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1、人教版2020届九年级下学期英语4月调研考试试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)We ran to the classroom, it was too late.It rained suddenly. A . andB . soC . orD . but2. (2分)The country life _ greatly since 1992. A . changeB . has changedC . changingD . have changed3. (2分)The rose is a _ of love. A . mottoB . sy

2、mbolC . wayD . word4. (2分)Your iPad is quite nice. Where did you buy _? I want to buy _, too. A . one; oneB . it; itC . it; oneD . one; it5. (2分)Hell send us a message as soon as he _ in Sichuan.A . is arrivingB . will arriveC . arrivedD . arrives6. (2分)Has the government done _ to stop it?A . somet

3、hing usefulB . useful somethingC . anything useful7. (2分)Chinas 23rd Beidou Satellite _ into space _June 12,2016. A . was sent, inB . is sent, onC . was sent, on8. (2分)You _look before you cross the road. A . canB . wontC . shouldD . cant9. (2分)In the UK, a woman usually doesnt like to be asked _.A

4、. where she comes fromB . how much she weighsC . whether she had been marriedD . what is her age10. (2分)Could you help me carry the equipment to the basketball field, Robin? .Ill do it at once.A . Not at allB . No problemC . Wait a momentD . Thats right二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)Choose the best answ

5、er to complete the passage.It was a Friday evening. I was waiting at the bus stop after school when a car stopped and the driver opened the door. It was my 1. “Quick, get in!” he told me. I was very 2, but I did as he said.At first, I was worried that something 3happened. Then, I noticed my mother.

6、She was also 4the car and on the back seat. There were some bags of clothes and 5food. My father was driving the car, but he was not driving 6. He was driving out of the town. “Where are we going?” I asked.It was a warm evening and lots of people were walking along the road. It was the 7day of term.

7、 Did my parents have a big surprise for me? We were going somewhere special 8where? The next thing I can remember is falling 9. When I woke up, I saw the sea. We were at the beach. My father was smiling. “Here we are,” he said, “the summer holiday 10now!”(1)A . father B . mother C . brother D . sist

8、er (2)A . sad B . surprised C . excited D . glad (3)A . good B . important C . interesting D . bad (4)A . in B . on C . by D . at (5)A . many B . no C . some D . few (6)A . abroad B . home C . there D . here (7)A . first B . one C . worst D . last (8)A . or B . for C . but D . and (9)A . asleep B .

9、ill C . silent D . quiet (10)A . started B . starts C . ended D . ends 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共22分)12. (10分)(2011铜仁)Part-time Cleaning HelpAre you looking for a vacation job? Can you clean the house and cook? Then, I need you. The work is boring, but the pay is good. I need you from 2:00 pm5:00 pm, Monday to

10、Saturday. Please come to the cleaning center or call Mrs. Johnson at 544-9968.A Fitness CampFor Overweight KidsAre you too fat? Can you run as fast as your classmates? Have you failed your PE examination?Our fitness camp can help you lose weight and get fit again. Come and join us! Please call Natha

11、n at 475-2300.Next Wave Music StoreAfter 10 years of teaching the piano,David Smith has made his first CD!Come and meet him this weekend.Special presents for the first 50 people.Time: Sat. 7:00 pmCall Marsha at 8732059(1)The cleaner will workhours one week.A . 12B . 15C . 18(2)In the fitness camp, y

12、ou can.A . clean the houseB . lose weightC . meet David Smith(3)needs a cleaner.A . Mrs. JohnsonB . MarshaC . Nathan(4)You can call, if you want to go to the fitness camp.A . 544-9968B . 475-2300C . 8732059(5)If youre the tenth to come to, you can get a special present.A . the cleaning centerB . the

13、 fitness campC . Next Wave Music Store13. (6分) Martin had just finished high school. He would go to college at the far end of the city. He didnt want to live there, and he didnt want to take the bus either. So his father agreed to buy him a car.His father spent all his summer teaching him how to drive, from the ABC to the XYZ. Thinking of the great feeling of driving a new car, Martin learned very quickly, and received his drivers license just before his eighteenth birthday.The second day, all the family, and their dog, went to a car shop. Martin sp


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