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1、闽教版备战2020年小升初专题复习(语法专练)时态辨析B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分)Susan English and Music on Friday afternoon. A . haveB . hasC . having2. (2分)What are you_to do tomorrow? A . goesB . goC . going3. (2分)They will help the boy _. A . learningB . learntC . learn

2、4. (2分)Thats _ late! ( )A . tooB . toC . many5. (2分)A: Where does your mother work?B: She in a hotel.A . workB . workedC . works6. (2分)_ it mean Danger!?Yes, youre right.A . IsB . DoesC . Do7. (2分)I _ late for school, because I _ up late.A . was; wokeB . went; stayedC . go; woke8. (2分)They stayed at

3、 home_. A . every dayB . yesterdayC . next week9. (2分)How much _ your pencil? A . areB . amC . is10. (2分)Mrs. Wang knows _this story. A . aboutB . atC . in11. (2分)I want to buy a book _ my brother. A . toB . atC . for12. (2分)Is this your English book? A . Yes, I am. B . Yes, it is.13. (2分)He was fam

4、ous _ the world. A . fromB . toC . around14. (2分)Is it Stevens book?Yes. It is _ book.A . hisB . herC . he15. (2分)We picked many apples and _ on the farm. A . go to fishB . went to fishingC . went fishing16. (2分)There was a small boy _ a very poor family. A . forB . fromC . of17. (2分)I _ a Christmas

5、 gift for you yesterday.A . buysB . bringedC . buyedD . brought18. (2分)Tims mother_ angry because Tim_ homework yesterday. A . is, isnt doingB . did, didnt doC . was, didnt do19. (2分)What _ he _ last night?A . did; doB . did; didC . does; do20. (2分)It is a good time .A . singB . to singC . singingD

6、. sang21. (2分)There were many people . A . to thereB . at thereC . there22. (2分)That girl runs _. A . slowlyB . badC . good23. (2分)_ I go to the park after dinner. A . SometimesB . SometimeC . Some time24. (2分)My brother _ many presents from his friends yesterday. A . getsB . gettingC . got25. (2分)L

7、ast Saturday I _ a lucky day. A . haveB . hasC . had26. (2分)Our team played _the Red team. A . withB . toC . and27. (2分)What _ you _ next weekend? A . are; doingB . do; doC . are; going to do28. (2分) Do you have a new pen pal? A . Yes, I do.B . Yes, we have.C . No, we arent.29. (2分)_you come back ye

8、sterday ? A . AreB . DoC . Did30. (2分)We _have a football match tomorrow. A . are goingB . are go toC . are going to31. (2分)Lisa and her mother the art museum next Sunday.A . went toB . is going toC . are going to32. (2分)Hes a pilot. He an aeroplane. A . flyB . flysC . flies33. (2分)The food in the h

9、otel tasted . A . badlyB . badC . well34. (2分)He will _ our new English teacher. A . beB . isC . are35. (2分)We sing songs _ Christmas. A . byB . atC . /36. (2分)I a wonderful holiday last month A . haveB . hadC . has37. (2分)Listen ! Xiaohua _ in her room .A . is singingB . singingC . sings38. (2分)Wha

10、t Amy last weekend? A . did;doB . do;doC . does;do39. (2分)There are _seasons in a year. A . fourB . fourthC . seven40. (2分)It will be sunny _ Sunday. A . inB . onC . at41. (2分)It will be _ tomorrow. It often _ in Gaoyou in summer. A . rainy; rainsB . rainy; rainC . rain; rains42. (2分)_ your city cle

11、an? A . DoB . DoesC . Is43. (2分)Did you have fun today?_.A . Yes, we didnt.B . No, we did.C . Yes, we did.44. (2分)Lets play! A . 让我们一起玩吧! B . 棒极了!45. (2分)I _ your new teacher. A . amB . isC . are46. (2分)What your school five years ago? A . was; likeB . did; likeC . was; likes47. (2分)Tony looks tired, why?Because he _ late last night.A . stayed upB . stayC . stayed in48. (2分)What did you do yesterday?I . I saw pandas and tigers there.A . went to the zooB . went to schoolC . go to the zoo49. (2分)What did you buy?I _ some juice.A . buyB . buysC . bought50. (2分)


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