沪教版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次适应性训练考试试卷(II )卷.doc

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1、沪教版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次适应性训练考试试卷(II )卷一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)My mother likes eggs _ breakfast. A . inB . hasC . forD . have2. (2分)Tom and I are in the same class. We are in _. A . class Two, grade OneB . Class Two, Grade oneC . Class Two, Grade OneD . Grade one, Class Two3. (2分)I am going to take this

2、 summer holiday in Taiwan.Oh, really? Taiwan is _ a beautiful island that _ people in Guangdong go to visit it every year.A . so; thousands B . so; thousands ofC . such; many thousandD . such; thousands of4. (2分)How often do you eat _? I guess I eat it two or three times a week.A . junk foodB . vege

3、tableC . bananaD . hamburger5. (2分)Dont give up. Try again. Its only _ difficult.A . a bitB . a lotC . veryD . too6. (2分)Please give me some .A . bananasB . a bananaC . appleD . tomato7. (2分)Miss Yang teaches _ English, and _ is a good teacher. A . us, sheB . we, herC . our, sheD . our, her8. (2分)Gr

4、andma is now at _. A . the doctorsB . the doctorsC . the doctorD . a doctors9. (2分) Why do you like music so much? It has the great_ to change peoples lives.A . strengthB . energyC . powerD . effort10. (2分)I look forward _ you soon. A . seeB . seeingC . to seeD . to seeing二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)

5、阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 I always believe that we can have a very important effect (影响) on anyone we meet. The right 1at just the right time could change someones life.When I was 3 years old, my parents found out I was 2. After asking many doctors and parents of other deaf children, they d

6、ecided to 3me in a normal (正常的) school.On my first day, the other kids 4me because of my hearing aid (助听器) and the way I talked. 5I seemed outgoing, my heart hurt a lot. Sometimes I was even 6to go to school.Mrs. Jordan, my teacher, changed all of that 7simple three words. One morning, she asked 8a

7、question.I put up my 9right away after reading Mrs. Jordans lips (嘴唇). She asked me to 10and answer it. I breathed deeply and answered Mrs. Jordans question 11.I will never 12what happened next.Mrs. Jordan pointed at me. With sparkling (闪光的) eyes and a big smile, she cried: 13, Stephen!For the first

8、 time in my young life, I got such a strong feeling of 14.At that moment, I decided that no matter how many difficulties I may face, I will try my best to 15them. Just from those three simple words, my whole life changed from that moment.(1)A . persons B . words C . questions D . decisions (2)A . bl

9、ind B . short C . deaf D . sick (3)A . send B . put C . teach D . pick (4)A . laughed at B . looked at C . smiled at D . shouted at (5)A . But B . Because C . So D . Although (6)A . happy B . afraid C . excited D . surprised (7)A . in B . on C . for D . with (8)A . her B . them C . him D . us (9)A .

10、 hand B . head C . arm D . leg (10)A . put up B . give up C . stand up D . clean up (11)A . carefully B . comfortably C . seriously D . nervously (12)A . forget B . remember C . stand D . mind (13)A . All right B . Excuse me C . Good idea D . Never mind (14)A . satisfaction B . fairness C . sadness

11、D . relaxation (15)A . refuse B . share C . solve D . believe 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共38分)12. (10分)阅读理解AMrs Gill lived next door to NitaEvery afternoon,Mrs Gill took a walkShe said it kept her youngNita liked to talk with Mrs Gill when Mrs Gill came backMrs Gill was always happy after her walkShe often showed

12、 Nita something she had foundlike a beautiful red leafOne afternoon, Mrs Gill looked sadNita asked her whyI am sad about all the trash (垃圾)on the streetshe saidI never saw so much trash in this neighbourhood(街区)!What happened?Mrs Trent movedsaid NitaShe often went out each morning and picked up tras

13、h beforeI often saw her on my way to schoolMrs Gill looked very I thought I knew everything about this neighbourhood!she saidBut you see more than I do!Well1 wish I could do Mrs Trents jobBut you know,my back(背)often hurtsIts really hard for me to pick things up,she saidI could do thatsaid NitaMrs Gill saidI will carry the trash bag!You can use my gloves so your hands can stay cleanNita put on the glovesShe picked up pieces of paperShe picked up boxesAnd Mrs Gill carried the bagLots of people stopped to thank Mrs Gill and NitaThe street lo


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