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1、7B Unit7 Its raining! 第1课时 Section A(1a-2c)一、自主学习1、个人自读、记忆本课单词。1. r_ _n, 2.w_ _dy 3.cl_ _dy, 4 su_ _y, 5 sn_ _ 6 w_ _ther , 7 c_k,2、小组内竞赛,翻译下列单词及短语 下雨_ 下雪_ 多风的_ 多云的 _ 晴朗的_ 天气_ 做饭 _ 坏的,糟的_ 在北京_ 玩电脑游戏_4掌握主要句式 1、学会谈论天气及人们正在进行的活动。句型:-Hows the weather in Beijing?-Its sunny. -Whats she doing?-Shes cooking

2、.5、认真观察a的图画,将词语与图片搭配,并核对答案。二、课堂学习1.完成1a, 并完成1c 的pairwork。2合作学习 1、Hows the weather in Shanghai? 上海的天气怎么样? Hows the weather ? 用来询问天气,相当于Whats the weather like? Whats the weather like in Beijing?= How is the weather in Beijing? 1)、_ is the weather like today? -Its_. A. How, wind B. How, windy C. What,

3、wind D. What, windy 2)weather 不可数名词,不能与不定冠词a, an连用 What good weather! 多么好的天气呀! 用bad, fine修饰 fine weather好/ 晴天 cloudy weather 阴天2.对话练习A: Hi! How is the weather in Beijing? B: Its sunny. 3.小组对话展示(询问天气和你朋友正在做什么?)三、当堂检测 根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子 1Its _ (有风的)in the Boston today. 2-Hows the _ (天气)in the Moscow? -It

4、s_ (晴朗的)。 3It often _ (下雪)in winter in the USA. 4Its _ (下雨)now.Please take your umbrella(雨伞)。 5Look,My mother is _ (做饭)in the kitchen. 句型转换 6It is cloudy in Shanghai now(对划线部分提问) _ the weather in Shanghai now? _ the weather_ in Shanghai now? 7There is much rain this year.(改为同义句) It _ very _ this yea

5、r. 8.Tom studies math every evening.(改为现在进行时) _9Hes playing computer games.(对划线部分提问) _ he _ ? 选择填空 1.Look at the _ ! Its _ heavily now. A rain rain B raining raining C rain raining D raining rainy 2.-Do you like _ ? -No,I dont. A rainy weather B a rainy weather C rainy day D rainy weathers 3 _ a col

6、d morning, he went to Beijing by bus. A. In B. On C. At D. Of三、达标检测。用所给词的适当形式填空1、Hows the weather there?Its _ (rain).2、The _ is shining. Its_ .(sun)3、There are a lot of_ in the sky. Its _ .(cloud)4、It often _ (rain) in summer in my hometown.5、The weather is_ (wind)and cold.6、-What_ he _(do)? -He is

7、playing computer games.7、-What are you doing? -Im_ (watch)TV.选择填空。( )1._ Jeff like oranges?A. Is B. Do C. Does( )2. Aunt Sarah _ every day. A.play computer games B.plays computer games C.is playing computer games( ) 3.-Hows the weather in Harbin? -Its _.A. snow B. snowing C. snows( ) 4. Tom is _ lun

8、ch. A. have B. haveing C. having句型转换;1. Im playing computer games. (变否定句)_ _ _ computer games.2. They are watching TV. (变一般疑问句)_ _ watching TV?3. Its cloudy. (对划线部分提问)_ is the weather?4. We are playing basketball. (对划线部分提问)_ are you _? 7B Unit 7 SectionA(2d-3b) 第2课时【学习目标】 1、复习谈论天气及人们正在进行的活动。 2.掌握句型:

9、(1)Hows the weather? 2)What are you doing? Im watching TV. 3)-Hows it going?-Great / Pretty good / Not bad / Terrible3.会利用所学语言进行打电话。【自主学习】一)。翻译下列词汇句子。1、今天云南的天气怎么样?:_?相当好!_2.你怎么样?(两人见面时)_? 4.糟糕的_5.不错_6好极了_ _ 7在公园 _ 8一条信息_ 9能,可以_10 回来,回原处_ 11捎口信_ 12给某人回电话_ 13 一道难题_ 14 没问题_ 15再一次做某事 _ 16 我是里克 _17 看望某人_

10、18 参观某地_19 玩得开心_20开心地做某事_ 21. 在家_- -22立即,此时_23 在打电话_ 24 打三小时电话_ 二)。1.说天气Hows the weather in Shanghai?=_the weather_in Shanghai?描述天气的形容词:刮风的 _ 晴朗的_ 下雨的 _ 下雪的 _多云的_晴朗的_ 回答天气也可以用 its+v.-ing,表示天气正处于某种状况。例如:北京天气如何?_在下雨。_ Its _ (rain) now . It is _ (rain).It often _ (rain) There is much _ _ (rainy) here today .练习The weather here is sunny._ _ the weather here? _ the weather _ here?2. 最近怎么样?_? 好极了_.(2)go 在句中的意思是进展。例如: Everything goes well. 一切进展顺利。合作探究照例子,练习对话Hows it going? GreatHows the weather? Its snowing.三):阅读课本



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