guitar and _ piano. A . the; theB . the; /C . /; /D . a; a3. (2分)I _ Beijing three times, I know there very well.A . wentB . have b

2、een toC . have gone toD . have been in4. (2分)We dont know if our friend _tomorrow. If he _, we will buy something for him A . will come; will comeB . comes; comesC . will come; comesD . comes; will come5. (2分)_ our surprise, he didnt pass the English exam. A . InB . WithC . ByD . To6. (2分) _ there a

3、ny fruit in the fridge ? No, there isnt .A . WillB . Will beC . AreD . Is7. (2分)I really like the photo of my family my sister took in the city park last year. A . whichB . whoC . whatD . whom8. (2分)Mum, _I play the computer game for a while? Im afraid you have to finish your homework first. A . mus

4、tB . needC . willD . may9. (2分)In recent years more and more Indians like traveling in Asia during May Day. .A . So do we ChineseB . So we Chinese doC . Neither do we ChineseD . Neither we Chinese will10. (2分)I was very exciting _ I heard the news that the high-speed rail would be built from Guangzh

5、ou to Xiamen.( )A . after B . whenC . until D . while11. (2分) Look at the young lady in red. Is it Mrs King? No, It be her. She is wearing a white dress today.A . mustntB . canC . mustD . cant12. (2分)The CDS _ out just now. They _ very well. A . sold; soldB . were sold; soldC . were sold; were soldD

6、 . sold; were sold13. (2分)What did Tom say to you just now? John?He asked A . Why I am so happy todayB . What will I do for the weekendC . Who did I play football with after schoolD . if I could go to the movies wih him tonight.14. (2分)The living conditions in the countryside have improved greatly i

7、n recent years.The farmers are living a much _ life than before.A . happyB . happierC . happilyD . happiest15. (2分)Alice, how do your parents like pop music? my dad my mum likes it. But they both prefer Beijing Opera.A . Either; orB . Neither; norC . Not only; but alsoD . Both; and16. (2分)Its so car

8、eless of you to make a spelling mistake again.Sorry. I couldnt remember .A . when I learnt the wordB . if I have learnt the wordC . where should I put the silent tD . in which class did you teach the word17. (2分)The rich man _ much food_ the poor families during the hard time.A . provides, toB . pro

9、vide, withC . provided, withD . provided, for18. (2分)Alan, you cant go out to play football _ you clean your room. A . ifB . unlessC . sinceD . because19. (2分)It is believed that tea to Korea and Japan from China during the 6th and 7th centuries. A . broughtB . was broughtC . is brought20. (2分)There

10、 _ a football match and a concert this weekend. Which one would you like to go? A . isB . areC . will beD . will have21. (2分)Taiwan is _ _ the Treasure Island of China and it is a part of China.A . regard asB . regarded asC . regard toD . regarded to22. (2分)I hope to visit Hawaii some day. Is it a p

11、lace _ the weather is always warm?A . whatB . whenC . whereD . which23. (2分)The mother is worried _ her sons study.A . atB . onC . aboutD . with24. (2分) _ ? Yes, please. I want some apples.A . How are youB . Where are youC . Who are youD . Can I help you25. (2分)Who took my umbrella? _. But it wasnt

12、me.A . No ideaB . I seeC . Good ideaD . Go on二、 完形填空. (共1题;共15分)26. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。 Once there lived a farmer called Henry. He had a brother Mike, who was1excellent gardener. His skill and his beautiful trees were2everywhere. One day, Henry went to town to visit Mike

13、. Look, my brother, said Mike, here is the best 3tree from my garden. Take it home and plant it4you, and your children, and your childrens children can enjoy it. Henry was 5with the apple tree and went back home. The next morning, he began to wonder6he should plant it.If I plant it on the hill, he said to himself, the wind might catch it and 7down the fruit. If I plant it close to the road, people who pass by will8so


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