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1、沪教版2020届九年级英语中考模拟试卷C卷一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)一Is this Lisas bag?一Yes, it is A . herB . theirC . theirsD . hers2. (2分)He is .He is running on the playground. A . quick, quickB . quick, quicklyC . quickly, quicklyD . quickly, quick3. (2分) Must I stay here with you? No, you _. You may go home, but you

2、 _ go to the net bar (网吧).A . mustnt; needntB . neednt; mustntC . must; needD . need; must4. (2分)I dont understand the question. Please _. A . write it downB . write down itC . write down themD . write them down5. (2分)- Excuse me. Is there a pay phone near here?- No, . Maybe you can ask the police.A

3、 . there isntB . it isntC . they arentD . that isnt6. (2分)Put on your coat, and you _ cold. A . feelB . will feelC . wont feelD . feeling7. (2分)Its necessary for us _ to our parents when we have problems. A . to talkB . talkingC . talk8. (2分)Have you finished reading The Twilight Saga?No, I _ my hom

4、ework all day yesterday.A . was doingB . doingC . didD . have done9. (2分) terrible mess you have made!Sorry, I will clear it up right now.A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a10. (2分)Uncle Wang thinks the boots make his feet _ warm. A . feelingB . feelsC . to feelD . feel11. (2分)He wants to know _. A .

5、 where Jim livesB . where does Jim liveC . where Jim liveD . where does Jim lives12. (2分)Do you know where coffee was from first?It was said that coffee _in Africa a long, long time ago.A . discoveredB . inventedC . was inventedD . was discovered13. (2分)Can I help you, sir?I want a new book was writ

6、ten by Cao Wenxuan.A . whatB . whereC . whichD . who14. (2分)Please tell us the Science Museum. A . how can we reachB . how we can getC . how can we getD . how we can get to15. (2分)- Would you mind if I take the seat next to you?- _. The person who was here has finished his lunch and left.A . Certain

7、ly notB . Enjoy yourself C . Dont trouble meD . Yes, please二、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分) For years scientists have been arguing about whether nature or nurture (后天) decides what people will be like. Is it nature what people are 1 with that decides what they will be like? 2 is it nurture what3to people

8、 when they are born that decides what they will be like?Scientists have been studying twins to 4 if they can find the answer, because twins start out with the 5DNA. Sometimes twins dont live together at birth and grow up in different 6and different places so the nature is the same for both, but the

9、nurture is different.When scientists7 these twins in their later life, they some times find some surprising 8.Jim Springer and Jim Lewis were adopted(收养)by two different families at birth. They first met each other again thirty-nine years 9and discovered they had a lot in 10. Both had been 11twice.

10、Their first wives were both named Linda and their second wives were both named Betty!Each twin had a son one called his son James Alan and the 12 called his son James Alan, too. Their children each had a dog called “Toy”. They even arrived at their first 13in the same color of car.So far twin14seem

11、to show that both nature and nurture are important. What we have from birth, and how and where we live help to build 15 we are.(1)A . born B . grown C . taught D . made (2)A . So B . And C . If D . Or (3)A . pretends B . happens C . falls D . depends (4)A . hear B . win C . see D . plan (5)A . nice

12、B . same C . full D . free (6)A . families B . cities C . countries D . nations (7)A . believe B . suggest C . receive D . compare (8)A . numbers B . discoveries C . results D . decisions (9)A . ago B . later C . forward D . behind (10)A . common B . fact C . danger D . trouble (11)A . mentioned B .

13、 married C . succeeded D . interviewed (12)A . either B . else C . other D . only (13)A . competition B . education C . purpose D . meeting (14)A . studies B . movies C . challenges D . mysteries (15)A . what B . when C . where D . who 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)17. (10分)A hare was very popular with the other animals who all said they were her friendsBut one day she heard the hounds(猎犬)getting close and h


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